weekly John's 2012 52 - Week 51/52 - Time/Fun (27th Dec) Finished !

Thanks Michael... it may not be your phone ;)
Wow, I thought we had some tough to interpret themes in the 2012 52 but yours take a bit of beating.
Smoke and mirrors works well John, the old style feel/processing on this really suit the subject. Its well seen too, just goes to show there are opportunities all around us......its the seeing them thats the problem :LOL:

Mono in colour, again another well seen take on the subject. I like the graphic repetetive nature to your photograph. The recession into the background makes a simple but strong image. I don't see the colour element to it but who cares :LOL: I think its a cracker regardless (y) Iain
Hi John

Smoke and mirrors - Damn that's a tough subject, I think your shot works well for the theme, shots like this taken with a phone are spot on for me

Mono in colour - great shot that John, no idea what I'm looking at but love the dof and the repetitiveness of the subject matter fading in to the distance !!!

Have a great Holiday !!!!!
Thanks very much guys... I had a great holiday... had to go back to work today

Iain, if you look on the right hand side, you can see red patches next to the bar codes.

Michael, it's rows of seats.

I'm still processing through rather a lot of pics, so not got to "easy" yet.
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Easy on the eye, and easy to shoot... it didn't move ;)

Thanks very much Michael... dark worked then ;), my thought was to be intriguing... I'm not gonna give the game away as yet though
Hi John, dam I've missed a few weeks again. I couldn't make out the first soft shot, it took me a while:bonk: What a cute teddy bear though, but I agree with DK the first is a little tightly cropped and not sure on the pillow:thinking:

Health, she does look very healthy(y) I think I'll be asking Santa for a TC for my 70-200!!!

Different, I'm with you and prefer the second shot. I'm still a newbie at panning, I like your angle here(y)

Smoke and mirrors, oh what a theme! I think you've done well though and the tiny crop helps. Snapseed is an awesome app, I got it free last year and use it a lot!

Mono in colour, love it! I didn't know what it was until read the 'Lympics' bit and guessed straight away that it's the seats with the cables to the LED panels in the main stadium that did the awesome displays(y) You've done well and you have to look REALLY closely to see any colour!

Dark, I'd guess at a beef joint? I think this is just a smidge too dark for me, I think I'd like a little more detail in the face:thinking:

Easy, nice composition and BG, always much easier when something doesn't move ;)

Phew all caught up! That took me a whole :bonk: glad your still holding on(y)
Thanks very much for taking the time to catch up with everything Marsha, you've been very busy away from here, and it's much appreciated. I've got a few others from the lympics, but not had time to do much with them as yet (although I did manage a 1/30 s pan on Mo)... also had a great time at the paralympic track cycling the other day, and off to the athletics tomorrow. Hoping to get next weeks themes shot then ;)
And with that note onto the current theme... had no idea what I was going to do for this, only picked up the theme yesterday :help:, then it occurred to me, that this sort of fit, so this it'll be

A confusion of panels
I'm not completely sure this really says pain, but it looks to me like she's hurting as she hurtles around the track...

Hey John :)


Dark - It sure is... I can't quite see what's happening... is it Sweeny Tod with a Cat :D

Easy - That's nice, great background and composition/crop suits well

Confusion - I have no idea what it is, but love the colours, fits the theme very erll (y)

Pain - Action well caught, good background, her gritted teeth/face sure says pain/determination to me
Hey DK ;)...

Thanks for taking the time to comment...

Dark, it's the effect I was aiming for... I wanted it really dark, and hard to tell what was going on, and you got just the right idea :D... It's actually a friend of ours carving a leg of lamb ;)
Hi John,

Confusion, yes it's definitely that! What is it? I love the red colour dominating, but that one white panel bottom right bothers me:bonk:

Pain, craking shot. The blur is excellent with the focus perfectly on her grimacing face(y)

I hope you had a good time at the Para Olympics?
Hey DK ;)...

Thanks for taking the time to comment...

Dark, it's the effect I was aiming for... I wanted it really dark, and hard to tell what was going on, and you got just the right idea :D... It's actually a friend of ours carving a leg of lamb ;)
Well it works a treat then mate... it works a treat (y)
Cheers DK
Not a hope of getting one of these this week... so I'm going back to the paralympics for a shot... A 5 shot pano of the crowds in the Velodrome


It could probably have been shot better, and there's some whacky distortions going on, 17-85 at 17mm.. but it's what I got
Thanks DK, you're right, I could have done with some more on the RHS... didn't notice that ... :bonk:
thanks Michael

I must have a go at something like that... what software did you use ??

DK, I used PSE10 to make the panorama, it's very easy. The key is in the shooting... you need at least 15% overlap, ideally a bit more.
Good luck, to make one, open all the images, file new, photmerge panorama. Most of the time he auto method does a good job.
Well, I've got too much going on to be able to get anything else this week... so I'm going to use this image.

It takes a lot of being Organised to setup for, capture and process an image like this, from loading up the mount, aligning it, aligning the camera, setting up a sequence of images etc. Well worth it mind you.

Here's Cassiopeia, the Queen of Greek legend who, in her Vanity, proclaimed she was more beautiful than the gods, and ended up having to chain her daughter Andromeda to the rocks, as a light snack for the Kraken. She's next to, both Andromeda (just off to the lower right), and Perseus, (just off to lower left) who saved Andromeda. But I'm sure you all know the story.


This is 3 hours of exposure time, and a couple of hours of processing time.
Hi John,

Crowd, I thought that was taken with a fish eye lens at first :bonk: The distortion and the fact it's the velodrome only help the shot if you ask me(y) I agree about a little more on the right!

Organised, three hours :nuts::wacky::geek: wow, I'd say that's dedication as well as organisation, but clearly well worth it:clap: Personally I'm rubbish with astronomy, I know you've told me they're there, but I just see pretty stars :whistle:
Thanks all.

DK, it can get very very expensive... for instance a cooled astro camera (full frame) in mono costs £3,500, and you need a mount and scope setup to attach it to, and if you want to do colour imaging, you need a set of filters and a wheel...

Thanks Marsha, three hours, is only a little one... my longest was 7.5 hours, but 24 hours or more of exposure time isn't unusual. Nothing wrong with seeing pretty stars though ;) as long as you're looking up
Originally, I'd thought about using the highlight of the week, but there wasn't one... and I didn't have any opportunity to use my camera, so was limited to my iPhone.

This didn't come out quite how I'd envisioned it, but there's so little control... and the 3gs is really poor in low light conditions


And some highlighted clouds...

Thanks all.

DK, it can get very very expensive... for instance a cooled astro camera (full frame) in mono costs £3,500, and you need a mount and scope setup to attach it to, and if you want to do colour imaging, you need a set of filters and a wheel...

Damn... now that I wouldn't be able to sneak through the radar :D
I know the feeling DK :D... I know the feeling all to well.. The image of Cassiopeia was shot as the border shows... 50mm f/1.4 (although the f/1.8 would have done a good job too) on an Astrotrac... ok, pretty expensive as tripod heads go ;)
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Grunge: Yes, grungey metal fits the theme. Nice lighting
Food: Bit on the rop right hand corner is annoying me. Also agree with John that some plate would be nice rather than filling the frame. I like pain au chocolate
Opposites: death surrounded by life....deffo fits the theme
Development: Shame the tripod legs have been chopped a bit. Well done on two shots while fitting out a new kitchen!! (looks very nice btw)
satisfaction: I love this! Not a fan of bugs but I like the green on white, the diagonal of the antenna