woof woof week 27 - Dappled Light.

One half bench is a cool shot Alan, might need some TLC in time.

The bench might need TLC?

It gets a coat of something every year and it looks lovely for a few weeks and then it quickly reverts to this, nothing helps longer term. I don't know what sort of wood it is but it was supposed to age quickly (it said so on the box) and look well aged and it has but to date it shows no sign of actually failing.
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Half a bench, half a table, half a chair, half a car and half a house at f1/2.

That's clever Alan, I like what you've done there.
Excellent take on the theme. I like it!
Lovely pic Alan and great use of depth of field.

Thank you Pete. I used f1.2 to be able to put that extra 1/2 in the write up :D

The peas in the background aren't bokeh friendly but I couldn't really frame the shot to leave them out.
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Week 27, dappled light.

I haven't been able to get out with a camera so far this week so beginning to panic I looked for something at home and spotted this...

Dappled light (I hope this counts) + mono, the conversion was done in Nik Filters Silver Efex Pro 2 and is supposed to be emulating Ilford Pan F Plus 50.


I have another idea but I need to wait a few hours for the light to be right.
Me no understandy.

I need a post and dappled light?
Allan, how long have you been doing this?
This weeks theme is a post.
You have 8 weeks ( approx) to fit one theme to the (tech) ( what ever that theme maybe) of dappled light.
Allan, how long have you been doing this?
This weeks theme is a post.
You have 8 weeks ( approx) to fit one theme to the (tech) ( what ever that theme maybe) of dappled light.

I think a week too long.

I appreciate your efforts and it's been fun so far and I've enjoyed seeing other peoples pictures but my time is limited and I certainly don't have time to read comments like this.

Wishing you success with this, and wishing others every enjoyment, obvs. But I'm out.
I certainly don't have time to read comments like this.
I'm trying to help you out, so you get your tick, for the appropriate weeks theme,
Its been this way for years, and I assume you have managed it so far ...
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I think you're not the first to confuse the theme with the technique, and no doubt, not the last :) Tuesday is far too early to panic about being late though. I regularly post on a Thursday. In my first 52 I was often weeks behind. It hung over me, and I'm sure must have been a pain for the keeper of the scrolls, I now realise.

Anyway, a very nice mono shot that is not quite a post, but is dappled light.... come back @woof woof !!