52 Week

Very nice indeed! :clap::clap:

I'd be interested to see it with a slight sepia tint -- I'm not sure why but maybe because they are earthenware? I think it might look even more exotic....
Yes, a very nicely composed and presented quad. I like the good mixture of textures and shapes - interesting but never over-cluttered.
The only thing I thought detracted slightly was how bottom left does not contrast with the background as much as the other three but, hey, that's a minor point in such an eye pleasing image.
Composition A+:clap:
Good idea for the pic to be in B/W as it adds a simple charm.
I would love to be able to learn how to do this sort of thing. Nice take on theme, clean lines and I hate black and white but somehow this just would not look right in colour.:)

It's dead easy - will drop you a PM - what version of Photoshop or elements do you have?

As to OP - I like it - interesting and different subject, wonder if a load more contrast would boost the images even more? Going to be ultrapicky here, buy that's me, the alignment is ever so ever so slightly off................. but overall it works for me......
Someting I had'nt thought of doing, we have vases galore at home. The B&W works well, I bet it looks really odd in colour. The square crop is subtle and clever. You've even positioned each pot thing in exactly the same place! Nice one.
A good double - quad and curved.

The b&w treatment is just right (although I also think a slight sepia tone would work), and I agree that just a tad more contrast between the vase and the background on the bottom left would have been nice. But that's a really tiny niggle, and I still think this is a really good result. :clap:

Nice!!:clap: Some lovely pots you have there! I like the shades of grey in these and is there a slight hint of saturation left in? Or it's it my mind adding a little colour....I like it anyway :)
Like the quad pic and the combination with curves. Personally I'd want a tad more contrast but then I like contrasty B&W photos Your produce shot has made my mouth watrer.
Definitely curved and quad.
I love the idea and the way that you’ve put these together is spot on.
B&W definitely suits it but for my taste I’d like a bit more contrast in there just to give it a bit more punch.
Maybe something a bit more dramatic with the lighting too?

All in all it’s a good image(s) but I think I was spoilt by last week’s Kiwi :LOL: – this just doesn’t seem to have quite as much impact.
That's a very different take on the theme. Well done. I think I would have preferred more focus on the shoots, though.

I have just looked back and noticed your quad shot which I missed. I think it is really stunning - so simple and effective and I would not change it in any way.

I agree with Jenny about the point of focus.
I do like your image, the deep greens have a nice tone to them, your composition works well too. I like the way you have filled the frame. On theme, well done. Iain
Unfortunately you cannot please everyone :shrug:
This is not for me I'm afraid. The reason is there is no focal point, my eye wanders all over the picture. I think that if you had chosen a smaller area and possibly gone in a bit closer to isolate and concentrate on one or two growth's then I believe it would have made for a stronger image.

Am I missing something here ?? Where have all the pics gone ??
Come on Lizbeth, don't leave us hanging. Some good shots were in this thread....

Come back?
