Welding glass shots: show us what you can do ;)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3428
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I messed around all over the place with the WB but sadly no....at best it looks crap, so B+W it is....or subtle split toning, etc!!

It's what seperates £7 and £90+.....fun vs serious.....you get the picture (as long as it's black and white!) (y)
Here is my "proof of concept" shot, a shade 11 from darkmutton

69 seconds taken just after midday in weymouth!

need to do a touch more more colour correction and it's a bit dark in the corners, but i'm happy as a first shot

glass is at the moment is just taped to my 58mm cokin filter adaptor!


Here is my first attempt, taken today at Ruislip Lido. Was a fun learning experience, but didn't have much time today. Swaying trees are not a good look so will try and find somewhere a bit more urban if it's windy next time. My glass is super-glued to a cheapy adapter ring from ebay
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Just went and bought myself some welding glass since the store down the road was selling it. Stuck it onto 77mm cokin ring i had spare (temp with electricians tape since dont have superglue) im just doing a test shot in the garden, ill upload in a second :) Well in 4 minutes :p


Fixed exposure in lightroom - got it wrong on my timer haha. Far to cold to do another today only in my lazy clothes! Im going to take this out during the weekend / next week and get some shots!

Heres my version! MINUS fingerprint, its cleaned off now :D


That's ace! How effective is it at stopping light leaks?
They are great Martin. Cracking images!!

Seem to have misplaced mine :( so will order another
I took mine out the other day and somehow managed to crack it down the middle... I did not notice either so spent all afternoon shooting like that and had real bad lens flair smack in the middle of the images!!!
another wasted afternoon
good job they only cost a couple of quid
suppose I will have to order a couple more as well
I appreciate your observations Yin. Some quick calculations put my G10 @ 13 stops which is absolutely fine. I can imagine anything between 9 and 15 stops are easily calculable & adjustable on camera so no problems all round. Thank you again Yin.

Second effort: Victoria pier, Fort Victoria, Yarmouth Isle of Wight.

G10 Glass from DarkMutton.
ISO 100
40 seconds
Open viewfinder.

I've joined the forum just to tell you how much I love this shot! Unreal!

This is my attempt, unfortunately not very much long exposure action going on it despite a two minute exposure! I'm not sure what's going on with the crazy vignette mind.
This thread has inspired me to grab some welding glass asap. Absolutely loving these, especially that Victoria Pier shot. Very ethereal feeling. :)
I thought you'd done well, getting someone to stand still for such a long exposure. Took me a while to realise it may be one of those Gormley sculptures (or similar) :bonk: I blame the sun - think I was out too long without a hat today and i'm fried :LOL:
Some boring pics... but first tries...





Weirdly 30 secs at f4, sun setting to the rhs of pic (not in pic but...)
One is really green - but the other is almost normal... :thinking:

Tweaks done in Gimp
Black n White is Colour>Component - 30 30 30 on the really green one
colour almost normal - colour balance - mid tones only, magenta, red and blue
sooc - straight out of camera

Did notice the clouds on the green one were merging/blown, so perhaps could have gone to f5.6 or the next f#...
Hi all, first post here!

I'm amazed at some of the photos taken by using such a cheap item. Is this the stuff you guys are using?


What is the best grade, I've seen people using different grades so does it really matter? I'm guessing a grade 9 would mean a shorted exposure would be needed than say a grade 11?

Thanks :LOL:
I have a shade ten welding glass, sharp edges all rubbed off free if anyone who wants it......I "upgraded" to a B+W ND filter:D
Galaxy66 said:
I have a shade ten welding glass, sharp edges all rubbed off free if anyone who wants it......I "upgraded" to a B+W ND filter:D

I wouldn't mind taking it at that price, please.
Galaxy - malo50 - take it to PM and sort it out between you...

I'm not going to get all official this time, when it's a giveaway. To anyone else who's reading this thread - please don't bother RTM'ing it. Cheers.
TheBigYin said:
Galaxy - malo50 - take it to PM and sort it out between you...

I'm not going to get all official when it's a giveaway. To anyone else who's reading this thread - please don't bother RTM'ing it. Cheers.

Thanks BigYin, sorry if I was out of order.x
Excellent shot of Barry, I grew up not far from the Island. I like the mono version over the colour one.

Thanks Johnsy. Appreciate the feedback.

Just got my ebay Cokin adapter in the mail so no more elastic bands for me :D !!
My first attempt at Hastings a couple of weeks back..


Not had much chance to play further lately..

Glad too see this thread is still going strong and some wonderful shots posted in it too.:clap: to everyone. ;)

Couple of great shots; I couldn't figure out if they're one shot with the colour converted or two separate shots? The B&W has better cloud definition, but other than that they're identical, compositionally.

Either way, both great shots of Cardiff (y). I miss that city big time :shake:

Couple of great shots; I couldn't figure out if they're one shot with the colour converted or two separate shots? The B&W has better cloud definition, but other than that they're identical, compositionally.

Either way, both great shots of Cardiff (y). I miss that city big time :shake:

Thanks for the feedback. They are the same shot - just with one processed b&w. Couldn't decide which I liked better...

I'm having great fun with my glass, if there's anyone considering trying but hasn't - give it a go!