uniquegardens 52 for 2010 - wk 15 "Single" pg 7

Just beautiful :clap:
I'm always blown away by your still-life shots and that one is just spot on.
A lot of thought has obviously gone into setting it up. Lovely layers of colour with the different fruit and the way that the cream is sliding down is so perfect that you couldn't have painted it any better.

Full marks again from me.

It was the ghosting yes, just one of those little irritations. (any ideas) :thinking:

I've found that a sheet of acetate over a black card makes for a good reflective surface without any ghosting.
I was impressed with the reflections that I got with this method in week 1. The only issue that I had was that I was using a roll of acetate from the old Overhead Projector days and it still had a bit of a kink in it when I unrolled it.
I quite liked the curvy reflections in that shot, but to get something pin sharp I think you'd have to look at buying flat acetate sheets. I'm not sure that anywhere still sells them :shrug:
chopped fruit is a corker
composition 11/10
lighting 11/10

excellent stuff! :clap:
....aaaaaand now I'm hungry.

This is just brilliant. Nuff said.

Cheers RobC, thank you very positive comment.

Brilliant chopped photo - works beautifully, and a great choice of black background. Bet it was very tasty too! :)

Hi NickT,
Thank you very much too, the get the fruit to really pop I thought the black BG was my only choice. It was too, very tasty.

Fantastic idea for your Chopped theme, like it a lot and you've done a great job on the lighting for it too. Good luck with the rest of the year. (y)


Hi Tommy, without sounding like a parrott, I really appreciate your congratulations and thank you for your best wishes.

Just beautiful :clap:
I'm always blown away by your still-life shots and that one is just spot on.
A lot of thought has obviously gone into setting it up. Lovely layers of colour with the different fruit and the way that the cream is sliding down is so perfect that you couldn't have painted it any better.

Full marks again from me.

I've found that a sheet of acetate over a black card makes for a good reflective surface without any ghosting.
I was impressed with the reflections that I got with this method in week 1. The only issue that I had was that I was using a roll of acetate from the old Overhead Projector days and it still had a bit of a kink in it when I unrolled it.
I quite liked the curvy reflections in that shot, but to get something pin sharp I think you'd have to look at buying flat acetate sheets. I'm not sure that anywhere still sells them :shrug:

Thank you so very much Sarah, thats too kind. I have started to make model landscapes (little people etc) for when it gets picked out.

I do enjoy this kind of photography (still life) but it is harder than you think.
I'll try the acetate approach, sounds like a good plan to me - thank you.

chopped fruit is a corker
composition 11/10
lighting 11/10

excellent stuff! :clap:

This is all very new to me (photography) so to see comments like this is overwhelming, thank you so very much mmcp42.

Wk1 - I like the colour shot more for that photo.... could work in B&W if there was some back ground may be rather than a close up ?

Wk2 - Not sure

Wk3 - Love it - advertising material....


Hi Terran,
cheers for that, (y) single rose in a vase?. Not into Peas "n" Honey?, I thought everyone loved Peas n Honey :LOL:, thank you for your very positive comment for week 3. (y) Thought about sending it off but not sure how I would go about it (criteria to follow?). :thinking:

Hi Graham, I'm liking your work so far.
1. The first shot works for me.
2. Fantastic poem and a great image to match.
3. Well chopped sir. I suddenly feel peckish.

Thats very kind of you, cheers mate. (y)
Great idea and very well taken Graham... looks very tasty and is on theme. I can't decide (my brain is doing funny things...) if the cream is dripping down, or climbing up...
Great idea and very well taken Graham... looks very tasty and is on theme. I can't decide (my brain is doing funny things...) if the cream is dripping down, or climbing up...

Thank you John, (y)
I can see that, it is amazing how the brain, eye can play tricks
Last edited:
better late than the "Joker" - tied up with work.

Not sure about this one, it was very rushed, and only took it this morning :crying:,
annoying cause I had planned a much different shot, but just couldn't find the time. Tried to make it a bit more interesting than
boring sign up against a wall (still might be in your eyes) :LOL: so with a tweak here and there I came up with this.

Catch up time :D

W1 Prefer the first one, love the colour and the shadows.

W2 Great idea to go with the poem although I thought they looked like sprouts at first:puke:

W3 Wow that makes me hungry, looks great against the black background.

W4 Better late than a joker (y). I've taken on the 52 to make me use my camera and learn. Fits the theme :D
Hmm - I live in Hempnall... you spelled that wrong... nice pic though and I like the radical colour processing.

Catch up time :D

W1 Prefer the first one, love the colour and the shadows.

W2 Great idea to go with the poem although I thought they looked like sprouts at first:puke:

W3 Wow that makes me hungry, looks great against the black background.

W4 Better late than a joker (y). I've taken on the 52 to make me use my camera and learn. Fits the theme :D

I know what you mean, still trying to catch-up myself so apologies now...

Cheers, really appreciate it and it is most welcomed. (y) Why do I/we feel awkward taking photos outside in the streets?

Hmm - I live in Hempnall... you spelled that wrong... nice pic though and I like the radical colour processing.


Thank you Arthur I am honoured, cause it is nice to know, that I am sort of heading in the right direction.
Matter of interest are there any fisheries around your neck of the woods. (Hempnall) (y)
I'm not sure how you have done this but I really like it - lovely colours and textures and an arresting composition. :clap::clap:
heavy duty processing
but it works! :clap:
Hi Graham,

I really like this one. I like the angle and the treatment. The colours are very effective.


Appreciate your positive comments, thank you Jenny

I'm not sure how you have done this but I really like it - lovely colours and textures and an arresting composition. :clap::clap:

Thank you, thats very kind of you. (maybe thats why they do not have street signs in black)-seriously, thankyou.

heavy duty processing
but it works! :clap:

Cheers Mike, it was, at first I thought too much but glad you like. (y)
I like what you've done with this. No punches pulled strong processing which suits the image and makes it stand out. Nicely done.
I agree with what's been said so far.

Great processing, nice angle and makes what could be a very boring picture into something completely different, almost surreal :clap::clap:
Middle of Norfolk, there are a couple of nice carp ponds though :D

Cheers Arthur.

I like what you've done with this. No punches pulled strong processing which suits the image and makes it stand out. Nicely done.

Cheers Darren, appreciate it.

I agree with what's been said so far.

Great processing, nice angle and makes what could be a very boring picture into something completely different, almost surreal :clap::clap:

Thank you so much Jill its kind of you. :)
Cheers Nick, (y) my thoughts exactly, it was very last minute, but I am pleased the way it turned, cause it did need it.
The processing looks great on this. I have no idea what I'm doing with PP but that doesn't spoil my enjoyment when someone else does it.
Hi Graham, a simple subject you've chosen for this weeks theme it maybe, but you have still made it an interesting image well framed and it works well....Mick
Hi Graham, a simple subject you've chosen for this weeks theme it maybe, but you have still made it an interesting image well framed and it works well....Mick

Cheers Mick (y) - less is more??

oh by the way, no-one would punch your face! :shake:

Unique is that an inversion of some sorts? I like it :)

B&W might bring out the texture in the wall?

Hi there,
it is and a bit more filters etc. I'll give the B&W a try.

cheers for the comments - Graham.
Graham, that's not late... The theme runs till the Monday after... there's no rush... that's why, even though I have a shot for speed, I'm not posting it till the weekend, just in case.

Anyway... the pic... I think the colour and slightly less gritty version works better for me. It's on theme ;)
Thanks John appreciate it, (y) I prefer the first one too.
Looking forward to your take on "Speed"

My take on Speed...

My aim was to find the best way I could add more interest so I opted for a reflection,
the shadow is slightly ugly so I am sorry about that...Overall I am pleased the way it has turned out.

Nice bit of processing on street and I do like the angle and lines :)

Speed - nicely done very 21st century :) The treatment and detail work - perhaps I'd be inclined to crop a little off the right? Nit picking :)! Nice work!
Another interesting take on the theme, lighting and processing work well. :)
Nice bit of processing on street and I do like the angle and lines :)

Speed - nicely done very 21st century :) The treatment and detail work - perhaps I'd be inclined to crop a little off the right? Nit picking :)! Nice work!

Thank you John so much for your positive comments, I really do appreciate it.
I don't mind nit picking, it can only help.

Another interesting take on the theme, lighting and processing work well. :)

Cheers mate! (y)
That's a few threads I've visited now where people are saying they're pleased. Sharp contrast to last week where the majority seemed to be making excuses!

I like your Street shot. It has bags of impact. Processing works well.

I also like Speed. I like the interpretation of the theme, and I like the reflections as well as the simple subject.

Keep it up!
