weekly WMD's 52 for 2013 - Completed - at last! (51 & 52 Added!)


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So here goes!
Having done a 52 project in 2010 & 2011 I some how skipped 2012 and regretted it! So I'm picking it up again in 2013!

As per usual it seems, I'm cutting it a bit fine already as it's already the end of week 1 and I've only just uploaded my shot!

So here's week 1 - the theme being "Sin"

1/52 - Sin
by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

Looking forward to next week already!
- Matt
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not the end of week 1 till friday so your early.
I really like that pic a really nice capture love the way the colours stand out and you have caught the drop perfectly but I have no idea as to the theme :thinking:
Ahh ok, that's good then! I figured since it was the 7th, that'd be week 1 up! Never mind!
Thanks for the feedback, I guess it could do with some explanation! I was going for it's a sin as in it's a 'guilty pleasure' (the beer) or 'two too many'.
Is that a bit of a reach?! Haha.
Nice image, and perfectly timed for getting the impact of the droplet.
All works great for me - timing, DOF, sharp focus, composition, even some bokeh top right.

Love it - nice start!
Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciate it!
Did really enjoy spending the evening sorting this week's shot, looking forward to next week's theme!
love the shape the droplet has made around the bottle cap... great timing and bokeh too.. nice one :)
Hi, Matt what struck me first was the real crisp and clean feel to this. Good show.

Slightly hot at the top and I'd like to see the bottle tops slightly more off centre.

love the shape the droplet has made around the bottle cap... great timing and bokeh too.. nice one :)

Thank you!

Hi, Matt what struck me first was the real crisp and clean feel to this. Good show.

Slightly hot at the top and I'd like to see the bottle tops slightly more off centre.


Thanks for the feedback, I did play with the crop a few times - I might have another go actually. Appreciate it! :)

Hi Matt :)

I must be a soft touch ... I love it, like the minimal colour and dof, nice quirky angle too

Loose link to the theme ?? Nahhh it's fine for me - Great Start :clap:

Haha, thank you! I must admit, the link seemed more obvious to me until I had to explain it and then I wasn't so sure! Thanks for the feedback!

Nice catch on the droplet, might benefit from a little selective sharpening as focal point seem to be nearer the bottom of the picture. Maybe the sin is not putting them in the bin as soon as they were removed from bottles :)

Thanks Christine! It's fine tuning like this that I want to get stuck into as the year goes on. I didn't pick my camera up much at all in 2012, so getting back into it this year is a must! Thanks for the theme tip too - haha! :)
Agree with all the positive comments already. Nice take Matt with the colours and droplets.
Hard to offer anything useful, as I'd love to be able to take a shot like that.

Maybe I find the brightness above the caps a little distracting, but that's me desperately looking for something. It's a cracking image.

It's not that 'sinful' to me either... but I was never much of a church goer!
Hard to offer anything useful, as I'd love to be able to take a shot like that.

Maybe I find the brightness above the caps a little distracting, but that's me desperately looking for something. It's a cracking image.

It's not that 'sinful' to me either... but I was never much of a church goer!

Thanks Nick!
I think I'll need to focus on the theme a little more for next week, can appreciate that this isn't necessarily as strong as I thought it was! ;) Glad you like it anyway!
As already mentioned it doesn't shout sin but it's a cracker of a shot and I wouldn't change anything.

Hi Matt & a belated welcome from me :wave:

Nothing to add to what's been mentioned already but really do like that shot...bit of out of the box thinking...nice one mister (y)
Had a very busy week at work this week and I've struggled more than I thought I would with this theme! Got tomorrow to pull it out of the bag - hopefully that doesn't mean I'm late! :)

2/52 - Season by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

Really struggled this week! Apart from the obvious excuses of time, working late etc - I kind of struggled with the theme! I made the mistake of shelving my other ideas until the end of the week to see if we got any snow. Turns out we did, but not very much - so settled on this shot. Now for week 3!
Hi, Matt, lovely colours and detail, in the snow and th small bud thinks.

I like how the snow seems to have made a little trail through the woods.

The bright LH Side adds depth but I wonder what it's like with it in?

Anyway, good show.

Hi Matt,

Lovely shot - I always like narrow DoF shots like these.

Nice colours and composition, but I feel that its just a little soft in the detailed area. I appreciate that its pretty difficult get it just right and I can't see the exif info an Flickr, but was this focussed manually, or automatically?

Beautiful colours! I'd like a bit more sharpness I think though.

Also don't forget to update your thread title to show you've uploaded a new week! :)
Nice colour and very small DoF the moss? looks interesting and better than snow on grass
Hi Matt,
Good start to your 52 (y)
Sin, I got the link to the theme so for me, it ticks the box.
Its a clean sharp image, technically well done, its never easy photographing shiny objects. Just a bit of a hotspot at the top but the bottle caps are nicely exposed.
Season, I like the vibrant green of the moss. I am not sure if it is too dominant though as the link to the theme for me would be the snow not the lush moss. A little more white I think would balance the image.

Good work though (y) Iain
Colours really stand out in this shot for me. What background did you use? was it foil?
Hi, Matt, lovely colours and detail, in the snow and th small bud thinks.

I like how the snow seems to have made a little trail through the woods.

The bright LH Side adds depth but I wonder what it's like with it in?

Anyway, good show.


Thank you! I did experiment a little with cropping the left hand side out, but I couldn't get something I really liked. Not that I'm 100% set on this one either! :) Appreciate the feedback though, glad you like it!

Hi Matt,

Lovely shot - I always like narrow DoF shots like these.

Nice colours and composition, but I feel that its just a little soft in the detailed area. I appreciate that its pretty difficult get it just right and I can't see the exif info an Flickr, but was this focussed manually, or automatically?


Thanks Drew - I agree, it is a little soft! Low light and freezing cold not helping at all! It was taken AF, but probably more to do with shooting hand-held in the cold more than anything. In fact, if I were to have a do-over, I'd probably not shoot it with such a narrow DOF. Not sure why the EXIF isn't showing on Flickr either! But really appreciate the feedback!

Beautiful colours! I'd like a bit more sharpness I think though.

Also don't forget to update your thread title to show you've uploaded a new week! :)

I agree re sharpness, as above really! Thank you for the feedback, thread title updated too! :)

Nice colour and very small DoF the moss? looks interesting and better than snow on grass

Thank you! It was the vivid colour of the moss contrasting against the snow that attracted me to the shot! :)

Hi Matt,
Good start to your 52 (y)
Sin, I got the link to the theme so for me, it ticks the box.
Its a clean sharp image, technically well done, its never easy photographing shiny objects. Just a bit of a hotspot at the top but the bottle caps are nicely exposed.
Season, I like the vibrant green of the moss. I am not sure if it is too dominant though as the link to the theme for me would be the snow not the lush moss. A little more white I think would balance the image.

Good work though (y) Iain

Thanks Iain! Really appreciate that! I prefer week 1's shot to week 2! I guess the spin I'd put on week 2 would be the snow thawing would represent Winter giving way to Spring? But that's more of a reach than last week! Haha!

Really like the colours and dof :)

Thank you!

Colours really stand out in this shot for me. What background did you use? was it foil?

Thank you! It was actually just a white sky / snowy field, so very white (maybe too much!) - no setting up by me though!

I'm liking the quirky angle, and the detail, good colour too (y)

Thank you, glad you like! :)

Really appreciate the feedback guys, am already starting to think about week 3! Time to catch up on other people's threads too!
Hi ya :wave:

another fan of shaloow DOF here...& your shot is no exception...love the vibrance of the green with a smattering of snow (y) I'd maybe have tried a slightly different more head on angle to lose the white on the lhs...but thats just me
Well it would seem I'm running a bit behind here! Had every intention of uploading something last night ready for the new theme today, but couldn't get something I was happy with! Had a few goes at some new ideas this morning and came up with this:

3/52 - Gravity by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

Nothing groundbreaking I admit - but hopefully the trainers coming off is a relatively new spin on something that's been quite a bit previously. Despite doing two 52 projects before, I've never done a levitation shot before!

Must say I'm enjoying the challenge of sticking with the theme too! On to week 4!
Like it. Like the high key feel. Composition is good for me and the detail, especially the laces, is spot on.

Crit, hmm, think I'd like to see a tad moe detail in the jeans/socks.

excellent I take it there is a bit of photoshop going on here I dont have it so cant comment on the technicalities but as an image it works really well (y)
That's a super effort - I'd just like to see more seperation between the socks and the jeans in terms of 'colour' or tone.
Nice idea and great execution.

I would agree with previous posters in that I like the high key lighting, but would like to see a little more detail in the jeans (unless, of course, they are really, really dark jeans!)
Good shot with the trainers, well focussed and spot on! On to week 4, keep it going, see you next week!
Nice shot, very good idea.