weekly SiblingChris' 52 in 2013

works for me too, again the clean white of the table, the plain walls work really well to set off the red of the wine.

Like the tight crop round the table too.

Flickr Sig working underneath your solitude pic on this page btw
Solitude interesting composition to emphasise the empty spaces at the table. This selective colour work to me here. Only crit would be I'd like to see the whites a bit more whiter.

Very good. It's all been said but I would like to add that I like the corner converging behind the table. The crop is a little tight at the top maybe?
Hi Chris :wave:

I'm quite partial to a bit selective color & it works really well here :clap: I'd agree with Andy on the whites though..need to be a smidge whiter
man this site refresh is hard to get my head around! worse than changes to flickr ;)
anyone know how to get all the links working in my first post to this thread?

Anyhow here is my shot for week 40 finally. Not terribly inspiring I feel. Happy with the idea but the image feels a bit flat to me.....

Week 40 - Cut
by Sibling Chris, on Flickr
Cut, Meh. You said it yourself.

Live: they are both cracking shots. And well processed too. (y)
Cut - earns you a tick in the box... (just.. :LOL:)

But more than redeemed yourself with the second of the two live shots. First is compromised a bit by the mikes and the light to the left. The second is just brilliant, the pose, the gaze, composition, lighting, the smoke behind him. (y)
Not much you can do about mic stands at a gig unfortunately! I hadn't really noticed the light until you mentioned it but that should be easily rectified....

Hey "cut" I know is not that inspiring but I should at least get some brownie points for the idea!
Lol, what you doing to the Chad, we print that where it work :)
Cut nice idea but as you say a bit flat
Live the second shot is excellent :clap: nice B+W conversion too
Another vote for live #2 Chris, just to echo what everyone else has said above, great composition, handling of light and processing. (y)
Hi Chris :)

Cut - Well it meets the theme nicely, you may not not think its the most exciting but you have got the shot in, you can always be earmarked for re-shoot week, anyhooo I think its fine :)

Live - A couple of great shots, I like the B&W Conversion, both shots are lovely and sharp, but for me it's the first shot as it has more emotion and feeling in the singers face for me (y)
Chris, Cut didn't do it for me, but the second Live shot is terrific. Great stuff!
Thanks, I used a Lightroom preset that I downloaded. However it appears a little brown on my monitor. So I think my monitor needs calibrating...

Hi Chris - just looking back up - there is a bit of a red tint on the second live shot (mainly in the shadows rather than in the highlights), try de-saturating it and compare to the true B&W. Gives it a bit of warmth, split toning would be the thing to google, and you can do it manually with colour balance (adjustment layer) in PS.

Marsha also found this with her Houses of Parliament shot (Power i think it was).

It works though, better than a straight B&W IMO. (y)
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Hi Chris - just looking back up - there is a bit of a red tint on the second live shot (mainly in the shadows rather than in the highlights), try de-saturating it and compare to the true B&W. Gives it a bit of warmth, split toning would be the thing to google, and you can do it manually with colour balance (adjustment layer) in PS.

Marsha also found this with her Houses of Parliament shot (Power i think it was).

It works though, better than a straight B&W IMO. (y)

Not sure I follow you. Maybe my monitor needs calibrating BUT I used a b&w preset in LightRoom and there was certainly no red in the original colour version....and the same preset was used on both shots
It is hard to see on just a single image, but if you have a de-saturated version to compare to, it's easier to see......

top right triangle is original, bottom left is de-saturated.

See the RGB colours for the bottom left de-saturated, all RGB values are equal, original has the Red higher than the Green and Blue. So has a slight amount of red in it.

(I think that's correct - it makes sense to me. :LOL:)

errr.... dunno!

Not a lightroom user myself, screenshot is from CS2.

Anyway - the shots a cracker, and the processing is great. (y)
Guessing I can't and that I'd have to export it as tiff/JPG or the like first then edit it in GIMP or Photoshop.
Looking at it I agree the preset has a slight brown/red edge to it but not sure that I would prefer it totally desaturated. I'll try some different presets next time side by side and see...
Hi Chris
Nice reflection it doesn't look to overcooked to me works really well really brings out the sky (y)
Hio Chris,

I love the colours in the sky. There's just something with the bright green tree / bush on the RHS which is a touch odd. It doesn't seem to fit colour wise with the rest of the image for some bizarre reason.

HDR is something I haven't yet touched on so look forward to further examples before I take the plunge
Hio Chris,

I love the colours in the sky. There's just something with the bright green tree / bush on the RHS which is a touch odd. It doesn't seem to fit colour wise with the rest of the image for some bizarre reason.

HDR is something I haven't yet touched on so look forward to further examples before I take the plunge

Yeah that'll be the slightly overcooked bit. Fir some reason rhs was already brighter, possibly just because it was closer or just because it was a bit more yellow than green. Pushing up the HDR to what seemed an ok level for the rest of the trees was a tad too much for the rhs.....however I set it as my desktop just now and am quite liking it :)
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hey alan....I took the adjustment brush in LightRoom and just budged down the exposure and highlights a bit on those patches on the right. Looks better now I think. cheers!
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I don't think I can hover over areas and see actual pixel values in lightroom but this is how the preset was configured -

Not familiar with the LR control boxes... but the red hue in the shadows of the split toning box would be the one to fiddle with. (y)

Reflection.... is pretty good, love the way you have got the detail and colour in the trees and preserved the sky as well.

The lines of trees either side work well to draw you in to the colours in the sky.
Hi Chris

I'm generally a fan of HDR when done well & this fits the bill for bill....worked a treat on the sky & in the bringin out the colors in the tree's (y)

It may be due to the angle it's been taken at but it maybe just a smidge in need of a mm or 2 ccw rotation ....possibly :thinking:
Hi Chris

I'm generally a fan of HDR when done well & this fits the bill for bill....worked a treat on the sky & in the bringin out the colors in the tree's (y)

It may be due to the angle it's been taken at but it maybe just a smidge in need of a mm or 2 ccw rotation ....possibly :thinking:

You may well be right. I kept staring at it wondering the same, but I used a tripod and virtual horizon on the camera plus spirit level and they would suggest I was level....

I tweaked it again and also slightly nudged the exposure down in the central bright area of the sky.
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really I just need toget a crack on with catching up..... :(
I did some Melt shots today that were totally uninspiring and didn't want to post for the sake of it again with another equivalent to "cut"
Hi, Lives, nice work there. Very moody atmosphere. Good detail and well captured expressions.

Reflection, I don't mid HDR, as you say a little overcooked, expecially in the trees. Nice refleciton. Pity it wasn't a calm day of a longer expusure to smooth the water. A nice white boat in the FG would have been great for you.

well I seem to be having a bit of bother with the new flickr....that new side bar thingy is just a white blank area in Internet Explorer and on the old experience the bb code now only has an original size option :(
So I have had to install chrome and switch the new experience on just to get the right bb code :(

Anyhow here are some catch-ups for me. Not entirely up to date yet but I'm getting there :)

First up is Week 43 Melt...for some random reason SWMBO has been buying these little yellow stretchy men and they seem destined for a photo at some point or other!

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Next up is..... Week 44 Left (behind)

I debated on the crop of this for a long time and in the end left it as shot. If anything I would have preferred a wider view but this is what you get from the 35mm which so far I've stuck to all year (except 1 week!)

I know some will point out the blown highlights but this is rather intended for effect, with large variance from left to right caused by the sun streaming in through the window causing the long shadows starting on the outside and coming into the coffee shop

So a mad Christmas shopping session in Birmingham gave opportunity to get on with a few different themes, the last one was actually in EAT at the Bull Ring.

For Week 45 Food, I took advantage of the Frankfurt Christmas Market and the fresh food market down near the cathedral

and last few for today at least brings me all the way up to Week 46 Art....three this time :)

The first couple are from an evening walkabout around Nottingham this week. the first is self-explanatory I think, I was rather pleased to have no reflections on this one which is taken from outside looking through the window. The second is outside the Nottingham contemporary museum of art and no I haven't actually reversed the photo

The last is the obligatory Birmingham Bull Ring shot, which some would think an eyesore rather than art, but personally I'm more a fan of the outside than the inside!

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