weekly Joshwain's Photo52 of 2013! - WEEK 3 ADDED! (GRAVITY)

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Seeing as my Photo52 of 2012 only lasted a disappointing 7 weeks, I've decided it's only right to try again this year and make sure I actually stick to it!

Once again, I have a load of A-level exams coming up but I'm not going to let myself use that as an excuse this time seeing as nobody revises so much that they have no time at all for other things. In fact I've had a good day if I manage an hour without getting distracted, woops! :exit:

Anyway, I've decided to give myself 3 jokers as below which will turn RED when used. They can be used to post a photo that doesn't fit in to a theme or to simply skip a week.

Here is the list of the 52 themes which will be updated to have a direct link to each week's post:
Week 1 : Sin
Week 2 : Season
Week 3 : Gravity (probable revisit)
Week 4 :
Week 5 :
Week 6 :
Week 7 :
Week 8 :
Week 9 :
Week 10 :
Week 11 :
Week 12 :
Week 13 :
Week 14 :
Week 15 :
Week 16 :
Week 17 :
Week18 :
Week 19 :
Week 20 :
Week 21 :
Week 22 :
Week 23 :
Week 24 :
Week 25 :
Week 26 :
Week 27 :
Week 28 :
Week 29 :
Week 30 :
Week 31 :
Week 32 :
Week 33 :
Week 34 :
Week 35 :
Week 36 :
Week 37 :
Week 38 :
Week 39 :
Week 40 :
Week 41 :
Week 42 :
Week 43 :
Week 44 :
Week 45 :
Week 46 :
Week 47 :
Week 48 :
Week 49 :
Week 50 :
Week 51 :
Week 52 :

I hope to see plenty of comments and criticism (y) How else am I expected to improve? :p

Josh :)
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Good on ya for joining in again this year Josh....let's see if we can get you to the finishing line this year (y)

Hope your exams n stuff went well last year ...now get out there with the camera & have some fun :D
Okay, so it's week 1 and attempt 2 at a Photo52 for me! Sin proved to be a difficult theme for some reason and at times I think I was trying to be a little too creative with the ideas I had. I guess I'll be able to put those ideas into actual work by the end of the year though if I stick at it this time!

Anyway, the shot!

Photo52 2013 - Sin by Joshwain, on Flickr
ISO 100
30 secs

With exams round the corner, a new tripod, lens and remote shutter in my possession and having done not a lot of revision, there was only one thing I had in mind for sin... the not a lot of revision part :LOL:

I wanted to make use of my new gear and create a busy shot to show how much work I need to do in the next 2 weeks, all in order to get in to university (which can also be seen in the frame) :p It's not the best of photos but I think it's alright, it gave me a chance to play with my new stuff and reminded me I need to pull my finger out! :LOL:

Let's hope next week is a little easier!
like the idea of having jokers.. could be useful!.. great start for your 52, good luck with the exams
Lovely DOF. Colour & contrast also look good to me.

I am liking the composition more each time I look!

hmmm - a bit stumped for negative crit tbh, so (y)
I liked the shot ESP the clarity throughout the image.

But I just don't see any sin here, it says homework to me, but it your image and impression.
Hi Josh, I don't see the connection but a great take on revision / homework. I see UCAS paperwork! Wish you every success with your studies, exams and application.
Time for a mass reply!

like the idea of having jokers.. could be useful!.. great start for your 52, good luck with the exams
Thanks, my first one is next Friday so it's all go! 3 weeks and they're over for a couple of more months though :D

Lovely DOF. Colour & contrast also look good to me.

I am liking the composition more each time I look!

hmmm - a bit stumped for negative crit tbh, so (y)
Yep, same with Brian, great shot, great start :)
Cheers (y)

Hi Josh :)

Sin - Only crit for me, obviously set up as an actual piece of work isn't being carried out, a clean blank page or a started page would look more realistic for me - Nicely taken/lit shot though (y)
That's a fair point! I'll have to bear it in mind for later weeks :) Cheers!

I liked the shot ESP the clarity throughout the image.

But I just don't see any sin here, it says homework to me, but it your image and impression.
Hi Josh, I don't see the connection but a great take on revision / homework. I see UCAS paperwork! Wish you every success with your studies, exams and application.
Im not seeing sin here at all Im afraid :-/
Hi, Josh, not easiy if you're busy, but I, not seeing Sin. Just a pile of academic stuff.

Week 1. I expect better :D

Wow, quite a few not impressed with the interpretation :LOL: The sin is having not done much revision for my exams so far, it makes sense to me but I guess it is a bit distant from what you would expect...

Thanks all! :D
Hi Josh,

Although i very much like the photo, it doesnt instantly scream "sin" to me, although coupled with the story i can definately see the link and the thought process behind it

In terms of the photo itself i find it quite pleasing to look at, plenty going on to keep your eyes wandering around the frame looking for detail, its all nice and sharp so that makes it very easy, overall a good image i feel

Best of luck with your exams and entry into Uni (y)

i agree with what everyone else says it doesn't really say sin there is nothing to really focus the eye on i am looking round the image for something to focus on
Hi Josh

I like the business of the shot , looks well exposed but agree that the link is slightly loose...at least without your explanation....maybe adding a photography mag or even another camera to the pile might have worked at getting the theme across :thinking:

Onwards & upwards mister....look forward to week 2 (y)
I'm another one who didn't see sin, sorry as others have said, it's a competent photo of homework.
Thanks for your feedback everyone! Most people seem to think my Sin was off theme but that's okay, things can only get better! :)

I have a feeling my shot for this week is also going to be deemed off topic but I'll live, at least I'm using my camera :LOL:

Anyway, here it is...

Photo52 2012 - Season by Joshwain, on Flickr
ISO 100
1/100 sec

Bring on the "I don't see season"s :LOL:
The season bit is the frost... yepp, that's all :cautious:

Also, I have a busy week ahead with exams on Friday, Monday and Wednesday so wish me luck!
Can't see the connection.........:D

Nice detail in the web, B&W works well. I have niggles about the bars. Minor point.

Cheers and well spotted.
Within the topic Josh and a really original take, with great focus. Good job!
I like too - a web seen through the strands of another web - liking the POV, looking upwards. Interesting. (y)
Sin - can see the link when explained but picture itself is a little cluttered for my liking .

Season - can definitely see the link without any explanation and lovely focus on the far web.

My thoughts entirely. :D
certainly looks cold and on theme.. the web making nice patterns.. like the focus and POV
Dof is good and bang on theme and love how the first webs frame the main web very well done
A very poor shot this week, I think I'm probably going to come back and redo this one later in the year. I do have the excuse of having done 3 exams though so I've been pretty busy revising and what not! They went well, I think... :LOL:

I'll hopefully get my shot for wild done a lot sooner!

Photo52 2012 - Gravity by Joshwain, on Flickr
ISO 200
1/250 sec

Ahh well, onward and upwards! :LOL:
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Hi Josh , how's the exams gone ?

Quite like that :)...veiwed large on flickr does look bigger but show the focus to be on the pile rather then the falling grains....or was that your intention ?
Normally I like a deep black bg but the mottled effect on yours works for me :)
Hi Josh , how's the exams gone ?

Quite like that :)...veiwed large on flickr does look bigger but show the focus to be on the pile rather then the falling grains....or was that your intention ?
Normally I like a deep black bg but the mottled effect on yours works for me :)

I've done alright I think, I can't change it if I haven't though :LOL: Well, there's always resits in the Summer but I don't really want that :p

I was trying to focus on the falling grains, I found it a little difficult though as I couldn't get enough light for the right shutter speed and I had to pour the sugar and take the shot at the same time :LOL:

I think the "spare" £50 I have is going to be spent on a YN560III so hopefully the light problem will be sorted. If I actually buy one that is, I'm tempted to get a few filters for landscapes instead :thinking: