68lbs Does The 52 Thing! Week 14 - Shoot (back upto date)

Finally stumbled across your 52 - I'd been looking for it and hadn't thought to check the index! :LOL:

Love the mezzaluna shot. The textures are great, as is the light - look forward to the other 51 :)
I can kind of see where people are going with the 'focus on the parsley' brigade - but as the theme is 'curved' and not 'chopped herb' I personally think it's fine just where it is :)
Nice rich and warm tones, good depth of field control and excellant exposure.

Cheers Ed, comments much appreciated. :)

Finally stumbled across your 52 - I'd been looking for it

Wow, can't believe someone was specifically searching for my pics... that's great to know! :)

Well, now you need never miss out as I'll be keeping them all neatly presented on a wee blogsite just here. Feel free to leave comments.
Difficult not to re-invent what others have said as I agree with all comments! Suffice to say I love this shot - it's so rich and warm, and love the composition and DoF! :clap:
I don't really get poetry and poems. They seem to be like a story... but where none of the sentences make any sense! Unfortunately I didn't get time to take the shot I really wanted, so after much head scratching I've decided upon more of a ditty. It's not clever, and it's not funny, but it is one every child knows. And I'm just really a big kid!

Week 2 - Poetry

Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the happier you feel
So let's eat beans with every meal

As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.
classic, love the beans, in the shape of a heart..

it's one of the rhyme's that will never die and go away, always remember it from being a kid also this version Beans, beans the musical fruit, The more you eat, the more you toot, (rest is the same as above)
it's one of the rhyme's that will never die and go away, always remember it from being a kid also this version Beans, beans the musical fruit, The more you eat, the more you toot, (rest is the same as above)

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: ditto!

I'm surprised how many of these poetry threads are taking me back to childhood. I've seen Eenie, meenie, miney, moe; Nelly the Elephant;The Night before Christmas and now Beans.

The arrangement of the beans works well and nice composition with the open tin. Not too sure on the PP though - a touch too grainy for me.
Memories of poems past, I like the idea and goes very well with the poem. I think it just might look better in color, as there are good strong colors in the juice and on the can. There is also an area between the lid and the beans that catches the eye because it is very bright and doesn't have the noise that the rest of the image has.
It looks quite grainy, but I'm guessing that is the PP

You are correct. :)

where do they get it from?

Well, I taught my daughter it! :LOL:

love the beans, in the shape of a heart

Cheers... I wasn't overly happy with either the heart or the shot overall, but am hoping I can make up for it in the next 50 weeks.

Not too sure on the PP though - a touch too grainy for me.

Oh, I wasn't sure if it was grainy enough. First time I've ever really tried anything like this.

I really like the PP

Yay... he shoots and scores! Thanks, glad it worked for someone. :)

I think it just might look better in color

Trust me, it doesn't. Two different colour temperatures. :puke:
:LOL: What a hilarious interpretation of poetry..

Incidentally - the Hertfordshire version...

Beans, beans, good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart,
The more you fart, the more you eat
The more you sit on the toilet seat!

Nice start! 2 good photos there, nice comedy factor in poetry :LOL:. As photos go I'm really liking the first 1. It's one of those strange DOFs that works when you think it shouldn't. And bang on theme too.

Nicely done (y)
Thread winner just for the poem! Like that the grain gives it a texture that seems to suit it and also like the heart shaped spill.
Hi Lee :wave:

Curves, I like your style (y)

The DoF is spot on for me and, as a lover of natural light, for me it's spot on :clap:

Poem, I've never heard that one before. Maybe it didn't make it up as far as the north east. But the picture is spot on for it. I love the graininess of this and the b&w conversion really suits it IMO.

Great start to the 52s, now keep it up :D
What a hilarious interpretation of poetry

Cheers Nick... none of this high brow stuff 'ere! :D

the focus on the blade is incredible

You're a week late Daniel, we're onto week two now... beanz.

I think a sense of humour will be important over the next 50 weeks.

Too right. Some of my efforts will no doubt be laughable.

Hope you didn't waste the beans though

Parp! Erm... had em for tea. :D

2 good photos there

Ooo, many thanks. Bet I can't keep it up.

Thread winner just for the poem!

Yay! :banana:

I like your style...now keep it up

Thanks for looking and commenting Jill. I shall certainly try my very bestest. One of the hardest things I think will be to try and come up with something different so it doesn't get too samey.
This week I chopped wood. As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.

Week 3 - Chopped

This week I chopped wood. As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.

Week 3 - Chopped

I'm glad someone else has to chop wood every week :) Though technically you could argue that's splitting wood as opposed to chopping, but you are using an axe as opposed to a splitting maul :thinking: :naughty:
Anyway lovely shot, nicely lit. Glad to see you polished your axe. :)
still trying to catch up - apologies.

Hi there,

really like week 1 you've got this spot on, great use DOF, and I like the focus point as is.

week 2 is very good too, I actually like the grainy feel to this gives it a bit more of an edge - nice work.

week 3. Very good lighting and nicely exposed too - like it. IMHO the focus is on the axe and it does chop. (y)

do you give lessons?
Well it is chopping, never heard it called splitting a tree down. Nice image

No, that wee axe is splitting firewood.
Not many trees are chopped down now either. They are sawn down these days. Then they come to me & I saw them up.:LOL::LOL:

Nice image though & I would say right on the theme.
Poem: Great poem and oft recited by my kids :) Like the concept and framing but not sure the grain adds anything - in fact I think a sharp colour version would have worked better for me :) Don't know why - just a feeling!

Chopped: Great, simply great! Sharp axe and oof background works for me - although on a 3rd and 4th look I'm kind of wishing that the blade/log interface (guess who works in IT) was a little sharper! Lovely composition though! Spot on! :clap:
technically you could argue that's splitting wood as opposed to chopping

never heard it called splitting a tree down

that wee axe is splitting firewood

I always call it chopping too. An axe isn't a 'splitter', it's a 'chopper'. :p

do you give lessons?

In wood chopping?

Lovely textures and colours.

Cheers Nat. :)

Great poem... but not sure the grain adds anything

The idea was that it was a poem ditty from when I was a kid. A memory. The grain was there to differentiate past from present. :)

I'm kind of wishing that the blade/log interface (guess who works in IT) was a little sharper

Me too! No excuse... only a reason. I wanted to get the shot done and was holding a diffused torch in one hand to reduce the shadow from the security light (I shot it outside last night), and I just opted for an aperture and went for it. Took a few shots, and this was my preferred focus. Otherwise, the top of the axe was out of focus. :bonk:
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I like the textures and composition very much, Lee. I think I'd have liked the dof to include the axe entering the wood for a perfect shot though.
Great shot. I love the warm lighting on this. Well, it looks warm anyway... maybe it's just the colour of the wood. Makes me think of a log burning fire, what with all the wood and orangey goodness! :D
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think I'd have liked the dof to include the axe entering the wood

I think my lesson for this week has to be not to settle for the first shot I get. Must try harder!

Makes me think of a log burning fire, what with all the wood and orangey goodness

Which is exactly where it'll end up... in the stove! :)
love the beans shot, the poem made me giggle... not heard that for a good while :)

like 'chopped' - great tones and textures, my OH would be envious of that nice shiny axe!
Liking 'Chopped', but agree with a couple of other comments - would have liked to see the axe head sharp but love the lighting and warm colours. (y)
Love the DOF to the axe shot,well composed. But I really like the beans,there's a kid in all of us(y)
I like the warm colour of the wood in this shot, yes it may have been better if the blade entering the wood was sharper but to be honest I didn't even notice this until I read the other posts.
Can't say anything negative about this, lovely and 'warm', nice DOF and contrast.
I too would've liked to have seen the focus point on the entry to the log.
Lovely rich colours and textures though, great picture! :)
I wonder how many trees have been harmed during the making of this weeks' 52's? ;-)
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Love your 'Chopped' shot, it's got some great content to it with the metallic axe surface and the more natural tones around it. Maybe just a wee touch dark for me (but could well be my monitor) Great stuff. (y)
