Another 'Marmite' shot...


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This is a shot of a young lady called Laura Kidd, and her stage name is 'She Makes War'. I took this shot (amongst others) at a charity gig for the Teenage Cancer Trust last week. I was going for a certain look and feel for this shot which I think I achieved. Her performance reminded me of a Bette Davies or Greta Garbo type character performing in a dark smokey club so I wanted the PP to match. I sent her all of the pictures I took of her and she really liked them, this one especially. She has now booked me to shoot at her album launch party in November. Any feedback from you guys and gals would be appreciated, but I realise that the PP will not be to everyones tastes :p

I love it too! So ott it works.
Many thanks all for your comments...yes, even you Jon :D All viewpoints valid.:D
Wonderful work there Nick and, congrats on the commissioned work! (y)
I love the shot, but it's a little over processed for my liking.

Thanks Jeremy. I really do appreciate that the PP is not to everyones tastes, and to be honest, its quite a bit further than I would normally go. Just felt it fit on this occasion, and more importantly so did the client. This shot is now also being used for the poster which will be advertising her album launch :cool: :D ...really chuffed!
Really like what you have done, pushed the rules and made it work. Well done. Only distracting feature is the second microphone, it keeps drawing my eye ;)
Really like what you have done, pushed the rules and made it work. Well done. Only distracting feature is the second microphone, it keeps drawing my eye ;)

Thanks for the feedback :)

I know what you mean about the second mic, but unfortunately, there wasnt really a lot I could do about that :shrug:

She uses it to sing her own backing vocals and harmonies which play on a live recorded loop while she sings the lead vocals.....if that makes sense :D I have to say, she is one VERY talented lady (y)