weekly John's 2012 52 - Week 51/52 - Time/Fun (27th Dec) Finished !

Thanks very much Alex
Ok Dokey... saves me taking another 30 seconds to redo it ;)
Keep going John, we all get these weeks where, lack of time, inspiration or ideas conspire against us.
Texture, has a good feel to it, I like the abstract nature of it, the colour tones are easy on the eye and your chosen dof give it a 3D feel. I think it is the back of a chair?
Duo, works with a little bit of explanation ;)
I think having all the label showing would help it compositionally though (IMHO)
Thanks Iain, for the words of encouragement... the entire year so far has pretty much been like that.. I'm really struggling.

Thanks, glad that one worked so well... yep, back of a chair... lit from behind by the low sun.

You may be right on the label.. I was trying to make sure the label didn't overwhelm the sweets, but felt it needed to be there... May have to have another look tomorrow...
Not sure this really works, but yet another week of madness... I'm just so uninspired at the moment.. My camera has been out of it's bag, precisely once this week...

I'm not overly happy with these, and they probably fit up... but...

A pair of Low Down shots (I was lying on the floor, with these over a meter above me) of gladioli


I am glad you are still here John, over halfway so there is no getting out of it now. You must be last man standing for those doing the 2009 themes, I don't think I have seen anyone else :thinking:

Onto your low down photographs.
#1 gets my vote, just pipping #2. The colour tones seem stronger in #1, it really fills the frame too.
You do have a great knack of choosing your dof to give your images a lot of depth and 3D feel about them, I like that a lot, I really do.

Keep shooting John, having only took your camera out its bag once this week you've still nailed the theme. Iain
Hi John, sorry I've not popped in for a while just too busy right now!

Texture, I agree with DK, the light just breaking through really adds depth.

jgs001 said:
Another week, yet again, no time... getting a bit fed up with this to be honest... ho hum...

I know this feeling, I've chosen to just stop! I'm not stopping doing the 52, I'm stopping rushing around trying to fit it all in! I've been busy at work so going to catch up this week and next!
Don't give up, you've come so far.

Duo, my OCD isn't bothered by the wonky ribbons. I think the detail on the sweets is lovely and the lighting on the jar is nice and straight(y)

Low down, number one for me too, the DOF is just right.

You're over half way now, don't give up.
I am glad you are still here John, over halfway so there is no getting out of it now. You must be last man standing for those doing the 2009 themes, I don't think I have seen anyone else :thinking:

Onto your low down photographs.
#1 gets my vote, just pipping #2. The colour tones seem stronger in #1, it really fills the frame too.
You do have a great knack of choosing your dof to give your images a lot of depth and 3D feel about them, I like that a lot, I really do.

Keep shooting John, having only took your camera out its bag once this week you've still nailed the theme. Iain

Still soldiering on Iain ;)... Miss Cupcakes has posted a few recently, and John (Dark Star) as I understand it, should be posting a massive catchup soon.

Thanks for the comments Iain, I'm not giving up, just struggling... far too much going on.

Hi John, sorry I've not popped in for a while just too busy right now!

Texture, I agree with DK, the light just breaking through really adds depth.

I know this feeling, I've chosen to just stop! I'm not stopping doing the 52, I'm stopping rushing around trying to fit it all in! I've been busy at work so going to catch up this week and next!
Don't give up, you've come so far.

Duo, my OCD isn't bothered by the wonky ribbons. I think the detail on the sweets is lovely and the lighting on the jar is nice and straight(y)

Low down, number one for me too, the DOF is just right.

You're over half way now, don't give up.

No worries Marsha, I'm not getting around the 52 threads as much as I should ;). And I'm not giving up, so far, I've managed to squeeze them all in during the same week, but if it slips a day or three, so be it.

Thanks for the comments, glad you like them, and your OCD isn't offended by the wonky ribbon :D
Hi John

Well, i'm going to be different :D

I like no:2 the best (just) liking the dof in one, but the composition in 2 is more pleasing to me

The little spots of red colour are great and add nice interest/focal points !!!

Hang on in there... your past half way now so it's easy going from here - well that's what I keep saying to my self :D
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Thanks very much DK... I'm hanging... past halfway... not sure on easy going ... you keep kidding telling yourself that :D
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Not a lot of time, so another rush... Although, I did try to capture the low sun through some petals, not sure it's quite worked, or is particularly soft


So I went for this instead..

A couple of choices, I can't decide between them

Probably a little too tight on the crop

Probably could do without the pillow hill..

Hi John

Soft - I think the first works as in Soft Light, I like it

As for the bear, totally agree that the first teddy is cropped way too tight, the shadow to the right of the ears doesn't help I don't think - I prefer the wider crop but again unsure if the pillow works

Now, a shot of you cuddling the teddy ;)
Thanks DK... If I get time, I may have another go with the bear.. as for me and the bear... I think not ;)
Thanks Michael... need to reshoot this I think.

I may consider it DK, if there's a suitable theme still in the bag (I think we've had most of them though ;))
Not had time this week to get a shot for Health so it's gonna be added when I've gotten something.
Bit of a crowbar this week, but that's just how it is ;)...

Shot with my Kenko 1.4x TC and 70-200 L

Healthy Hind
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Thanks guys... DK, it's been sunny all week so far ;). Gotta say though, and I should have mentioned it on the weeks post, my Kenko 1.4x TC works really nicely with my 70-200.
I tried to get a shot of the Road Race Cycling that had a rather a different slant... Two variants


This is my preferred of the two though.
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Thanks Michael, I agree with you.. #2 it is.
I think I have something that will just about fulfil the criteria for week 31, but as I've not even had a chance to download it from the card yet ...
Well, I hope you didn't hold your breath for too long... it wasn't worth it...

Another week with no time available...

Grabbed this with my iPhone, and had a play with Snapseed...

Smoky clouds reflected in a window

Thanks Michael, serves me right trying to process it on a 3" screen... and not checking it this morning

How's this ?

I had no clue what I was gonna do for this... In fact I was dreading it... then when I was processing my pics from the lympics last night... I found this amongst them... it hadn't occurred to me at the time it fit the theme ;)

This is actually in colour (although it's hard to tell), I've not desaturated or applied any other kind of colour removal from the image.


I'm off on my summer hols for the next 2 weeks, and I don't know if I'll have any net access. If not, have a good couple of weeks, and I'll catch up when I'm back.
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