Water splash

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After inspiration from various threads on here, my son and I went to work today to try some water splash shots. Good job we went to work.... the floor was awash with red dyed water and I'm sure my wife would have killed me if it was the lounge :LOL:

By 'eck, it is tricky! After about 2 hours, we had a rig that worked. Well, sort of worked!

Here is one of the better results:


I played with some colourisation in GIMP and I quite like it. I'm sure many of you won't though!


Just to show you, Michael took a snapshot of our rig. After various setups with step ladders and tripods, we ended up with the wine glass taped to a tripod, a 500W studio lamp behind a sheet of thick white(ish) paper and a funnel clamped to another tripod :D
Heath Robinson, or what?!


And finally, just for a laugh, here is one that provoked the thought....
"Some more wine Sir?"

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These are really good (y) I love the first and the last but I think that the colour of the BG in the second one clashes a little with the colour of the liquid :shrug:

It's also great that you've included a set up shot, I appreciate that as it will help me when considering something like this and I'm sure it will help others out also :clap:

Thanks again Matt! Really encouraging comments. As you can tell, I've been a busy bunny today, with this and light trails :) I should have been fixing my Land Rover after playing with mud, but thought I'd spend all afternoon playing with water instead :LOL:

The last one was pouring water straight from a jug. Hmm, didn't work! Probably just my rubbish pouring. Wine waiter, I'm not! Wine drinker..... expert level! The funnel was filled while hold my finger on the hole, then releasing to give a more controlled flow. You need to be really careful not to wobble the funnel. It can give some really strange wiggly flows. Note, the use of proper technical terms in this 'tutorial' :LOL:

I'd have liked a smooth backing, but the blotchy paper effect is also quite appealing. Also, more playing with the food colouring to get brighter liquid would be good, I reckon. Any thoughts?
The first one is great Steve :clap:

Love the set up shot too.. makes me want to go play too :)

Thanks! Just make sure you have plenty of tripods and wellies!!

I see you are in Norfolk too. Were abouts? I'm in the deep south near Bunwell.
Top post!

And love that final image, quality stuff!

This section of TP is a whole new wonderland to me (y)