Violet's "Word Association" 365

I know I add these late in the day, does me no favours, they just get lost in the crowd! Can't believe I'm still going!!

Bit boring, and now I've taken it, it doesn't really suit the word, but still.

Bit of inspiration from a friend who suggested I did this sort of layout, purposely over done to get rid of BG creases, but I don't think it looks too bad.

Vi x
Thanks both... Michelle, I'm not sure I can see what you mean? is it on the hand or the BG?

Vi x

(looks like a small line on the background, near area of your second finger?)

good stuff violet as usual.. your guinea pigs are adorable! 'highlight' is a stunning photo

like the links, work very well
Thanks :) Ziggy is a real character, I can see some funny photos of her being taken in her lifetime XD

Back to today. Tried my hand at a bit of texturing. It was a bit of a weird photo that didn't come out like I wanted it to, mainly because of the space I had to take it in. But oh well.

Vi x
Well, after searching the whole house, FINALLY found a chess set!!!

:) Thanks

It was a very epic status on Facebook that made me come up with "CD's" today *enter me and my brothers collection of Green Day CD's* He's got more coming in the post for his birthday, but as this was an "I gotta do it NOW" thing, I can't wait for them all to arrive! ;D......


Vi x
love the chess set.. great angle and DOF

something tells me your brother likes green day ;) one of the first songs my daughter learnt on her guitar was 'time of your life'
Oh I love them just as much... lots and lots of new songs to learn though! My brother loves playing most of their tunes on the guitar (the one you see pictured now and again!).
Chess sets are great to take pics on, some really interesting things you can do I think :)

okay, I progress, 6 more photos! yikes!

bit boring maybe, really rubbish material i had to work with, this is the nicest photo album my mum could find. Of course cause everything is digital these days, i just don't get anything printed. But this is actually empty anyway. Explain the link, well CD's are a source of memory or digital information!

And if you have a memory of something, there is always the abilty to forget things, even if you want to remember them. (wish I remember exam answers as well as I remember lyrics!!)

and sometimes, forgetting is a bad thing, and you have to be forgiven for it... "oops, that home work was due in when?"

Crazy people on Facebook thought this word was a good idea. A close friend showed me a pic she had done and said I could copy the idea, so I did!

Was difficult doing a photo for this. I knew I wanted to use the word sympathy for it, but didn't know how to do it. The pic itself isn't good, but I left this far too late and only had 45 mins to pull it off in the end.

And finally today. My obliging himalayan sow models (L-R) Trixie and Hope sat on my lap for a while and got thoroughly comfortable!

Vi x
:) Thank you

well, the complete opposite to comfort would be discomfort, and stress certainly does that!

Someone said to me that scribbling relieves their stress...

And um, scribbling can sometimes give me....


Vi x
wow, on the first page, and 3 comments XD I'm going up in the 365 world!

two more.

Yesterday I did invention. So I just scouted around see what I could find, really not the most exciting of things, was pressed for time.

Then I thought today I'd do a bit of creativity. I had really wanted to do this for aaaaaages, because I just thought it looked fab. I've seen it with 9 pics before, but wanted to go further :) Will admit, I used the same nose twice as I was running out of different looking noses!

forgot number 196 by the looks!!
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193 is great! Lovely text to accompany the photograph, when I was reading it then looked at the picture it just blended really well. :D

Hope all is well your end. :)
Thanks all. Michelle, it's a good job someone likes my SP's, I do too many of them XD

Okay from Imagination (gosh that seems like ages agoo!!!) I went to "Vivid", and hell do I have a vivid imagination, though sadly not always for photographs!!

Well okay, this photo isn't very energetic, but I just wanted the movement in the hand. I had seen a friend do this and kinda stole their idea. I'm surprised the guitar managed to stay fairly sharp.

hehe, my friend's drawing of a snail on some of my college work... Environmental Studies can get a tad boring at times.

not the best picture of a still life, but the bowl just looked really bad, and i didn't have much fruit to hand!

Hold still? Me holding old girl Kizzie, oh she's good for a cuddle.

Everything can be put on hold if you're stubborn. And I really really am... the child in me..

But sometimes, being stubborn means that you wont change your mind, and are determined to do something...

but to be determined, you need to be...

and if you are focused then you get your result.

And the result of a nice photograph of yourself, is to print it out for your mum to use in her scrapbooking.

and a print is a copy right?? Well, this is a classic photographic idea, and I copied it!

An impersonation is a copy, isn't it? My brother impersonation Billie Joe Armstrong (lead in Green Day <3) He'll kill me haha!

but an impersonation is putting a "mask" on who you really are...

This one was difficult to choose the pic for, there was another i did a B&W conversion to that I really liked (linky)

phew update over!

Vi x
fab catch up Vi.. like that 'stubborn' one.. have seen that look once or twice on my daughters face :) love the tones on the one you printed for your mum, gorgeous!

great copy too.. might be a classic shot but you've done it very well and put your own twist on it, the pink tones really suit..
thanks so much Nattelie, Roo and Michelle :) though cant believe I still have 126 left (i think, i'm not too good at maths!)

Closest I can image to capturing stealth in a photograph without too much work XD
did make a few people laugh XD I can tick that one off for desired effect!!

how about this..
well, I didn't want to write it down and take a photo. I really wanted to find something suitable to layout as a sort of collage, but instead i went with this...

Vi x
today! lazy moo i am, it popped into my head that surveillance would be a good word, and my webcam is right infront of me XD

bit pants of a photo, not really in focus, but i added texture to make it look on purpose XD

Fyfe having his usual wander around the living room and hiding behind the ironing board

suspicious eyes!

And Ziggy :p hell I love this pig, she's hilarious! do you think she looks innocent?

Vi x
HONEsT I'm still going. But I'm having serious computer troubles, I can only do things in safe mode. Comp will be fixed fairly soon though hopefully and all will resume as usual. But for now, I can only update you up to where all was working.





........ more on next post



All my files are being backed up onto the external hard drive now. Hopefully my poor computer will recover soon.

Vi x
hope you get your computer sorted soon.. great photos and links as usual.. love ziggy, what a poser she should have a modelling contract ;)
thanks :)







well, beinhd bars at any rate

As Dr. Who said in the dalek epidose, "Hate looks like a Dalek!"



thats all folks. the computer I have managed to scavenge doesn't have any fancy editing stuff, so just basic stuf used with these.
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wow, some excellent shots there..

especially like your SP's and the poor one eared ted.. oh, and the daisy.. and the little critter in the jar :)
=) thank you Michelle. Computer is in the shop, don't expect to see it for a long while yet, but I have managed to nab a good laptop from my dad in the mean time!! So I've had a tiny bit of access to photoplus X3, which is the editing program I use.

Where was I? after torture...

well, a weird one maybe.

spoilt for choice?

to have a choice, you then have to pick!

and I think the vast majority of people would associate flowers to being picked..

then, taking advantage of spring time, the blossom is out!

And as I just mentioned...

kind of hehe!!

now, a rather weird SP in my opinion, I'm not personally too keen! most of them, my face was just eught, least you can't see it in this one!

there we go! catching up a bit more regulally at least. Who's still watching?

Vi x
Another catastrophe. My SD card is broken, before I could get about a weeks worth of photos off it. I know, I'm awful for updating!!! I'm so upset, because it has shattered my idea of the 365, because as it looks at the minute there is no way of getting those photos off that SD card.

Anyway. I do have quite a few I can up date.



I got a chance to improve on a previous photo. I don't know what number it was originally, but This in either an improvement on the light trails one I've done, or on "movement".

very pretty set of pictures coming up!! haha...




okay, the last wasn't too awful XD
