WCMUT....what cheered me up today

'Our' walking pin cushion arrived again this morning :banana:He spent 2.5 hrs in the garden. Fingers crossed he keeps visiting
Its strange, the amount of hedgehogs that are about this year.
Plus they tend to be Crepuscular / nocturnal.
And yet more and more people seem to be reporting daylight feeders.

I still have at least one of each.
The day light robber, and the nocturnal Hoggy the hog.
I think the other two must have found "greener grass"
I've not seen them in awhile.
An old mate who I hadn't seen for over forty years delivered a new wheelchair to me today - it was great to see him still alive and well. :)

I let him leave again without giving him my phone number . . . :headbang:
An old mate who I hadn't seen for over forty years delivered a new wheelchair to me today - it was great to see him still alive and well. :)

I let him leave again without giving him my phone number . . . :headbang:

Can you leave a message through the company? Without sounding like his mad stalker, obviously.

Somebody I used to work with always says hello and stops for a chat and all I can think of is "I can't remember your name."
I'd love that.
Thanks Alan
Its strange, the amount of hedgehogs that are about this year.
Plus they tend to be Crepuscular / nocturnal.
And yet more and more people seem to be reporting daylight feeders.

I still have at least one of each.
The day light robber, and the nocturnal Hoggy the hog.
I think the other two must have found "greener grass"
I've not seen them in awhile.
I can only think Covid times may have given a boost, with people staying home feeding wildlife in the gardens and less traffic causing issues for them.
I've not seen any in daylight yet, 'ours' appears to be visiting between 1&3.30am, I was checking the footage at lunch.
Good to hear yours are still about, no little feet running about then?

I'll see if there's a pattern to his times and if there is, I'll join him in the garden, DSLRs aren't that noisy in dead of night are they ?? :LOL:
An old mate who I hadn't seen for over forty years delivered a new wheelchair to me today - it was great to see him still alive and well. :)

I let him leave again without giving him my phone number . . . :headbang:
Now you know he’s still around and maybe local (?) you could try Facebook, especially if his name’s not “John Smith” or similar. Worked for me when I’d lost touch with someone (not local).
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WoWza. Just WoWza...

View: https://BANNED/TansuYegen/status/1541459351537426432
Yeah, they work quite hard when the camera’s on’em — I bet they’re a right pair of slackers when nobody’s looking :LOL:

Amazing. It did look like a pool at first but I was thrown by the ‘rooms, beds etc!

Well on the (sort of) subject of Hogs, I was watching the birds feeding in the back garden, and we have a lot of blackbirds, like 5 or 6 males, plus mates, plus their young. I had to look twice when I saw a male Blackbird walk into the hog feeder and come out with food. He did it a couple of times.

I was quite shocked, but it made me smile, the cheeky git....

Well on the (sort of) subject of Hogs, I was watching the birds feeding in the back garden, and we have a lot of blackbirds, like 5 or 6 males, plus mates, plus their young. I had to look twice when I saw a male Blackbird walk into the hog feeder and come out with food. He did it a couple of times.

I was quite shocked, but it made me smile, the cheeky git....
Blackbirds are not daft. They fish for tadpoles at my little pond — easy pickings with way tadpoles tend to congregate at the edges.

On the other hand I feed in the front garden with little piles of bread crumbs & oil (crumbs so it doesn’t get carried off) and there might be 15 or so blackbirds each squabbling with its neighbour and wasting time instead of getting tucked in :LOL: .
What is the right time of year to give the inside of a Hedgehog house a clean??
What is the right time of year to give the inside of a Hedgehog house a clean??
Honestly? I've no idea, mine build their own out of fallen leave in the autumn.
And live in the quite dense evergreens, to the side of the shed and behind it, during the summer.

I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they aren't in it.
Honestly? I've no idea, mine build their own out of fallen leave in the autumn.
And live in the quite dense evergreens, to the side of the shed and behind it, during the summer.

I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they aren't in it.
We haven't got an area like that thats easily accessible to them, so they have a bijou brick contruction with bedding provided and an insulated poly roof covered with foliage. Its underneath a camellia bush. We have very posh hogs. :ROFLMAO:
Blackbirds are not daft. They fish for tadpoles at my little pond — easy pickings with way tadpoles tend to congregate at the edges.

On the other hand I feed in the front garden with little piles of bread crumbs & oil (crumbs so it doesn’t get carried off) and there might be 15 or so blackbirds each squabbling with its neighbour and wasting time instead of getting tucked in :LOL: .
This always gets to me too. They spend so much energy chasing each other off, there's plenty of food in our garden, they could easily just let others be. Our GSW won't let anything else near the feeders, it chases off the Sparrows, Tits & Starlings. Well I say chase, he just tends to look at them, or give them a quick tap with his bill!! :ROFLMAO:
We’ve had hog/s visiting for years, 2 digestive biscuits go out at 10pm ish, broken into bits and spread out around the garden lights for romantic dining.
We’ve had hog/s visiting for years, 2 digestive biscuits go out at 10pm ish, broken into bits and spread out around the garden lights for romantic dining.
You do know they are largely carnivorous?
Although one of mine does also like sunflower seeds and peanuts,
mixed in with the dog food & mealworms.
I assume that you have seen them eating the biscuit crumbs, if not I would suggest that its the early sparrow the catches the handouts
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We have witnessed them ‘arguing’ over the biscuit bits, very loudly, not many birds about here at 10pm to get in before the hogs, I too am largely a carnivore but don’t mind something else to pad out the diet, maybe they like a bit of variety too? We also have a shallow dish of water in the garden for those dry periods when there has been little rain.
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I too am largely a carnivore ...
So you're not human?

Homo Sapiens (my species) has been defined as an omnivorous primate, characterised by its bipedal gait and a large (if often underused) brain. They come in various sizes... :naughty:

Big and small at bus stop Swindon R1_00291.jpg
We have witnessed them ‘arguing’ over the biscuit bits, very loudly, not many birds about here at 10pm
Fair enough :) all I meant was if you don't see them eating it, and its gone by morning, the 4am birds will have eaten it.
I threw out a piece of an uneaten pork and pickle sandwich, late one night.
As above for the early birds, I caught one of the hedgehogs eating it :D

We also have a shallow dish of water in the garden for those dry periods when there has been little rain.
I always leave out a shallow bowl of water with the food tray. Rain or not.
One hoggy drinks from the shallow end of my pond, and despite having a bird bath, I've seen sparrows and blackbirds drinking from the hoggy's bowl too.
Aye the dish is always out and filled, and a free hoose for all creatures who visit the garden, I meant it was handy for those times when they can't get water elsewhere, although it's rarely that dry here. Usually our visitors are/is here by 11.30pm, we're alerted by the security light as they pass under it on the way to supper, wife takes great delight in pausing the tv to go and watch from the window for a few minutes, some years ago we had a couple of hogs tame enough not to run away if we went outside to see them.
We don't put out food for the Hogs as we also have a rat that occasionally mooches around the base of the bird feeders. Mrs Cockney not too keen on ratty.
Playing to handicap after not touching a club for 2 1/2 weeks. (And finishing just before the heavens opened!)
as we also have a rat that occasionally mooches around the base of the bird feeders.
That happened to me a couple of months ago,
I always said that they would never dare.
However the word must have got out that I had retired.
Retired? yes, but still armed with plenty of solutions,
however it took me a week to sort it. I must be losing my touch :D
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We don't put out food for the Hogs as we also have a rat that occasionally mooches around the base of the bird feeders. Mrs Cockney not too keen on ratty.
We had a couple of rats 2 years ago, they were more trouble for my neighbour as they kept getting into his compster. He poisened them, we haven't seen any since. Did see a field vole under the feeders a couple of days ago though...
WCMUT was the weather holding fairly dry (it spat with rain but only for a few seconds, once or twice - not worth donning the raincoats we took) for our visit to the Devon County Show today. Must have heaved it down yesterday, judging by the mud beside a couple of the roadways. Saving a few bob (more than enough to pay for the tickets) helped with the cheering up too!!!
WCMUT was the weather holding fairly dry (it spat with rain but only for a few seconds, once or twice - not worth donning the raincoats we took) for our visit to the Devon County Show today. Must have heaved it down yesterday, judging by the mud beside a couple of the roadways. Saving a few bob (more than enough to pay for the tickets) helped with the cheering up too!!!
I often recall driving past the showground at Wadebridge on my 3 times a year business trips to Devon & Cornwall......is that still the venue?
WCMUT was the weather holding fairly dry (it spat with rain but only for a few seconds, once or twice - not worth donning the raincoats we took) for our visit to the Devon County Show today. Must have heaved it down yesterday, judging by the mud beside a couple of the roadways. Saving a few bob (more than enough to pay for the tickets) helped with the cheering up too!!!

We had a thunder storm. I was going to cut the lawns so I got the day off.
I often recall driving past the showground at Wadebridge on my 3 times a year business trips to Devon & Cornwall......is that still the venue?

Not for the DEVON County Show but I think it still is for our neighbours in Cornwall's equivalent, the Royal Cornwall Show! Not visited that show, although I have been caught up in its traffic jams. The Devon County Show is at Westpoint, a couple of miles (if that) off the M5, J30.
Not for the DEVON County Show but I think it still is for our neighbours in Cornwall's equivalent, the Royal Cornwall Show! Not visited that show, although I have been caught up in its traffic jams. The Devon County Show is at Westpoint, a couple of miles (if that) off the M5, J30.
I believe @Box Brownie may be Nadine Dorries. ;)
Not for the DEVON County Show but I think it still is for our neighbours in Cornwall's equivalent, the Royal Cornwall Show! Not visited that show, although I have been caught up in its traffic jams. The Devon County Show is at Westpoint, a couple of miles (if that) off the M5, J30.
Ooops! getting my counties mixed up ...........................though I do prefer my cream on the jam..... ;)