The "What is it?" thread - Part II

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can you make it thursday? :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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I cant believe ive lasted more than 10mins this time round DAVE
sorry no
nah sorry
What to do :naughty: when a mod/admin dosn't follow the thread rules :LOL: I see no sign in the thread of a PM being sent :eek: :coat: :exit:

See rule 2 :LOL:

keh ??????
keh ??????

Rule two ass amended last week:

When someone has guessed correctly the challenger must PM the winner to notify them of the win and post in the thread that a PM has been sent

Remember last time we couldn't see you :naughty::naughty::naughty:

I remember all to well :LOL: what would all the WII?Thread addicts do if I disappear again :LOL: I dread to think of all the emails

But that was all in good fun :LOL:
I wouldnt want it to probe me
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