2000 Post! - Money Spider

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Found a tiny Jumping Spider and had an idea of getting an image on a 5p coin to show scale. Unfortunately it lived up to its name and jumped to freedom before I could fine tune exposure/focus :LOL:.

Had a play with some PS filters and got this:


50D mp-e 65mm @ ~2.5x

Thanks for looking!
Wow! That's a brilliant shot, and whatever pp work you did works really well! (y)
Great image and PP
Loving it in every way, brilliant and well worthy of a milestone post
Best wishes
WOW, what an incredible shot the PP certainly works for me; :clap:, would you care to share!
Is that the web of the spider between I and V?

Stop making me wanting an MPE and a twin flash! Beautiful picture. My second (pet) jumping spider is due to arrive in the next few days, what I'd give to get something even close to this quality.
Great photo. Your PP'ing definitely has worked well on this one. Even given the detail of the spider I'm fascinated by the markings on the coin. It all looks nice and smooth to the naked eye so this close up is quite a revelation.
fantastic you can see the hairs standing out so clear on the spider :)
This is really great, is there a tiny little bit of fractal style in this, If so it's really subtle and works brilliantly :clap: as at first I wondered why this was in creative but when I looks closer I saw it and I liked it even more (y)

Try hair spray next time.

No, on a proper note, show off, amazing.
:clap: Amazing shot Rhod and some fantastic detail in there.
However, I'm going to go against the grain slightly and say that I'd prefer it minus the Fractalius. I just think that it's more than good enough to stand on its own without any filters added to it.

Congratulations on the 2000 BTW (y)
Thanks for the comments folks(y) The PP was quite simple (topaz Clean filter) and has allowed an image not far from the bin to stand up quite well.
Graham - yep that is a strand off web you can see. Well spotted!