WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Go and scrub your mind!
It should be fairly self evident what has anoyed me lately ... however that appart i was also anoyed this morning by the chundle wit in front of me who was driving a stanced lupo with the badges smoothed over , lowered to the point that it was sparking on speed bumps...

It wasn't his ridiculous car styling choices that annoyed me however (barried vehicles generally cheer me up in their sheer ridiculousness) , it was the fact that due to his 'intersting' car styling choice he had to keep slowing down to about 10mph to navigate hazards such as potholes, corners and indeed speed bumps ... this made a drive that usually takes 20 minutes take closer to 50 :bat:
The weather today :( grrrrr. Stuck inside listening to rain/wind, why can't it be like yesterday!
its going to get worse over the weekend and monday
The drawn out process to get the inspection fee after an agreed warranty repair returned from Apple. Form filling, ringing them up. Why they can't just refund it automatically after they agreed to the repair is a mystery.
It's the iGrabyourmoney algorithm kicking in, Suz...
Stupid fat old bags that dye their ridiculously bright colours thinking they are trendy. Grey roots showing through. Mess. End of!!!!
My TV is refusing to play nicely with my new Virgin Media Tivo box :(

Tivo installed on Wednesday has been playing nicely until this morning - TV stays on for 5 mins then goes into stand bye and can only be woken by switching off at the wall as well as the TV - leaving it for about 20 min then restarting . Then it stays on for about 5 mins and repeats the cycle.

Think it's time for a new TV - got out the instruction book for this and it's a

Sony super Trinitron KV-X2982U Bought 28/31996 !! Cost then was £649.99 !!
Sony super Trinitron KV-X2982U Bought 28/31996 !! Cost then was £649.99 !!

Well look at it this way....it was worth it to watch the coronation, wasn't it? :)

Yes, I think the time has come to drag it kicking and screaming.... :LOL:
So do I - but not this month :(

BTW just when do you think the Coronation was ? :D
My TV is refusing to play nicely with my new Virgin Media Tivo box :(
Tivo installed on Wednesday has been playing nicely until this morning - TV stays on for 5 mins then goes into stand bye and can only be woken by switching off at the wall as well as the TV - leaving it for about 20 min then restarting . Then it stays on for about 5 mins and repeats the cycle.
Think it's time for a new TV - got out the instruction book for this and it's a
Sony super Trinitron KV-X2982U Bought 28/31996 !! Cost then was £649.99 !!
There's years of life left in it yet, Blame Virgin, its their kit, their fault (y)
Some local oik asking me to go into the local shop and buy him cigarettes and when I refuse to break the law for him gives me a load of abuse!
Wamt - My daughter breaking our trust regarding her internet usage. Time for a big chat.
Wamt - having to get up to come to w*rk. But that annoys me every day. Apart from weekends the first words I utter everyday are invariably profane in nature.
WAMT - The annoying person from Israel calling me after id been in the office for a grand total of 17 seconds, wondering why I hadnt seen their email yet...
WAMT - The annoying person from Israel calling me after id been in the office for a grand total of 17 seconds, wondering why I hadnt seen their email yet...

Well why hadn't you? You had a whole 17 seconds.. Get with it [emoji12]
WAMT - The annoying person from Israel calling me after id been in the office for a grand total of 17 seconds, wondering why I hadnt seen their email yet...

...and it is far more important to look at TP before emails, did he not realise that?
Just send him a manual OOO reply...
Something like, "I am currently out of the office on business related tomfoolery, but rest assured, your email is important to me, and I will endeavour to 'get right on it' as soon as I return"
don't forget the obligatory "Please note I will be deleting all emails received during my absence. If the matter is still urgent, please email me again on my return."
2 people sitting behind me in costa who sound like it was a first date[emoji13]
WAMT.... Brambles, grrrr! Hedge cutting/laying and every bramble I encountered wanted to swipe me in the face, get caught round me legs or stick sharp bits in me. Grrrr!
every bramble I encountered wanted to swipe me in the face, get caught round me legs or stick sharp bits in me. Grrrr!
Worse than Triffids those things, they can sense a purse net from 100 meters and quickly entwine the thing, even if there were no brambles there to start with,
or they were Macheted' back before starting ;)