68lbs Does The 52 Thing! Week 14 - Shoot (back upto date)

It's really not that bad! :LOL:
(Honestly, look back at my chopped week if you want to see poor!)

You've experimented with a new technique which is good. And the PP is very well executed - good use of masking for the selective colouring / graininess.
It's nicely composed and the angle of the shot works.

It's not quite living up to your speed shot, but there's not much there to be embarrassed about :shrug:
This weeks theme seems to have taken a Valentine twist to Present :D. The selective colour and conversion work well together, I hope you shared.
Why is everyone (me included) so disappointed with their 'present' ?

I like it, it's a neat idea, it's lit well, composed nicely the angle works and there's no crowbar required.
Not that fast... in fact, not fast at all. I think you would need the camera clamped to the trolley though as even then I was getting a little bit of movement in the trolley itself with some shots.

Before I go onto Week 6 (which I am a day late with), I would like to say another thankyou to anyone on here, or on Flickr, who commented on my pic and faved it. Over 800 viewings last week, 96 faves, and a personal high of #19 on Explore! I'm well chuffed! :D

Hmmm. Thanks for the info. Might try again with a gorilla pod or some such :shrug:

(y) on the latest one btw :)
Not poor at all matey!

Very good infact! And the selective colour works really well! Nice framing too.

Keep em coming dude (y)
Just seen your speed. Fantastic! Did you get many funny looks?

One or two. I was more paranoid about security possibly asking me questions. It was a breeze though! :)

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw your title, I've just posted mine up with the addition of "and its pants" to me title

It's really not that bad! ...there's not much there to be embarrassed about

Thanks guys... it's not so much the technique or the resulting image, just the fact that it appears to me to be really lazy. I've used so many clichés - Valentines Day, Selective Colour, Rule of Turds. I feel I've just settled for the soft option with this one so will hopefully come up with something better for this week's 'People' theme. Bloody tough one though IMO!
Dropping in seeing as I don't think I've commented at all on your thread :/ sorryyy!

Speed makes my head spin but it's wonderful! Present.. is making me want some choccie right now, I've not got any here :(
I usually HATE selective colouring, but somehow, you've managed to make it work! :)
Hi Lee,

it really isn't that bad, pop back to my week 6 "the fallen tree" :LOL: now thats bad.

Any left?
Well, after the disaster that was last week, we come to people. And in my case, Lego people! Again, I wish I'd planned this a little more in advance and built a moc, but as it was most of my Lego is in storage and there was a last minute panic today to try and find a box of minifigs. Again, this has been shot with the Panasonic GF1 as my Canon 5D won't allow me to focus this close.

Week 7 - People

As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.
It may be a popular idea for people this week but you have done it very well. Being a Star wars fan I may be biased :D the characters are positioned well and the lighting is just right. My only concern is the OOF Storm Trooper is quite large in the forground and a little distracting.

I was having a similar thought Lee. Rummaging through the Lego box today though, I discovered that either the cat has eaten a few heads, or #2 daughter has.

It's a really nice shot. Colours are vibrant and it's very sharp considering you were at 1/10 sec. I'm not sure whether I like the background because it looks like three strange cooling tower type things, or whether I'm not so keen because it looks a bit busy.

DoF is lovely although I agree with Scott about the light-sabred Stormtrooper in the foreground.

Everything about it is great, Lee. The composition, subject, dof, light. Yumtastic!
Liking this. Good moody lighting, great colours and contrast and spectacular DoF and bokeh. My only niggle being why does everyone have a light saber? :)
thats excellent.. I like the background, agree about the stormtrooper in the foreground but its still a cracker!
YAY you !

It's utterly brilliant. Agree with the others though the OOF ST is a little distracting but it doesn't take from the image. The lighting is mean n moody, the DOF spot on and I like the background too.
Catching up on your last few entries...

Speed is an absolute corker - great idea and brilliantly achieved. Maybe you could sell it to Tesco for advertising? :clap::clap::clap:

Present is not bad at all - you are too hard on yourself. Generally I am not too keen on selective colouring but it works well her.

People - apart from the OOF front figure I think this is one of the best of the lego shots I have seen so far (y). The colours, lighting and OOF highlights suit this particular image really well.
apart from the OOF front figure I think this is one of the best of the lego shots I have seen so far

There have been quite a few lego shots this week

It may be a popular idea for people this week but you have done it very well. My only concern is the OOF Storm Trooper is quite large in the forground

Blimey, I wasn't aware that there had been other Lego shots. For the first time ever I haven't really looked at any entries before doing my own. Even now, I've started at the bottom of the list of 52ers and so far worked my way upto 'R' and not found one. I shall look forward to finding the others over the course of the week. It's my mission to comment on EVERY '52' this week!

In hindsight, I agree about the stormie in the foreground. He'd been decapitated, and I thought you'd be able to make this out, without seeing the 'stud' that his head fits onto. Turned out the DOF was too narrow.

As I mentioned, I wish now that I'd done a Moc for this so that I could have had everything in focus. The only reason for the narrow DOF was to blur the kitchen background and allow me to line up some glassware for specular highlights.

My only niggle being why does everyone have a light saber?

Shhh... I was hoping people wouldn't notice. I couldn't find any guns but had a few lightsabres to hand. :D
a very good pair of shots for both present and people. The colour pop on present works well. As for people... well... very well done. Love it.
Good luck with your mission to comment on everyone this week :LOL:
I aim to get to about sixty 52s each week . . . 10 - 12 a day, until people start with the next week’s theme, but I still keep finding threads that I’ve missed :eek:
It’s a real shame that so many people seem to have dropped out – I’ve noticed you giving them a little nudge so let’s see if it makes a difference.

And I LOVE your shot for this week :clap: :clap: :clap:. The narrow DoF really works for me, but it’s a shame that we can’t really see the decapitated guy in the foreground a bit more clearly.
It still made me smile though, and it is really well set up and executed . . . very inventive use of the glasses in the background.
Good luck with your mission to comment on everyone this week

Thanks Sarah... seems I might have misjudged the task and my own availability to comment though. I'll be lucky if I cover half of them!
It's my mission to comment on EVERY '52' this week!


I have to admit that I look at and comment on a random selection each day that I am online. Usually those at the top of the list which catch my eye, which is probably a bit unfair. There are probably some that I will never find!

Someone else coming in late on catch up... :D

Love that street, could have been taken any time in the last 50 years - brilliant.

Speed, I know *exactly* where you're coming from, as do half the population I expect. A very well-taken pic, must've been fun holding the trolley, the camera and the shutter button all at the same time as moving forwards!

People. Not too sure on the reasoning behind these sort of thingies being used to get around the essence of the theme, though this is fun I admit :D

Initially I thought your people shot was nicely amusing but I like the technical apects too.
The dof, the sharp focus, the clarity and colour and the positioning of the characters all combine to make a great image.
my one minor crit is that the slayed character in the foreground distracts me a tad.
For this weeks theme of mechanical, I had to enlist the help of a model and after copious amounts of booze and a couple of hookers, my good friend Bender reluctantly agreed! Shot fully manual with the 50mm f/1.4 and lit with two speedlights - one to the right of the camera fired through a cheap and dirty umbrella, and the other with a red gel pointing directly upwards and positioned under a piece of perforated steel. The steel was purchased from B&Q for the princely sum of £47 and then returned this morning for a full refund! A tip worth considering for future product shoots.

Week 8 - Mechanical

As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.
Bender my hero!!!!!!

Cheeky use of B&Q for hiring equipment :LOL:. Nicely put together although I may have just kepy one phrase and you know which one ;).
Nice, I love a pic with a giggle lately, and one with a hero in it as well cannot go wrong :D

Lee, very creative both lighting and on the equipment hire(y)
The red gel over the flash works well, the colours are great.
All round good job, bang on theme. Cheers Iain
Cheeky use of B+Q but very effective. This shot would not be the same without that red glow! very well done.
Great lighting and subject. Spot on for the theme. The speech bubbles really give it some character. Very nicely done :clap:
Kudos for the B&Q idea, Lee! Love the idea and the lighting in this. I assume because you used a brolly the blackout background was done in pp?