68lbs Does The 52 Thing! Week 14 - Shoot (back upto date)

Week 2 I like the processing on this one although I keep looking at cold bean and :puke: great humour with the peom :LOL:

Week 3 That hatchet is far too clean and shiny to have done some real work ;) well put together, composition, lighting, DOF, focus point.
Chopped - nice lighting and colours - well done!(y) It's an idea that I had to discard as I have neither axe nor wood :(.
It's an idea that I had to discard as I have neither axe nor wood :(

Week 1 - Had to buy herbs as we had none in.

Week 2 - Had to buy Heinz beans as we normally have Tesco own reduced sugar or something.

Week 3 - Had to buy logs as we normally have coal except for at Christmas.

This photo 52 thing is expensive!
nice lighting - very dramatic - like it!
Like week one, has a very homey atmosphere to it - a great capture. I have yet to mess with my 1.4 on the Nikons... maybe I should!

Week two - my memories exactly! They are even grainy, I know just where you are coming from. Even the sad day we started to have low sugar ones as well :(

Chopped is a good shot too, even the oof parts are on topic - well taken and great framing (y)

Poem very good, excellent shot and conversion.

Chopped... I like the image, but I have to agree about the DOF including the entry point to the wood. It took me a while to work out what it was...
Sorry I've missed you previous shots, but they really fit the themes well and are well executed. I like week 3, for the simple fact that I like the look of the steel in the axe.

Looking forward to seeing week 4!
I'm a bit late to the party! I've missed all three weeks so here goes..

Week 1 - liking the feeling of this picture, it's nice and warm, well composed and thought out. Personally I'd like to see a little more dof, but that's probably just my preference.

Week 2 - Liking the clever heart shape of the beans, and it fits the poem well :) Perhaps it would have been just as nice in colour?

Week 3 - Perfect! Loving this, especially the metal axe head looks great. Well done! :clap:
Thanks for everyone who's continued to look and comment. I've struggled with week 4, especially as I've had to squeeze in this month's competition entry. Have no fear though... my better half came up with a cracking location, so we're off out tomorrow and I should just manage to scrape this weeks in on time. :D
The Victorian Street at Preston Hall Museum, Stockton-on-Tees. Taken with a Panasonic GF1 in Dynamic B&W mode with the 20mm f/1.4 lens.

Week 4 - Street

As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.
Nice, old fashioned street scene :)

If I had to be critical, I'd say that the whites are a bit too bright for my B&W taste - in particular the brickwork around the Ironmonger sign. But I'm reckoning that's just personal taste and it probably won't bother anyone else :D
Good choice of location, the B&W makes it look timeless. The bright sun makes it more interesting, with the harsh reflections from the windows and the bright brickwork. (y)
I like the way the shadows (reflections?) give the foreground added interest and lead the eye into the subject, and that you have retained the sky tones.

I have no idea about B&W conversions, but do wonder if this olden day scene would look even better if you had a go at the sepia toned style and softened it a little. You seem to have succeeded in keeping any modern day artifacts out of shot so could look good under an antiqued processing style.
very nice
well composed
and no modern artifacts (as mentioned by Ian W above)
contrast a tad high on my monitor
Like this, nice to see a street not littered with cars and people.
Is it my monitor or the contrast a tad high?
Timeless shot. Could almost be an olde worlde postcard picture.
Nice composition with a timeless quality about it.

The light has been very harsh this weekend, though, and perhaps a little too much for this particular picture. Perhaps you could try lowering the contrast just a tad?
My eye's drawn to the dark shadow area on the right hand side , I'd be tempted to crop this out, i like the composition and the shot works well in B&W
Many thanks for all the comments from everyone, and for those who looked but didn't have time to comment too. :)

To pick up on a couple of the comments...

I find the reflection of the window on the road to be a bit blown

give the foreground added interest and lead the eye into the subject

Nothing was blown on the cobbles... just a couple of small parts in the brickwork. The whole composition was based around the window 'highlight' on the cobbles providing a lead in. I'm glad it worked for at least one person. :)

I have no idea about B&W conversions

contrast a tad high on my monitor

shot works well in B&W

My main aim with this shot was to use the in-camera processing available on the GF1, particularly it's Dynamic B&W mode. I am hoping to use this camera as my 'carry anywhere' and want to try and get the shots 100% in-camera with no processing. I did have the in-camera contrast pumped up an extra notch so perhaps a little too high? :shrug:
I think the photo works very well, loving the b&w and the variety of tones! Great stuff (y)
great capture Lee, I am becoming very impressed with that GF1 and what it is capable of.
Its a great take Lee,could only ever be in B&W, a big(y) for making an effort to trek out to your location even if it was your good lady's idea:).....Mick
Really like that Lee, nicely taken and well processed (y)
yep, works for me.. love these old style shops in museums etc, the B+W suits.. dont mind the lighter parts of it personally!
Nothing to say technically that hasn't been already said. The composition and processing are to my tastes so it's a big 52 thumbs up from me. (y)
Not really much more to add that already has been said however, you have captured this perfectly Lee. (y)
A couple of shots behind with your thread, sorry Lee.

Chopped : Love it. Nice, clean, crisp image. Good contrast between the sharp, shiny blade and the textured wood (y)

Street : Another good shot. I actually like the really bright whites - gives a real sun bleached type of feel that goes with the long, dark shadows.
Lovely composition and real quaint feel to it.
I'm surprised that nobody else has suggested it, but I'd quite like to see it aged a bit more with a slight sepia tint :shrug:
I happen to like everything about this street picture.
The deep contrast, the tone of the sky, the reflections on the floor and the interesting details.
Fantastic! :)
Interesting shot...photographically I like it - love the B&Ws and the contrast is spot on for me...what doesn't gel is the old frontage and the modern looking roof(s). Maybe a closer shot on the shop fronts and cobbles would have made it more of a slice from the past - if you get me :)
Fantastic shot Lee - The composition really stood out for me.
Was dragged out for a quick dash around Tesco earlier! What better opportunity for a photo shoot. ;)

Week 5 - Speed

As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.
:clap: thats the way I like to drag the wife round Asda, just the right amount of blur and enough items in the trolley for us nosey buggers.