What type of photographer are you?

A very lazy one that spends more time reading and talking about it than actually doing it :LOL:
Skint, yes, rubbish, yes.

But I shoot pets, practically exclusivley, although friends here and there want me to add them to pics/do a baby shoot with their little guy etc.
Got to say I'm baffled some what..... those who do it for a hobby, fine. Those who have taken the the leap and run their own biz or work for a company as a tog Great!!

But those who dream of doing it for a living but just go on about it!!!! Go for it!!!!

Get out there and do it.

Only thing that can make it work is.... YOU! And the only thing that will make it happen is to plan it and ditch your day job like I did. Having to rely on ones self is the best motivator. Thing is you dont need to be self employed.. get a job as a tog for some firm. Archeology/Police/Stock Agency/Medical/Press/Auction house/Pro lab/schools or a studio. Struth even Tescos has own in house Photographic unit. So does Argos. Jobs are there.

Its endless out there.... some seem to think to be a Pro Photographer you have to be self employed .... It's rubbish, go live your dream and pay the bills. It's the best.

And guys that are saying 'Crap'. you are not crap. you love photography but try other subjects to shoot. Some are good at still life. others landscape. you may want to do Landsscape but find you really good at another subject.....

All I ever wanted was shoot Fashion but it was a tough nut to crack. I've done allsorts in Photography and found I can great results from family & kids portraiture.... It's not what I wanted from the off but it makes a shed load of cash and is founding other photography that I really wanted to do but you can not make a living from. keeping at it guys and you will find your niche that suits you and you can make a living from.

And to all the petrol heads out there. I'm the same I 've shot F1 for National papers etc.... but you can be great at image capture and technically minded but 9 out of 10 it's being in the right place at the right time and it is also Who you know rather than what you know....

Just don't give up!
Good stuff there Daryl - best advice I was given when I started - a long time ago - was don't have a Plan 'B' - that way you just have to make it succeed!
cheers Daryl and awp for the motivational posts, really needed atm... having far too many existential crises but shooting loads and working hard towards launching 'properly' - already eliminated what was originally plan a, then became plan b, then dropped off the radar altogether :p

I know that I'll learn a lot of lessons the very hard way, but...it should be fun, sure is at the moment :)
Things more than people, although I do take pics (generally as candid as possible) of friends and family. Not particularly talented, although I can see what would make a good photograph. Fortunate in that (at the moment...) I have all that I want in the way of kit. Of course, it would be nice to replace the Sigma f/2.8 lenses I have with the Nikkor equivalents but the Sigmas do a good enough job for me, so why fork out so much more?
rave/nightlife is my forte, but i have done some portraits/arty shots mainly for DJ's etc I've met doing the club photography. I have always loved wildlife photography though and am just waiting for a chance to get out into the countryside/to a beach to take some shots.

have started doing other types of photography and am hoping to get on a course in the new year on landscape, as its the one I know least about and want to get better at.
I like doing landscape the most I'm not the best at it but I think/hope im getting better at it I would also like to get better at architectural photography but i just cant get the knack of it:bang:
Well you should be blooming good at landcapes living where you do (insert jealous as heck smiley here) :)
Well the good answers are already gone.

Skint, frustrated, rubbish, misguided plus any number of other things.
With all these negatives you might think why bother at all? But I'm sure there is light at the end of the tunnel, knowing my luck it'll be harsh direct sunlight. Problem is I have no idea how long the tunnel is and I'm a stubborn git who won't stop until I find out (or die whichever comes sooner).
Inspirational words there Daryl (y)

I don't make a living at photography but love it as a hobby. Started almost two years ago to make walking the dogs a bit more interesting and soon got the bug to try different things. I've probably learned more in the few months of being a member here than I did in the preceding year and I'm better for it. So maybe I'm not crap or at least not as crap as I used to be :D
hammer chewer
will try anything which takes my fancy
i would say specifically photographs with some art content...and portraits..family snaps
A very lazy one that spends more time reading and talking about it than actually doing it :LOL:

Yep, same here. I spend more time buying stuff than I do actually using it. Ok, so I do studio portraits but it bores me to be honest, althogh without it I wouldn't have half the lenses or equipment I've now got.

I yearn to find my speciality. I love the look of street photography and love a bit of b&w, but I think ultimately I'll end up trying my hand at all sorts and never mastering any of them.

Maybe when the kids get older I may actually be able to use this expensive stuff I've got lying around!
I haven't used my camera for months - I'm an absolute disgrace of a photographer!
Yep, same here. I spend more time buying stuff than I do actually using it. Ok, so I do studio portraits but it bores me to be honest, althogh without it I wouldn't have half the lenses or equipment I've now got.

I yearn to find my speciality. I love the look of street photography and love a bit of b&w, but I think ultimately I'll end up trying my hand at all sorts and never mastering any of them.

Maybe when the kids get older I may actually be able to use this expensive stuff I've got lying around!

I would actually love to give full-time a shot, but I can't afford the pay cut right now :D. Girlfriend has expensive taste etc etc :nuts:. Daryls post hasn't helped... started looking at photography jobs for the last 30 minutes :LOL:
I would actually love to give full-time a shot, but I can't afford the pay cut right now :D. Girlfriend has expensive taste etc etc :nuts:. Daryls post hasn't helped... started looking at photography jobs for the last 30 minutes :LOL:

Mine's only part time. I had the equipment, so decided to use it for some extra pocket money. Bought some studio equipment, got some flyers etc printed up and set up a business which is doing really well, although it does interfere with family time. It is easy enough if you have the drive, there's tax issues of course (I'm lucky enough to have an accountant in the family) but every bit of photography equipment I've bought this year has gone under the business, regardless of its true use so my profits should be fairly minimal come April.

As for full time, I couldn't do it. I earn decent enough money in my full time job, have a wife, mortgage and two young mouths to feed and don't need the pressures of not having a steady income.

Part time though, go for it, there's a lot of money to be made out there.
I haven't used my camera for months - I'm an absolute disgrace of a photographer!

Yeah... me too. Feels like my "get up and go" has "got up and went"!*:| Just got caught up in life lately... but just need that kick to get out and take some pics again.*
Angling photographer by profession, one of only a handful in the UK, which is a nice talking point at times. Do a bit of landscape and portraiture when I can, but just snap mostly in my spare time and come up with the goods now and then :)
I was just wondering what type of photographers we have on here-

Where people are all rounders, or specific in certain areas.

I have been studying photography for a couple of years, and consider myself a bit of an all rounder, landscapes, portraiture, sea scapes, still life etc

I like a bit of everything,

I have been paid for a few portrait shoots, 1 wedding (3 more booked up), parties etc

Any one else the same?

im just all round rubbish... well do ive been told :bonk: