WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Why do you think it will stop you getting out to open the gates? The auto locking doesn't stop you from opening the doors from inside, even with the engine running.

As happened the other day when one of the old ladies had taken for a vaccine decided to open the door whilst I was reversing to park :mad:
I think it was Q branch who installed that option.

(FWIW, the current "Continuation" ones that AM are producing have the button but it doesn't work. There is a removeable hatch though.)
I think it was Q branch who installed that option.

(FWIW, the current "Continuation" ones that AM are producing have the button but it doesn't work. There is a removeable hatch though.)

The ejector seat on my 1960s Corgi version still works...:)
You can turn that off so they don't lock automatically...
Yes im fairly sure its "off" on our cars and I have no intention of turning it on if they do.

Why do you think it will stop you getting out to open the gates? The auto locking doesn't stop you from opening the doors from inside, even with the engine running.
Does it though? If the dash button is pressed then the doors wont unlock until the dash button is unlocked.
Does it relock once the door closes? I have visions of getting out to open a gate and the door shuts and im locked out with the engine running.

Its more the constant clunk of the locking/unlocking that would irratate me
Yes im fairly sure its "off" on our cars and I have no intention of turning it on if they do.

Does it though? If the dash button is pressed then the doors wont unlock until the dash button is unlocked.
Does it relock once the door closes? I have visions of getting out to open a gate and the door shuts and im locked out with the engine running.

Its more the constant clunk of the locking/unlocking that would irratate me

I can only go by my Peugeot which locks above a certain speed and stays locked until you open the door (to get out and open the gate) with or without the engine running and then relocks when you reach the magic speed.
So, after making this post in WBMT a couple of weeks ago,

Mum decided that as, when she goes to doctor/hospital appointments and she looks with envious eyes at others int the waiting room tapping away on their phones, she wanted to finally join the smartphone revolution. I had an old iPhone 6S sitting in a drawer so an ideal solution was to give that to her. Turned out that, despite the fact that phones are supposed to unlock automatically 18 months after purchase, this one was still locked to EE 2 years after that. No problem, I thought, I'll just call EE. They duly took the details of the phone and said it would take up to 48 hours. There was no rush so not an issue.

That was last Monday. Fast forward to yesterday (Saturday) and the phone was still locked so I phoned EE again. Turns out I was misinformed and it actually takes up to 10 working days! How the hell does it take 10 working days to unlock a phone???

I called EE today as the 10 days was up yesterday and the phone is still locked only to be told that they have no record of an unlock request being raised! :mad:
Well yes, I am because I've never had issues like this in the past.

These days I assume things may go a bit wrong and if/when they do I'm therefore prepared and less stressed about it.

Just a little example. I ordered a K&F M42 to Sony adapter and when I opened the parcel this morning it did indeed say M42-Sony on the nice little plastic box but what was inside certainly was not. So it's going back with a polite little note and I've ordered another. No fuss, no upset, just a part of lifes rich tapestry.
These days I assume things may go a bit wrong and if/when they do I'm therefore prepared and less stressed about it.

Just a little example. I ordered a K&F M42 to Sony adapter and when I opened the parcel this morning it did indeed say M42-Sony on the nice little plastic box but what was inside certainly was not. So it's going back with a polite little note and I've ordered another. No fuss, no upset, just a part of lifes rich tapestry.

Of course I accept that things can go wrong but in this case, I even chased them up after a few days. You would think at that point, they'd have realised that the unlock request hadn't been raised.
Of course I accept that things can go wrong but in this case, I even chased them up after a few days.
What a total shambles Marc.
Very poor customer service was the reason I dropped EE some years back.
Not looking to upgrade so will shop around for sim only deals
I went to BT ( yeah I know its pretty much the same thing)
As I have BB with them, they cut my sim only deal in half,
its only a "light package" , unlimited texts and calls. And just 2 Gb of data.
It all suits me at £8 / month.
I went to BT ( yeah I know its pretty much the same thing)
As I have BB with them, they cut my sim only deal in half,
its only a "light package" , unlimited texts and calls. And just 2 Gb of data.
It all suits me at £8 / month.

My sister arranged a sim only deal for mum with 3. Unlimited calls & texts, 1gb of data for £5/month.
I went to BT ( yeah I know its pretty much the same thing)
As I have BB with them, they cut my sim only deal in half,
its only a "light package" , unlimited texts and calls. And just 2 Gb of data.
It all suits me at £8 / month.

I’ve been with giffgaff for years, much the same £6 unlimited with 0.5gb data, £8 gets you 3gb data & so on. I get free Wi-Fi most so seldom need data.
My sister arranged a sim only deal for mum with 3. Unlimited calls & texts, 1gb of data for £5/month.

I was with Three for about ten years and they were very good - especially when travelling abroad. I left them for EE when my grandaughter got a job with them and arranged a special deal on a new phone. Now that contract is almost up, I shall be going back to Three on a SIM only deal as I was before.
What a total shambles Marc.
Very poor customer service was the reason I dropped EE some years back.

They've been great for us on the rare occasions we've needed their services. Usually go into the shop rather than calling (I don't hear very well on the phone) and get issues sorted PDQ.
Stupid person driving slowly, and when I tried to over take in the right hand lane, idiot accelerates so I can't get past. Then slows right down, and when I try to overtake again, idiot accelerates again. Had this stupid behavior a few times, usually idiots with fast cars trying to impress.
Stupid person driving slowly, and when I tried to over take in the right hand lane, idiot accelerates so I can't get past. Then slows right down, and when I try to overtake again, idiot accelerates again. Had this stupid behavior a few times, usually idiots with fast cars trying to impress.

I have experienced similar, over the years, and IMO represents one of the most dangerous driving behaviours :(
I have experienced similar, over the years, and IMO represents one of the most dangerous driving behaviours :(

It was on a dal carriageway where the speed limit was 60mph. The car was on the left hand side, and kept speeding up.
I did drop behind him and gave him plenty of room, not right behind him. He slowed right down to 30mph, and when I tried to overtake he sped up again, this he kept doing, I decided to turn off as soon as I could. Could not be doing with that silly behavior.
Stupid person driving slowly, and when I tried to over take in the right hand lane, idiot accelerates so I can't get past. Then slows right down, and when I try to overtake again, idiot accelerates again. Had this stupid behavior a few times, usually idiots with fast cars trying to impress.
This happened to me on a country road some years, really going quite slow. Elderly car & driver. I had a feeling, after several attempts at overtaking, that I was causing him ‘unconsciously’ to speed up each time :(.
This happened to me on a country road some years, really going quite slow. Elderly car & driver. I had a feeling, after several attempts at overtaking, that I was causing him ‘unconsciously’ to speed up each time :(.

It has happened to me a lot, especially with drivers of powerful cars. I don't know what they are trying to prove, I know their cars are a lot faster than mine, but some just don't like you over taking them.
WAMT ? Mourhino, after getting the sack, gets £10m for failing at Spurs. Contract ends at the end of 2023.
WAMT ? Mourhino, after getting the sack, gets £10m for failing at Spurs. Contract ends at the end of 2023.

Know nothing of football but in business these days it seems more profitable (at the top) to fail than succeed provided you have the right compensation clauses :(.
I went to BT ( yeah I know its pretty much the same thing)
As I have BB with them, they cut my sim only deal in half,
its only a "light package" , unlimited texts and calls. And just 2 Gb of data.
It all suits me at £8 / month.
We're have BT sims as we also have BB with BT. They give discounts for each additional sim, we have 5 on the contract and pay just over £40/mth but each one gets unlimited texts and calls and 20GB data.
My dentist keeps trying to talk me into having a couple reinstalled but that would be a hell of a lot more than the previous one charged me to pull the rotten bu99ers out!
Would having implants mean I had artificial intelligence?
Actually gone past being annoyed with these scam calls. Someone on here mentioned about an amount being charged to a card for an item not bought from Amazon. Just been told that $385 has been put on 'your card' for an item ordered from Amazon. If you didn't order this item press 1 and speak to....er.... a scammer who will relieve you of a lot more than $385. From what I've' read pressing 1 connects the recipient to a scammer who then wants to take control of the computer. Maybe they just ask for the card details so the payment for goods 'not ordered' can be refunded.

I'll puty it on 'who called me' I usually do that. 006441248535924
Saw my first flat hedgehog of the year this morning. :(

Sad. Our security light at the front has been activated as few times the past few nights and I happen to be up when it did it last time and it was a hedgehog by the garage door. We leave cat food out for it now..and a saucer of water.It looks healthy and is a decent size.
274 quid to have a wisdom tooth removed. I was only in the surgery 20 minutes! Soup and salt water for lunch. Lucky me. :p

£274 ??? A few years ago I had a bottom tooth removed for £30. The dentist wanted to put in a crown or something like that for £600. He wasn't impressed when I asked what the alternative was and how much it would cost. Extraction--£30 .I was 'in the chair' too. He asked if I wanted it doing now". yes, . that was it. It wasn't a wisdom tooth,though but half-way along from the front bottom set and not seen even with a smile not that there's much to smile about these days.
£274 ??? A few years ago I had a bottom tooth removed for £30. The dentist wanted to put in a crown or something like that for £600. He wasn't impressed when I asked what the alternative was and how much it would cost. Extraction--£30 .I was 'in the chair' too. He asked if I wanted it doing now". yes, . that was it. It wasn't a wisdom tooth,though but half-way along from the front bottom set and not seen even with a smile not that there's much to smile about these days.

Impacted wisdom tooth. My regular dentist didn’t feel comfortable yanking the tooth himself as the roots were very close to the nerve along my jaw so I ended up at a specialist dentist. She had to break the tooth into two parts to get it out as it was jammed up against the tooth next to it.!
Impacted wisdom tooth. My regular dentist didn’t feel comfortable yanking the tooth himself as the roots were very close to the nerve along my jaw so I ended up at a specialist dentist. She had to break the tooth into two parts to get it out as it was jammed up against the tooth next to it.!
Not a wisdom tooth but a few years back my dentist struggled with an extraction and actually could not complete it ~ agh! He sent me urgently..............next day I think it was, to the local District Hospital where they had a dental team. Yes, they managed but it took two dentists...they called in the most senior duty one................and overall was nearly an hour and 4 lots of local anaesthetic to do so!!!!

Not all dental surgery is 100% straightforward, as I experienced again just before Xmas last year :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: