weekly John's 2012 52 - Week 51/52 - Time/Fun (27th Dec) Finished !

Up: Colour one for me. Like the three strong branches and the diagonals
Texture: Like this pattern picture. My kind of shot. Fills the frame. nice diagonal and sharp in the middle
Duo: I agree about the ribbon. Good idea with the sweets
Low Down: Cant bear to look at those...look like aliens!
Soft: Teddy for me. Altrhough I tend to agree with Dark Knight in the tight cropping of the first and the pillow in the second. Lightings good with catchlights in the eyes too!
Health: Good shot & lighting. A twist on the theme LOL
Different: Great idea and No.2 for me. Not easy to take. Like the legs framing the shot
Smoke & Mirrors: I really struggled with this theme.
Mono in COlour: Funny you say you were dreading it! I like this type of shot. Lovely and sharp and Im impressed youve not had to meddle with colours
Dark; Its definately dark! I struggle with dark and losing detail. I hope thats simple the sunday roast being carved!
Easy: A theme to be intepreted in different ways. I like the simplicity, the composition and the muted background
Confusion: Great. Love the subject. The white bit bottom"ish" right catches my eye though.
Pain: Great close up and yes, she looks like its hurting! Would fit a theme determination too!
Crowd: Love this! Something Ive never tried. Love it. Sharp, good lighting and colours.
Organised: Wow. Five hours in total!! Have you finished that kitchen then!! way beyoind my capabilities a shot like this :)
Highlights: Prefer the candles shot to the clouds. Has atmosphere and I like the diagonal

Think thats me all commented out!!! :clap:
Thanks Michael

Thanks Miss C, that's some catchup ;). The Kitchen is about finished... just needs some flooring now, and I'm not doing that ;) 5 hours is a short one ;)... some images get 24 hours of capture time... not mine as yet.. and I dread to think how long one of those takes to process.
Struggled with time again this week, although I did get to use the camera a couple of times...

Anyway... I rather like the contrast of the clouds against the blue sky.. a 7 shot Pano, shot in portrait


And.. I was playing around with my macro setup, just to see how nuttily close I could get... I don't remember what I used here, I think it was, from the camera, 75mm macro tubes, Kenko 2x TC, 70-200L at 200mm, min focus distance, and the Raynox DCR250... :bonk: just rather stupidly hard to use...

I was rather taken with the colour contrasts...
Thanks DK, actually about 12 cm's, I'll post up a shot for context later, the flower this is from is about 4 cm's across...
DK, As promised, here's a simple shot of the flower...


The Contrast submission is in amongst the yellow bits around the centre
Thanks very much DK, I probably should have focus stacked it to get some more DOF looking at it again... f/20 just doesn't provide enough DOF ...
Hi John,

Highlight, I like the candle shot, definitely fits the theme! I like the diagonal and the red background.
I would crop the cloud shot a little as the lamp posts on the right have a major lean issue!

Contrast, I much prefer the macro shot, the detail is AMAZING! Love the colours too :clap:
Thanks Marsha, You're right on the cloud shot, not sure about cropping it anymore though... I may be able to straighten the poles, but not on my phone.
Not had the time to use the camera this week, certainly not to put something together for this. So... I'm going back to something I shot in May (at least it's the right year)...

:bonk: :nuts: Yep... <note to self> must remember to look at them more closely... </note to self>

Thanks DK...

How this ??

Thanks DK
I'd hoped to be able to get something this weekend, but thankfully had a play on Friday evening, as I spent the weekend being sick...

So whilst there's lots more that would have been appropriate this will have to do....

to Season food, add herbs and spices


This is a 5 shot focus stack with the 70-200 and Raynox DCR250
Thanks Guys...

all very warm and autumnal tones too now you mention it ;)...

DK, you're guess is probably right, but a focus stack, is take a shot (macro has very shallow DOF) move the camera a little so the plane of focus moves through the image, shoot again, and repeat.. then combine the images together to get much greater DOF in a single image. I got a cheap macro focus rail from ebay that lets me move the camera by small amounts to get the coverage.
Hi John,

Letter, I was looking thinking 'great idea but what's that yellow other bit bottom right then saw the edit (y) however, I'd probably get rid of that little blue strip too at the bottom just off centre! Cracking shot though (y)

Season, superb :clap: I tried a stack once, it was a massive fail!
Thanks Guys...

all very warm and autumnal tones too now you mention it ;)...

DK, you're guess is probably right, but a focus stack, is take a shot (macro has very shallow DOF) move the camera a little so the plane of focus moves through the image, shoot again, and repeat.. then combine the images together to get much greater DOF in a single image. I got a cheap macro focus rail from ebay that lets me move the camera by small amounts to get the coverage.
Cool... sounds like I guessed, but also sounds a lot of effort on editing, something I am not used to yet - Well shot then mate !!!!
Wow at your contrast shot John!! :clap: Im very impressed!

Letter, a shot from May! Thats cheating :rules: Nice shot though and much beter with the blob removed from the bottom right :)

Season. Ive pondered whether to take a shot of autumn leaves etc or salt & pepper for seasoning. Your shot actually suits both as your spices are autumnal colours (y) I would of got rid of that hairy bit at the top. Just being picky as otherwise I cant fault it! If you have time please explain focus stacking & how you took this shot :shrug:
Thanks Marsha, I didn't notice the blue strip either :bonk:. I've tried numerous times, and none of the ones I've ever tried to do handheld have ever worked, but I'm beginning to work out the technique using the rail.

Dean, you just need the right software... combineZ on windows is a good start point.

Thanks Miss C. As for the :rules: I don't believe I defined any ;)... I knew there were going to be weeks like that, so left it open deliberately. For Season, I'll look at the hairy bit, but I'm not sure how far I'd be able to tweak it.. As you've seen with your own macro shots, macro produces painfully thin slivers of DOF, focus stacking, basically involves taking a series of shots, each taking a different thin sliver of sharp focus, then combining the focused bits into a resulting image. The Focus Rail I mentioned, makes this much easier, as it provides a level of finer control over the camera movement. I got a cheapy (about £14 if I remember correctly) from ebay. It has it's issues, but still works within the limits defined by those. Once you've shot as many images as you need to get the overall DOF you want, you have to combine the images. You can do it in PS with masking etc, or let a tool like CombineZ do it for you.
I had a pretty good idea of what to do for this when I saw it come up... Just let the idea ferment for a bit... then in a small 10 minute gap this morning...

Thanks guys
Hmm... a lot of possibilities with this one... but I went for a simple option.. bit of OCF...

This is as near as damn it, SOOC, converted from the RAW in Aperture, no adjustments applied, only a border added... the 70-200 is simply stunning..

Thanks very much Michael...
Liking that a lot John (y)
You have handled the lighting well, detail in all the right places.
A simple yet effective take on the theme. I have a 70-200 lens too but dont use it often enough. Iain
Thanks very much Iain. The 70-200 is going to feature in this weeks image too ;)
I decided my 70-200, after lasts week results should be my subject for glass, after all it's lovely. Anyway, I didn't have a lot of time, and I couldn't quite get it right... no clue as to why... :thinking:

Hi John

Relationship is just perfect :clap: that and the previous shot suit each other, one more for a set :)

Glass, I'm like Iain, just don't use this lens enough! I took mine out at Woburn last week and got an amazing shot of my hubby and son, must, must, must use it more often! This photo could be used as a product shot (y)
Hi John,

I'm terribly behind here, sorry :(

Season - I like that it's got many different textures, also like the tones.

Love - I like this, the fact that you've got two hearts, one with the writing on it. A bit more space on the left would have made it perfect for me.

Relationship - It may have been the simple option but it works.

Glass - I'm afraid this doesn't work for me. I'm not sure what you were going for so I can't offer any suggestions on how to improve it.
Thanks for the comments folks.

DK, street with a beast like the 70-200 ?? Not worried about subtle then :D...

Marsha, not sure I'll work out something else to go with those two Marsha... as best as I can tell the 70-200 is as sharp as my 50mm (and that's no slouch). bet that's a lovely shot of the family Marsha.

Michael, if I get time, I might try something more with the idea... see if I can improve on it.

Nat, thanks for taking the time to catch up. I understand on the lens shot.. it's not quite what I was imagining... there in lies my problem.. more often than not, I can't translate what I'm envisaging into a pic.

Bit late this week, spent far to long over the past week processing my shots from a dress rehearsal I shot last week, in amongst the rest of the madness... I have an idea for last week (Music) and no clue yet for this week (Respect).