weekly 52 in 2013: Brian of Bozeat : COMPLETE

Hi Brian (or Brain:D)

Work- on theme for me. Good colours and like the motion blur which exemplifies the work taking place. Like the restricted palette of colours too. The shadow adds depth to the shot

Only minor points are the small portion of front tyre in the frame and i would be tempted to crop at the top of the horizontal shadow at the bottom of the pic.

yeah and I believe your explanation as to why you were using the granny ring. :nono::D
week 7 - Gluttony.

Mmmm cheese, I am a glutton for cheese... when I saw this display I knew this had to be my picture this week.

I was extra motivated when the old bag behind the counter refused my polite request to let me photograph her display from inside her shop - I have had to do an inhuman amount of Processing to get rid of <nearly all of> the reflections (that cheese is behind the glass door AND the glass counter!) - Needless to say she lost a customer at the same time. Ha!

week 7 - Gluttony.jpg by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr
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Great work image!

Like the cheese one too, extra points for getting rid of the reflections! You'd never tell, or i cant anyway :LOL: You'd of thought she would have jumped at having it photographed, she would never know what business she could have got from it!
Fits in well with theme of gluttony. I was going to ask if it was a local shop and if they minded you taking photo but then I read your comments. Dont know if I have enough confidence yet to go and ask. Well done on getting rid of reflections. Hope you rewarded yourself with some cheese ( from somewhere else):)
The cheese one looks a bit soft to me , but guess 2 panes of glass and removal of reflections does not help, which you did a super job of.
Good on you for getting the photograph. Wonder why she said no?

Doesn't scream Gluttony to me, I have to say but well done for overcoming the glass.

Hi Brian

Work......can't really add to whats already been said ( my bad for taking so long to get round commenting !) Tis a great shot though with a real sense of speed ...

Gluttony...I too wonder why she said NO....still , top marks for your editing , wouldn't have guessed it was shot through 2 lots of glass :)
Thanks for the comments folks - for reference here's the original... I should have let it go but I decided that it would be a challenge to make something of it.

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Looks much better after the processing, good work on that.

I guess some people just don't like the idea of free advertising!
The work shot has a lot of potential, as already mentioned the front tire is a little bit of a distraction and I'd prefer a clean background. I tried something a few years ago using my trainer head on, I think I should of waited till I lost my winter jacket :D

You have done well to pull something from that original shot, I do like a bit of cheese as long as it's laced with chilli :nuts:
Great bit of editing on the cheese counter Brian (y)
As Andy, it doesn't shout gluttony but still good work, with a little explanation it fits. Your perserverence paid off, Iain.
Good job Brian - done very well to drag a usable shot out of that original one posted...

As far as "gluttony" goes, that's kinda sums up the problem I'm having, and that's when does a whole load of food, actually become gluttony? There's no implication that it's all going to be eaten by the same person....

Understand you may have a personal wish to devour it all..... :thinking:

But lovely shot, good colours, interesting subject, and hat off to you for having the bravery to get in the shop and ask. (y)
Agree with Graham about the theme well done for rescuing the shot in PP, in Chester we also have a cheese shop and the woman who runs it is also a grumpy git must come with working with cheese all day
Great shot Brian. The distance has obviously got to do with the circumference of the circle, so pi is involved... perhaps too much pie hence the workout? (Pretty laboured, I know, sorry!) The reall win here is the motion effect and the multiple feet against the stationary frame. Nice.
Work is really nice, the movement in it is fantastic.

I didn't know what to think of gluttony, until I saw what you started with. Great editing job, I wouldn't have even tried!
Your post processing is excellent Brian, you have transformed it. As said you have done well to get through the glass but the edited version has strongly defined colours and labels with plenty of detail. Although doesn't scream gluttony its well executed and worth the time you have taken. Good job!
that's another good one from you brian - but for 3 weeks work I'd expect it to be..... :LOL: Where ya bin??

Great contrast of the black and white, and the two types of "key" used. (y). Says juxtaposition to me.

Maybe put the car key a bit further right, and clean up a few of the white specks to make the image cleaner?

Great work though. :clap:
I do like that, the simplicity of the black and white works really well. Great idea too.
Great take on the theme, I do like this, very clear, the whole thing jump out at you

Good job:clap:
Yup , works really well for the them....another great interpretation of juxtathingy ( I'm trying to work out what the key belongs to...Skoda, VW, Seat ?? tweak the whites a little & it'll be spot on (y)

Ahem, Audi A4 SLine... tsch
A different and creative take on the theme Brian.
Love the stark contrast, whites just need a wee tweak but other than that (y)
Hi brian, now that is pretty, very well processed with some lovely bright colours.. Well composed too with teh letter box separated from everything else, not overlapping a window or anything.

and obviously - perfectly on theme too. (y)
Brian, that's a lovely shot. Fabulous detail, contrasting colours and superbly executed. Good job (y)
As above really, great shot.

Im surprised with how pretty it is its taken you this long to shot it!