wedding photography help!!

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Forums are for discussion, its one thing to comment another to give advise.
Then why bother using an internet forum?

The OP has given the information for us to base our judgement or decisions regarding their case about the wedding pics. If they have come here asking for help, then the only help they can receive is based on what they tell us. :shrug:

:agree: The only other option is to totaly ignore the OP.
I have made comment on OP. Clearly you are opinionated and only want to hear your own voice. Its quite small minded to only want your opinion in the mix.

The problem has nothing to do with opinion. Apparently opinion should not be given on a forum unless both party are present. :bonk:
doh!!! discussion does not equal advice:bonk:
I just don't think its fair to fuel a problem without both sides details. The OP says she is happy with the images she has and is in dialogue, I think we will have to agree to disagree on this.:)
doh!!! discussion does not equal advice:bonk:
I just don't think its fair to fuel a problem without both sides details. The OP says she is happy with the images she has and is in dialogue, I think we will have to agree to disagree on this.:)

It was advice the OP asked for. So from me advice they will get. No pressure if you dont want to give advice that is fine.

Even if a contract was not signed this is clearly failing to deliver. I dont think legal advice is needed i think i would simply demand a refund or take them to small claims.

It is pretty clear this is a case of an incompetent photographer trying to make excuses for the F up.

The OP clearly thinks she is getting professional advice. You were very quick to form judgement and give advice without asking many questions.
Shoot first ask questions later comes to mind. ;)
The OP clearly thinks she is getting professional advice. You were very quick to form judgement and give advice without asking many questions.
Shoot first ask questions later comes to mind. ;)

Teresa, the OP asked for advice on an internet forum and I'm sure she is capable of understanding that and able to judge for herself the advice given :cool:
I give up. If the OP has any more question i am happy to give my opinion and help in any way i can. Do i need a disclaimer at the bottom of any advice i give from now on.

I am not a lawyer i am a full time photographer and any advice given is solely on the information provided and based on my own experiences and opinion.
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Splog, sorry I was referring to a comment made by the OP.
I'm happy to comment to help achieve a resolution without shouting refund or sue at the drop of a hat.

Thats OK, I give up too! ;)
I did say we'll have to agree to disagree:)
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Splog, sorry I was referring to a comment made by the OP.

Thats OK, I give up too! ;)
I did say we'll have to agree to disagree:)

OK, we seem to have started to drift completely off topic now.
The OP has received the advice that she was asking for and the only thing left is a rather pointless circular argument.

If you'd like to pop back in with an update on how you got on or any more questions, feel free to start a new thread.
I'm sure we'd all be interested in the outcome.

However, for the time being I think this has run its course.
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