WAMT....what annoyed me today!

WAMT: forgot the Roman numerals for 51, 6 and 500. LIVID :coat:
Wamt: the curry I had tonight, I should have walked out when I spotted the frozen samosas without trying them. No I sent them back but still had my main. Damn only midnight and I'm already paying for it. It is going to be a long night.
looking on the brightside - keeps you regular ;)
And looses a bit of weight :)
WAMT: The pressure of the water in the shower in the hotel is very very low, and not only that, the water is super duper soft as well. I'm still not sure whether I actually had a show or not :confused:
Waking up to the most godawful electrocuted version of Jammin' with 3:38 on the inside of my eyelids. Must get Mrs Nod to change her alarm noise before Tuesday! Not sure where 3:38 came from - I did wake up earlier but deliberately didn't look at my bedside clock. Thinking about it, the figures on my eyelids were in a different font to my clock anyway!
WAMT: The pressure of the water in the shower in the hotel is very very low, and not only that, the water is super duper soft as well. I'm still not sure whether I actually had a show or not :confused:
Sometimes worth checking if the hotel has put a pressure reducing washer in the shower hose - have had to remove these on occasion when the flow is very weak (remember to put in back in afterwards though!)
WAMT (and every day)...
I don't mind typos...but the lack of appropriate capital letters is just lazy.
It's a duel WAMT and WCMUT. Boiler that was declared faulty and beyond reasonable economical repair was actually fine. Needed a service but the cause of the problem was the tenant running out of gas!! Gas guy hadn't noticed. Too busy pricing up a replacement clearly. Grrr. Sent manufactur's engineer in as I just thought it was being written off too soon. So glad I did.
Sorry, Suz but ROFL!!!

My WAMT is also a dual A and CMU. Lovely bright spring morning, managed to get seen well before my appointment time at the Diabetic Eye Screen but after the pupil dilating eye drops, I have f/0.5 eyes so the gorgeous sunshine is too sodding bright! Even in our west facing sitting room with the vertical blinds drawn, it's too bleeding bright! Would love to get out for a walk but I can feel a headache on its way. Never mind, it's only for a couple of hours.
Had a guy turn up earlier today to buy a laptop and he reeked of cigarette smoke :eek:

I Can still smell it now:(:eek:
Strictly speaking it was yesterday but WAM was waking up with a start then reaching for my drink which I missed but managed to propel the full glass (pint of squash) onto the bedroom floor. When Mrs Nod wakes up, I'll have to deal with the mess under the towel.
Wamt: having to go for work to a sunny climate location and my wife thinking it is some kind of jolly. Damn, it will be hard and dangerous work love.
Having to get up at 6am to go and do a job for a client when I would rather still be in my nice warm bed
Quinsy :(
Oh I dunno the show wasn't that bad, didn't realise it was being re-run though.

(Sorry couldn't resist, hope you feel better soon :) )
Oh I dunno the show wasn't that bad, didn't realise it was being re-run though.

(Sorry couldn't resist, hope you feel better soon :) )

Just so you know, the next time we meet, there's a slap with your name on it.
(and your name's been removed from the bacon buttie list) :p

(But thank you too :) )
Just so you know, the next time we meet, there's a slap with your name on it.
(and your name's been removed from the bacon buttie list) :p

Seems pointless me coming to the MM then :(
Oh wait you did mention "a slap" though didn't you? :D
Sounds like an askhole (see the meme thread!)
That's one reason I don't like getting a faceless twunt in a warehouse picking what I'm going to eat. When I buy meat from a supermarket I like to be able to pick the piece myself - not only for the look of it but also the visible fat content and the size.
That's one reason I don't like getting a faceless twunt in a warehouse picking what I'm going to eat. When I buy meat from a supermarket I like to be able to pick the piece myself - not only for the look of it but also the visible fat content and the size.

To be fair, that's the 1st time I've had an issue since I started using them 8 months ago.
That annoiys me. The most misspelled word on the internet!

Good. Now try it yourself in 8 different language bar your own native language.
Nowt yet but the cat'll be yowling all the way to her hotel this afternoon. :(
Not just today - every time I hear the expression "There's nothing worse than...". In pretty much every case, there are loads of things worse than...
^ What he said!

I wouldn't be so sure if I was you. One of those is inappropriate and in the wrong tense compared to the word as stated earlier.