2015 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 we finally made it and its "Christmas" into the bargain

Well, I'm back from my first day of the weekend Introduction to B&W Photography course. Delighted to have two rolls of film currently hanging up in the drying locker in the studio waiting for me to head back for day #2 tomorrow.

Given it was an introduction course, the teacher seemed a bit surprised by me turning up with my medium format SLR and tripod... but there were some great photo opportunities during our "out & about" session. Managed to get a couple which could qualify for the theme and best of all, they'll have been developed by my own fair hand.

Only downside is my Paterson Tank seemed to have a crack in the side: something I only found out when I started inverting and the developer started the dribble out! :( So there's a bit of light leak of a couple of the exposures but hey ho. Teacher kept telling me to put the lid on properly yet I was saying, "I bloody well have!" Eventually we realised what the problem was...

Also think I've underexposed a fair few shots: the negs came out looking quite punchy (i.e. the negs themselves are looking quite light) which I'm taking to mean I've ETTL rather than ETTR. With HP5+ 400 I think that's going to mean a bit of noise sadly, but you've got to learn somehow. I think I need to set my light meter to a stop or stop+1/2 slower film as I think every shot was under.

Still one of the most exciting things I've experienced taking the washed film out of the tank and holding the negs up to the light to see images!! Wow :)

I'm wet printing tomorrow - contact sheets and three prints. I'll try to make one of them my Companions shot!
I'm gonna have to bow out of my challenge. I was hoping to catch up this weekend but no chance due to work. When I started it I had a week off and thought I'd manage but unfortunately not. Sorry if I've wasted anyone's time. I genuinely would have liked to have stuck at it but didn't want to disappear and pretend nothing happened!

My true passion is photographing dogs, and nature, both involved in my work which makes it easier. I'm going to stick with that and learn when I get the occasional opportunity to bring my camera.

Anyway, apologies again.
Anyway, apologies again.
You have nothing to apologise for :)
I'm sorry that you are finding it tough to commit, due to work etc,
You can always post now and again of course,
there is nothing to say that you have to post every week ;)
Anyway good luck with what ever you decide to do :)
I'm gonna have to bow out of my challenge. I was hoping to catch up this weekend but no chance due to work. When I started it I had a week off and thought I'd manage but unfortunately not. Sorry if I've wasted anyone's time. I genuinely would have liked to have stuck at it but didn't want to disappear and pretend nothing happened!

My true passion is photographing dogs, and nature, both involved in my work which makes it easier. I'm going to stick with that and learn when I get the occasional opportunity to bring my camera.

Anyway, apologies again.
Sad to see you go Aurorae but understand the pressure of work, good luck with your dog photography, and thank you for letting us know (y)
I had 2 opportunities to take my companions photo today, and my subject disappeared each time when I was setting my camera.
Very annoyed :mad::mad::mad:
I had 2 opportunities to take my companions photo today, and my subject disappeared each time when I was setting my camera.
Very annoyed :mad::mad::mad:
Typical !!!

Not going to laugh at your misfortune.....

okay maybe a little chuckle :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
The Cull continues :naughty:

... I have moved 3 more Entrants to the no go area, these 3 have not posted a shot since the practice round in December

So with the FIRST MONTH just about over already we have 17 moved down BUT 95 still in it sort of - well done guys n gals :clap:
Looking at the spreadsheet I am beginning to think Hissy failure-is-imminent Cobra may be overly self-deprecating and needs to be removed from the Wall of Shame and back to the grind with the rest of us as he is taking up valuable space there. ;):):exit:
Looking at the spreadsheet I am beginning to think Hissy failure-is-imminent Cobra may be overly self-deprecating and needs to be removed from the Wall of Shame and back to the grind with the rest of us as he is taking up valuable space there. ;):):exit:
Hmmmmmmm very good point Martin :thinking:
When abouts is the theme being announced tomorrow I'm out and about tomorrow with work and can take camera with me, be nice to have a theme to work with and try to catch something in keeping with it lol
Well im still here, just about ;) the beginning of the year is filled with hospital visits for my youngest one and this week I honestly thought I would miss the deadline but I managed to grab a photo last night, not my best but it will do :)
Im still way behind with commenting on others photos and I can only apologuise for this and try to be better as life settles down more.
Well I've got the day off work and decided to take a trip to Harrogate. Let's hope theme arrives shortly.

I might even treat myself tea and scones in Betty's :)

Oooo tea and Scones NICE !!!

Well im still here, just about ;) the beginning of the year is filled with hospital visits for my youngest one and this week I honestly thought I would miss the deadline but I managed to grab a photo last night, not my best but it will do :)
Im still way behind with commenting on others photos and I can only apologuise for this and try to be better as life settles down more.
No worries Tracy, good you got a shot in, that's the main thing (y)
Well it's almost Saturday where I am and still no theme! Early night tonight because we've hired a car tomorrow and want to be out early exploring and hopefully finding lots of potential shots to fit this week's theme. Got a few possibles for Companions but it feels too much like hard work to try and upload them on an iPad so I'll probably have to do a big catch up when I get home :rolleyes: