Where to start

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Hello Everyone, I am new to all aspects of photography and keen to start in the right vein. I have a reasonable camera but need to know the best way to start the learning process...Thank you
Welcome to TP, registering here is a great place to start :)

What camera/kit do you have and what style of photography interest you?
Thank you for the reply, I have a Sony alpha 700, with the issued 18 to 55 and 70 to 200 lens. Most of my previous work was with a point and shoot so now I am keen to explore wildlife photography and macro and get to know the camera and techniques to produce interesting shots. That may mean a different lens to produce more vivid pictures. Started reading digital photography books but a lot of it is over my head.:thinking::thinking:
What are the recommended beginner courses or photography groups in the Salisbury Area? I need info on the type of lenses for freezing birds in flight or action shots at sport can anyone offer any advice please? Thank you
Hi John and welcome to TP.

One of the best thigs you will find about TP is that mostly everyone will help you out. Have a look at the "Meeting Place" forum for a TP meet in your area and dive right in. You will learn so much more with like minded people and could even end up having a beer to boot :)
CGeezer and Andrea, thank you for the info. I,m still feeling my way around the sight and feel a bit more positive about joining TP basic groups. Will now try my luck thanks again JW