Violet's "Word Association" 365

tehe.... what really needs to be said?? other than the daylight was failing, and so the shot is a little on the dark side of things!
doh!.. a mouse? should have realised.. :)

great snowman.. not sure about his choice of football club though :LOL:
lol, tis just our local club Michelle, you have to support home :p

long last got to do these :)

wanted to focus on the rubbings... though didn't mant to make it look like it was OOF, think i magaed to pull it off.

highly lovely shots these next two! lol, nothing spesh just pointed and shot!


had fun out with some freinds today and came across a pilon in the open, looks quite good i recon.

Vi x
lol, I'll take your word for it Roo :)

had this suggested to me, well not exactly, idea was to make it look like there was sparks coming from the plug socket but it didn't work out, so i just outlined it and got this...

Vi x
I really like photo 138, very nice bold image :)
Thanks :)

Not sure about your plug vi...bit random...but good on you for trying something different!

You should try this... :p
says I have to be a member unfortunatly Roo! lol, not random at all, it associates to electricity ;) thats how all this works! thanks :D

love the pylon shot.. and erase.. all great ideas!
Thank you michelle :D

was a difficult choice between this and another one. I have to say, I like this a lot!!

Vi x
Ta very much Briony and Michelle :)

last 3 days now! I'm not awfully good at updating this. Mainly because I do it so late in the day.
I had my friend over the other night, and we had such a laugh i had forgotten about my shot for a lot of the day. and kept getting sidetracked when i had remembered. We had a bit of fun trying to make origami boats for the shot in the end, we both learnt how to make one! hehe

well, i found a cool tool on the internet that does word associations for you, give you a loooong list of loads of words it thinks associate to the one you have typed in, and bubble caught my eye. had been wanting to try them out. However, i had 45 mins to make sure i just got the shot, so i rushed into it and didn't get anything very good. I'm determind to try some more of these soon though, i've seen so many good ones, its making me jelous :p

Todays is another bubbly sort of shot. Think it turned out okay, considering the lengths in which i took to get some fizzy water!! had to fizz it up usiing an old soda-stream system.

Vi x
catch up time, i'm so bad at updating this for you, i'm just getting sick and tired of doing them at the mo, with everything else thats going on in my head.

right so after Fizzy i went with flat!! Makes sense?? well the photo doesn't, but still, was supposed to be because its on a flat surface and is a fairly flat phone, but maybe i went a bit vague again?!

Cuuuuuurrved! makes sense again :D just a couple of bauballs....

opposite of curves isss...

I don't quite know what gave me the inspiration. I was thinking of the best thing that would have lots of corners in it and though "AHA RUBIKS CUBE!!" unfortunatly, my brother has rather worn it out and the stickers are all a bit funny, but just adds character right? :)

and finally, Sharp. Sharpest thing I could find. Don't know if I went a little nuts in editing on this one, the BG was very noisey to begin with.

Vi x
Taa Briony, 143 is one of my faves too :D
Thanks Michelle :)

I'm going away tomorrow for the weekend so wont be able to update till either sunday or monday night. But here is yesterdays and todays for now :D Two selfies.

there really wasnt enough light, dissapointed in it because its quite noisy (though much better than original) and the focus is lost on the finger somewhere... ah well, one of those days

another one with bad light conditions, i only had 3 shots of 30 in focus, the camera didn't like it much. I may have gone slightly overboard in editing, but I dunno, i felt in the mood for a bit of OTTness :p

Vi x
Last edited:
good shots violet.. like the PP on the last one, nice vivid eyes.. suit the 'stare' title..

hope you had a good weekend
I finally managed to sort these out from the weekend, I'm still soooo tired, don't know why I'm not in bed now to be honest!! Had a fab time though with lots of good friends.

right, so these are all pretty vague because I just needed to get them all done.

First starts off on track, borrowed my friends specs..

second is a vague one, and not very good because of the lack of anything that'll really reach the moon, just taken at 90mm!

this one taken late at night when I got home. was on max ISO, so was grainy, so I made it into some sort of cartoon look which I think suits it.

just faffed about with the glitter etc...

the last, highly great shot I'm sure you'll agree.... haha. was planning on doing "attract" but they didn't turn out too well, so spotted a battery and went for that instead.

Vi x
love your word associations.. very clever!

I like the grainy effect on reflection, works well.. :)

not really much can be said about this, other than it turned out almost exactly how I wanted it to. And is just about how I feel at the mo

Vi x
Thanks Briony.... luckily it's only inside my head, i still act as wacky as ever :)
Just to assure you all, I'm still going! Just haven't had much chance to get online and upload. Will try get it sorted either tonight or tomorrow :)

Vi x
right, just realised I have a TWELVE photo catch up... hope you all forgive me!! I just never got around to loading them on the computer and doing anything with them.

okay so from negative I went with numbers. Just my keyboard was handy and took a snap, nothing special (much like most of these shots!!)


next was count! This one could have been a lot better, but I neglected to think about fiddling with the old macro lens.


Down. I wanted to to do something like this before, but it never really looked very good. But this time the dark sorta set it off and I'm reasonably pleased of the end result


This one I'm happy with my pose, but the lighting was bad for most of the shots. And I'm frustrated at my hair which was reeeealy static and in the way. Oh well!


bah boring shot of a tie I made my mum model! haha


okay um, my dad's woggle for his necker holding the bottom together? My dad by the way just got made the district commissioner for Shropshire :D


This one could have been better, you can see what I was aiming for at least.

This one isn't too bad, again you can see what I was going for. I managed to get the focus on the coin, but didn't actually manage much of a splash!! My hand froze off getting the coin out of the water the amount of times I did!!

Missed the darn focus on all of these shots, though I was having a lazy time of thinking about the photo. Regret not giving it more time. But it'll do.

Due to a run of nasty headaches....

Brrrrr, it's cold out there!!!

Hello! or "hi"! because I plan on doing Key tomorrow, and thought I could fit this in before I did it, because key could have worked for today's shot too.

Well there we go, all caught up.... Phew!

Vi xx
as I said, "key" was my next shot. I took advantage of the light at about 1/4 to 4 in the afternoon when it becomes a right pain and gets in your eyes, but was lovely and bright for a non-flash photo!!

Was at my friend's most of the day and she, unlike me is a bit of a jewelery wearer, so I knew when it finally popped into my head that she'd have a nice ring somewhere to model XD

Today (or yesterday now I suppose!!) is another (bah!!) self portrait of me making a "call" - or pretending to at least!

Vi x
Hey Violet,
Some more great shots... I particularly like 'splash'. Even though there isn't much splash it still works really well. Keep up the good work! =)
Thank you Toby.
This is all taking a lot out of me and is making me really stressed to think of things and just get and do it. One of my fave guinea pigs died this morning and I've been hiding my upset all day through college, and I still feel more angry than anything. Still waiting for things to brighten up

Anyway, after call we have Speakers.

Then had a bit of trouble with this just over the word to use, but went with state.

then state to shape...

and finally a silhouette, which didn't turn out as I wanted it to because I don't really know how to do it properly. Lots of editing on this, made it B&W, touched up the light part and a bit of the hand itself. did i do it okay?

Vi x
aww sorry to hear about your guinea pig :(

the silhouette works for me, just a little 'scratch' top left i'd have cloned out.. great ideas as usual, the links are inspired
Thanks both... Michelle, I'm not sure I can see what you mean? is it on the hand or the BG?

today's photo! Took advantage of my brothers guitar. I think it looks fab in photos if i get the light right. Shadowy enough though??

Vi x

Sorry missed about your guinea pig. Hugs from Aus, it is always difficult to loose a loved pet, I know your pain.

Appreciated Roo, thanks. You'd have thought you could get used to them dying, but even with as many as I have, some mean more than others for their personalities.
Absolutely stunning image... One of your best IMHO.

On the other hand, very sorry to hear about your guinea pig. Hope is all getting better now. :)
:) Thanks Toby.

all say awwwwwww....


Well, photographing some piccies with Ziggy was certainly my highlight of today, how many time i just went "AWWW" at the top of my voice while editing these pics you wont believe!

Vi x
Thanks :)

well, would have chosen better photos if I'd have actually bothered to get more that I do printed, so had to make do with some of the best from my compact camera days. Some of them aren't bad :D

Vi x
tehe.... what can i say?

got the macro out that time!! didn't come out too bad this time, still a tad noisey.

Vi x