WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Yup, sudden braking from 80 to 60 when drivers spot the road markings is a danger. Especially when the fact that 80 on the clock is probably closer to 75 actual speed and few cameras are set to lower than 80 is taken into account.

This annoys the hell out of me on my way to work where, at one location, someone in front of me doing around 45 sees the camera and hits their brakes to get down to 30. The speed limit there is 50!!!
Yup, sudden braking from 80 to 60 when drivers spot the road markings is a danger.
I find that many people doing 60 mph in a 60 mph speed limit, will still brake quite hard when one of these static speed camera's suddenly jumps out and accosts them!
Yup, sudden braking from 80 to 60 when drivers spot the road markings is a danger. Especially when the fact that 80 on the clock is probably closer to 75 actual speed and few cameras are set to lower than 80 is taken into account.
That's the driver that is dangerous noy the camera.
My dentist...

Had an appointment booking for 3 months, took the morning off work today to go to my appointment....
Receptionist doesn't seem to understand why I am there. Apparently they cancelled my appointment on 13th August but neglected to tell me. When I asked if it would have been a good idea to have told me she decided with an attitude to say "we did call you"
Didn't have an answer when I showed her my call log and asked why a voicemail wasn't left.

About time we moved more containers by rail between ports and distribution points
They could run nose to tail at relatively low speeds, each train would get countless lorries off the roads.

No need to keep widening roads and accident rates would go down massively, much less pollution too.

And this was the case years ago.
Better they used the Rail Netwirk for Goods than the not needed HS Train.
Ain't it just. Maybe there should be some sort of aptitude test before driving licences are handed out!
Maybe the correct sentence should be applied. I hardly think 5 years is sufficient for manslaughter.
Maybe the correct sentence should be applied. I hardly think 5 years is sufficient for manslaughter.

A range of 2 years to life.
Life is very rare.
5 being the average.
Blooming tyre pumps. I have several. None are any good. Halfords electric one which is a few months old has packed up. Manual pump gauge on another Halfrods pump is totally useless as it reads several psi under the actual pressure and now won't pump up tyres either. Yet another one I own started accurate until I actually pumped a tyre up with it, now it's reading 10 psi when it's connected to nothing but isn't even consistent so the gauge goes mad.

I bought another from Amazon a few months ago. That arrived with the gauge not zeroed so that got returned.

My new electronic gauge agreed with the electronic pump so I'm assuming those two are accurate but as electric pump doesn't work then it's not a great help as pumping it up with a manual pump that doesn't read properly means you end up wasting time letting air out every time you try and work out whether it's anywhere near the correct pressure.

No wonder people are driving around with tyres at the wrong pressure if all the tools they have access to fix the issue are completely useless.
I've had one of these for sometime now, on recommendation from a thread I started on here.
No complaints so far :)

I have one similar to that already. It won't inflate the tyres on one car but just about manages to do the other car. It gives up at about 37 psi which isn't much use when it's supposedly good for 50 psi.

Halfords have 20% off on Michelin ones at the minute so I'm hoping a tyre manufacturer might actually make a tyre inflator that works and is reasonably accurate :)
It gives up at about 37 psi which isn't much use when it's supposedly good for 50 psi.
Ah OK :)
I don't need more than 35psi, so never found it to be an issue.

Halfords have 20% off on Michelin ones at the minute so I'm hoping a tyre manufacturer might actually make a tyre inflator that works and is reasonably accurate :)
You never know your luck :D
Weekly Shopper Discount!

Found out they've been taking £10 a month out of our account for the last 6 months. They're claiming Mrs F signed up for it when she purchased something online, not a bloody chance!

A quick google says that this isn't an isolated case!
Weekly Shopper Discount!

Found out they've been taking £10 a month out of our account for the last 6 months. They're claiming Mrs F signed up for it when she purchased something online, not a bloody chance!

A quick google says that this isn't an isolated case!

Might be a case of "failed to opt out" rather than signed up?
Live in a village, from memory 4k residents but small village nonetheless - typical of loads in the surrounding area. Co-op put up a few years ago with a really badly designed car park (which is too small anyway), so people park on the road outside. This can cause issues in getting out the car park due to visibility and can mean only one car can pass rather than 2. In typical council fashion they think putting double yellows outside will help???

People take chances in Cambridge, nipping into shops for 5 mins on yellows where there is a risk of a ticket... but in a small village with no way of policing it... waste of time and money.
Driving round a hospital car park for nearly half an hour finding a parking space, having to pay the minimum £4 for a 2 hours parking
and being seen and out in 10 minutes :banghead:
and it's one of those places where you have to put your registration on the ticket so you can't pass it on
it's one of those places where you have to put your registration on the ticket so you can't pass it on

That really annoys me. I'd like to hear an explanation of why this is done. I wonder how they could avoid saying, "Its just money grabbing."

Most places have had "Non transferrable" or similar on them for years, making handing over unelapsed tickets (technically) not allowed. Having a number (locally, we have to enter the last 3 letters) on the tickets makes it easier to prove that someone's not paid.
Like you say though, just money grabbing! (Having said that, our local hospital doesn't [or didn't last time I used the car park] have a number system and also has a 20 minute free period for picking up and dropping off.)
Radiator valves. A few years ago I had a lot of them changed for Drayton TRVs with non stick valves. Several of them are stuck already. Supposedly designed not to stick at all and I've got at least 2 that aren't working properly. They're no better than the ancient crap ones that were on there before.
That really annoys me. I'd like to hear an explanation of why this is done. I wonder how they could avoid saying, "Its just money grabbing."
Most places have had "Non transferrable" or similar on them for years, making handing over unelapsed tickets (technically) not allowed. Having a number (locally, we have to enter the last 3 letters) on the tickets makes it easier to prove that someone's not paid.

Yes but people often pass on tickets with time on them, I do
What annoys me is that the minimum time is 2 hours and that cost £4
When I went their a couple of years ago and was kept waiting for ages , I told
the receptionist that I had to go and renew the parking ticket, she made a call to
the attendant to exempt my car from further charges, seems that no longer happens,
you now have the option of registering your car and debit card and paying whatever when you leave,
if you opt to pay in advance then you have to physically come and renew the ticket, so a
hospital appointment running late can cost a small fortune through no fault of your own
you now have the option of registering your car and debit card and paying whatever when you leave,
At "My" one you collect a ticket on entry, and pay on exit, cash or card.
Yes but people often pass on tickets with time on them, I do

So do we if there's no reg number on the ticket. If convenient and there's nobody to hand the ticket to, I'll usually stick a ticket with time left on it on a machine.
At "My" one you collect a ticket on entry, and pay on exit, cash or card.

They do that at worthing, and it's a lot cheaper
Yes but people often pass on tickets with time on them, I do
What annoys me is that the minimum time is 2 hours and that cost £4
When I went their a couple of years ago and was kept waiting for ages , I told
the receptionist that I had to go and renew the parking ticket, she made a call to
the attendant to exempt my car from further charges, seems that no longer happens,
you now have the option of registering your car and debit card and paying whatever when you leave,
if you opt to pay in advance then you have to physically come and renew the ticket, so a
hospital appointment running late can cost a small fortune through no fault of your own
At one time the car parks would have been operated by the hospitals, now they are run by private companies.
Drove home from a friend’s house. I knew there was a 30mph gatso speed camera right after the traffic lights so when the lights went green, I kept my speed below indicated 30mph. Gatso flashed. No idea why (might’ve been the car beside me). So now I have to wait 14 days and hope nothing comes of it.
Was there a car coming the other way? if they are going to fast that can trigger the camera
Was there a car coming the other way? if they are going to fast that can trigger the camera
There were cars in both directions as it was a dual carriageway (albeit 40mph). I was paying more attention to the speedo since I was first at the traffic lights.
Drove home from a friend’s house. I knew there was a 30mph gatso speed camera right after the traffic lights so when the lights went green, I kept my speed below indicated 30mph. Gatso flashed. No idea why (might’ve been the car beside me). So now I have to wait 14 days and hope nothing comes of it.

I think they only register on Cars going away from the Camera.
I think they only register on Cars going away from the Camera.
The ones white lenses get you from behind, the ones with red lenses get you from the front.
The front firing ones usually have 3 lines going across the road, before the camera, the the rear firing ones have a series of small lines going away from the camera.
And the motorway HADACS have no lines at all!
And the motorway HADACS have no lines at all!
And are quite often grey, mounted on the bank side of the gantry they seem to merge into the background ...
I can't imagine why can you?
A Casio watch's strap lug deciding that 2 pieces of crappy plastic are better than one. 3 weeks old and only worn for g*lf. The shop reckon I caught it on something but it just broke across a weak point in the case's design (where the screws that hold the back on pass close to the lugs.)
Long traffic queue when trying to get home in the rush hour.
"low cost" airlines. Just looking for a weekend break to italy for the other halves birthday (well, you gotta keep 'em happy). You can get out there for £30 but then they charge you £250 to get back!
"low cost" airlines. Just looking for a weekend break to italy for the other halves birthday (well, you gotta keep 'em happy). You can get out there for £30 but then they charge you £250 to get back!
Sounds like £30 well spent to me. ;)
"low cost" airlines. Just looking for a weekend break to italy for the other halves birthday (well, you gotta keep 'em happy). You can get out there for £30 but then they charge you £250 to get back!


Sounds like £30 well spent to me. ;)
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