Digitall's 52!!! Week 27 Art

dhl, yes he was in total control, that was a landing after a jump over a small bridge. I will keep posting them if and when they fit the remit. You will love car shots by the end of the year :LOL: :LOL:

jgs, I guess one has to think outside the box occasinally to come up with something different.

Got this one in early. This is my mate, he is highly miffed because he just broke his rally car on the lasy stage and was third in class. I had the 300f2.8 on at the time that is why it is so tight in the frame. I had to wait for the best chance to capture him without him knowing. Not easy when you are only a few feet away and there are only four people close by.
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Only just found this thread Allan. Some great shots from you and credit to you for sticking at it.

bang on theme.

As already said, he's not happy :shake:

Pointing a big lens at him without him spotting it was some achievement :LOL: I think if he had seen you he may have put the lens where the sun don't shine :eek:judging by the look on his face.

Well done, he really doesn't look happy... and you've caught it brilliantly.
Here is my Produce shot for this week. It's not anything to do with rallying you'll be glad to hear :LOL: This is the product of a cow, which is used in many ways usually for drinking :eek:
Here I have dropped one drop of cow juice onto a mirror, then added a few droips of colored milk over the first drop. Then drop another drop of milk onto the lot and this is the result. I used a N, D300, N 70-200f2.8 lens, A whole set of extention tubes. Distance to subject was about 600mm. I am trying different combinations of lenses and tubes, to try to get the elusive DOF greater. Not having much luck at the moment, but I am getting there.

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That's a superb shot Allan, love the colours, the reflections have worked really well too. Not only is it cow produce, but you produced the effect too... Now.. how did you light it ?? and not have lots of light in the mirror ?
Smashing shot! How many takes did it need to get the perfect timing?

Thanks for the comments John & Phil.
Lighting was with 4 flash heads, two high on each side pointing down. one on the camera pointed to the back drop, one from the rear, The mirror has to be extremely clean and that is not easy. back drop was black. Timing device was used to capture the event. Phil, once the timing was achieved, this could take a while or you could get it straight away. Then adjustments of a few milliseconds either way to get the effect required.

Brilliant! :clap::clap::clap:

I haven't tried any droplet shots yet, let alone one as sophisticated as this - the very thought makes me quail!
Hi Allan,

I love the droplet shot. It is really excellent. I would not know where to begin to take a shot like that.

Your quad shot is also really appropriate for the theme. It's a great action shot, but it looks just a bit washed out on my screen. I wonder if tweaking the levels would improve it slightly, or maybe it is just my screen?

Allan, thanks for the info on the drop shot...

That's a great action shot for quad too... really like it.
Great action shot! It is nice and sharp but on my screen a bit lacking in contrast - a levels or curves adjustment would give it more punch, I think.
Hated the first version, but love the second one, sharp, clear and vibrant, well done and glad someone literally got a "quad" in this week!!!! (y)

PRODUCE I love it, can I have it for my wall please? (y)
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A Quad, literally!!

First one is a bit lack-lustre or something #2 works well though, good colours, plenty going on and nice light too. Really like the movement in the wheels, how'd you manage to keep the rest so sharp, they must really have been moving some !
Allan, I think yours is the only image of a quad I have seen this week, well done on that(y)
The second image gets my vote, great composition and perspective. I like the movement in the shot. Well done.
I much prefer the 2nd image and I'm glad someone has managed to get in an image of a quad
Second Quad shot wins it for me. Looks a lot cleaner, well, muddier. Great subject for the theme, looks like fun.
A lot more punch to the tweaked version.

The sand spray and blur on the wheels gives a real sense of speed and excitement. The wide viewpoint puts it into context nicely. (y)

The 2nd one is perfect. When the theme came out my first thought was a quad bike but then when I thought more about it I realised that it was easier said than done. Not only do I not know anyone with a quad but realised it would be quite hard to get a great sharp shot with movement and action.

You've managed it all (y)
I was expecting 1,000,001 pics of quad bikes this week, but this is the only one I have seen.......(y)

Looks fun. I want to give it a go! :)
Show off!!!!! What a fantastic produce shot:clap: Gorgeous!

Love the 2nd Quad shot too....I had hoped to get back to friends farm to get a quad too but didn't happen :( Brilliant action in this!
Great action shot - well done!

This is colored milk propelled upward from the surface of a 4" speaker. The speaker was covered with a latex balloon and sound was generated by the default sounds of a Macbook Pro. A drop of Red, Blue and white milk was put on the speaker then a sound was produced making the milk jump up. A timing device was then used to trigger the flash at a pre determined time via a vibration sensor, something like 18 microseconds. This triggered four flash units set to their lowest light intensity (highest No). Camera was set to bulb in a darkened room.

The shoot was done for an evening talk I gave to my local Camera club.

A very interesting shot from what sounds like an elaborate set-up. The shapes of the splashes are great. However it feels a bit tight at the bottom edge to me - could do with just a bit more room. Also it would be better with a black background like your "Produce" shot.