weekly NCF15s 52 for 2022 Week 52 Showcase

Love your chose shot Nick, very minimal and almost abstract. I felt like I was actually looking up through a glass table at the base of the glass.
Depict a song.. both stunning shots but definitely the mountain for me.
Looking down.. all work for the theme - the leaves are simple but effective shots.
Nice find! Looks like a stiff breeze would have that down!
Lovely image, which tells a tale. Definitely rustic that's for sure. Nice capture
Proper rustic that! Nice shot. Looks like somewhere abroad?
Great capture and well spotted. Not sure I'd want to live there though!
That's a great scene, and bang on theme. I love how the building pulls you in towards the layers of hills.
What a great find Nick. Love the look of the shack and the setting.
Week 42 Precision
Initial thoughts were to do a set of calipers but that's been done by a few others already so went for a bearing that I had lying around.
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Week 42 Precision
Initial thoughts were to do a set of calipers but that's been done by a few others already so went for a bearing that I had lying around.
View attachment 371266

Totally love this as a blast from my childhood past, use to make go karts and use these for the wheels great fun.
Nicely set up Nick, and I like the offset and good depth of field in this shot.
Nice simple shot Nick, I have never had a bearing just lying around. I have fitted some in the past.

Very nice! You’ve executed that very well. I tried a similar picture a couple of years ago, but it was windy and I had a cheap tripod at the time.
Nice idea for the theme :)
That's once busy road. Really well executed shot... nicely done.
Nice shot Nick, I thought of doing something similar but had to fly to San Jose unexpectedly and couldn't make it happen...
Week 44 Autumnal + Tech
Path through beech wood. I only had a 100mm on me so this is a vertical panorama of 4 photos which surprisingly worked OK.
The other is a classic local view which always needs a lot of photoshopping to get rid of power lines and a dual carriageway.
Autumn leaves by Nick Dallimore, on Flickr
Castell Coch by Nick Dallimore, on Flickr
2 nice images, great colours and the weather was kind to you.
Nice shots Nick.
I've got the same shot of Castell Coch somewhere. The power lines were an @*#*@* to clone out!!!!!
I would never have guessed you’d used photoshop. Both perfect for the theme. Well done on getting the vertical panorama. Lovely light and colours in your chosen shot. The dog adds interest and scale.
Two nice pix! Good photomangling!
I like both shots Nick. Is the animal a dog or a cat?
I think you chose the best shot.
The leaves on the trees are just starting to turn and the dead carpet on the path confirms this.
The panorama works well - probably better than a single wide angle.
I like both shots Nick. Is the animal a dog or a cat?
I wondered that - looks like a panther at first glance...

First shot feels very much like a painting. Lovely light.

I'd never have guessed you'd used PS on the 2nd one.
A good set of pictures there, your chosen picture works really well and you've captured the tech nicely. I quite the like the brick hut with the graffiti over it only because it seems quite random for it to be there.