Xmas Robin Competition

Edit My Images
To be judged in his unique diplomatic style by the promoter and enthusiast of the species, our own @BRASH

December 1st is the closing date - post as many images as you want

Christmas will soon be upon us and it would great to see as many Robin shots as possible.

my wife wants me to design a "card"

Post yours on here - as many as you like and then maybe we can select one person from the forum to pick the best

I need some snow and holly for mine - so I will try to find some but here is my "first draft"

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feel free to experiment ……… let your artistic tendancies run wild
feel free to experiment ……… let your artistic tendancies run wild

I'd need a decent subject first not one of them

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you cannot post that anymore ……….. it is not PC …….. chose a plastic one please

It's not real, it's electronically generated. I can send you a real one if you want so you can compare. The wife's brewing one up as I type:D
It's not real, it's electronically generated. I can send you a real one if you want so you can compare. The wife's brewing one up as I type:D

sending them through the post, even from Scotland, is not PC either and the Royal Mail won't deliver them

It's not like when I was a lad
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sending them through the post, even from Scotland, is not PC either and the Royal Mail won't deliver them

It's not like when I was a lad

As you know, PC is not something I believe in, follow, practice or condone.

Now I need to go to bed, early start tomorrow. Nighty night.
If only I had a Robin picture Bill I could help you out.
Merry Christmas, nice one ho ho ho.........(y)
Talk about thick ;) i wanted to use this one from earlier in the year but passed it over as the bird is facing the wrong way for me.

In a moment of relief from my permanent senior state i though just flip it.

Yep it's an age thing, and just think next time you have the same problem with an image you will have to discover the solution again.
I'd probably use this pic I got a while ago and just have it on the front of a regular card that opens up :) Perhaps even with a border for that extra cheesy xmas card look lol

Dramatic Robin by Phal44, on Flickr
Mike I'm not really a fan of "frontal" views as they seem to "bugger" the DOF

good "fat" Robin images …….. I think that the "French" ones are a slightly different colour ……… I'll have to drag a few of mine out, (the one I posted in the first posting is a UK one)

Of course we all know that the Robin is a member of the Thrush family, (Turdidae) ….. which must have been what @BRASH implied ……. or maybe was just a happy co-incidence
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I can see Brash will be in heaven here:banana:...

Perhaps you could get him to choose;)
European Robin (Erithacus rubella)
OK ………. apparently there are 8 sub-species, but only two should concern this thread

E. r. melophilus Hartert, 1901 – British Is; non-breeding also SW Europe.
E. r. rubecula (Linnaeus, 1758) – Continental Europe E to Ural Mts and W Asia Minor, also islands in E Atlantic (Azores, Madeira, W Canary Is) and NW Morocco; non-breeding W & S Europe and NE Africa.

Race melophilus is warmer and darker above, deeper orange-rufous on face and breast, darker buff flanks;

There are a lot of them about and apparently "densities in Europe may reach 1 pair/ha (100 pairs/km²) in good woodland habitat and suburban gardens, but drop to one-third of this level in farmland with small fields and hedgerows"

About info should be credited to HBW
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I can see Brash will be in heaven here:banana:...

Yes indeed, I have a permanent boner when I view this Thread. That don't happen too often theses days. Every cloud and all that:cool:
Oh go on then, I'll play...

Couple of older ones complete with genuine snow, not sure the first one is Xmas card material, but it was just before Xmas day and we put out loads of extra food for the birds and the Robin was grateful I think, does that count? :LOL:

by Ian-Highlander, on Flickr

by Ian-Highlander, on Flickr

And a more recent one that needs fake snow and holly adding for that really cheesy Xmasy touch.

by Ian-Highlander, on Flickr
Some more for you Bill to use as you wish,even if it is to put in the bin :D




Lynne, sorry, Rich

the more the merrier as we will be expecting a full critique on every image by you know who

There are some really good ones being posted …….. really like your first image, the one with the snow

Make you realise what an attractive bird a Robin is?

are we expecting snow in the UK in November?
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the more the merrier as we will be expecting a full critique on every image by you know who

No chance.!!!! Yeh'll get the end result and some general snipes from me but that's it.
No chance.!!!! Yeh'll get the end result and some general snipes from me but that's it.

I'm sure that will be good enough - good to see that you are keep an eye on the thread!!!
I'm sure that will be good enough - good to see that you are keep an eye on the thread!!!

I am committed. If I say I'll do something, I stick to the task.

Been musing over appropriate prizes. At the moment they range from dog s***e to Single Malt:D;)
The more the merrier as we will be expecting a full critique on every image by you know who

Well at least he has untill December to practice.Up till now I have not been too impressed by his efforts!
Well at least he has untill December to practice.Up till now I have not been too impressed by his efforts!
Read Post #29 mug!!
Been musing over appropriate prizes. At the moment they range from dog s***e to one of my own framed bird pics :D;)

Option 1 for me then (y)

