BBC, My photos, and a bullet hole in my foot.

Gary I can only echo everyone else's comments about all of this. It's easy for us to say, we're not involved. I think you were brave to go on TV, (don't you dare say you're shy now)

I don't know how many members TP has but I bet 99.9% of us are behind you all the way. Your pics from the hospital are awesome and if they have helped to expose a shocking lack of security and ineptitude by the NHS thats a good thing.

I know the attention you're getting now is unpleasant but it'll blow over when the next 5 minute wonder comes along. Chin up and remember who your friends are.

Heard about this on Radio Scotland at 3pm - Gary I luv you man :)

*But not in a male - male way mkay*

Will buy you an orange in Edi :D
Well, I am big enough to admit a mistake.

I have sent this to a few of the guys who have been having a go.


This is from the bottom of my heart, I am absolutely and whole heartedly sorry for any negative press I have brought to your hobby. Urban Exploration is a new one on me, it's not something I know much about, and its not something I have seen a lot of. It is something I would like to engage in going forward, and I have plans to visit more sites, with a brand new outlook.

With regards to the story and how it broke. I submitted my images for inclusion in the "Scotland in Pictures" section on the BBC news site, as I thouht they were genuinly different enough to get one of them included.

I received a call, and was interviewed on the phone, offered some kind of photo gallery, and naturally I was ecstatic! At this point, I had no idea the angle in which the story would be covered.

When it became clear what was being done, it was really too late for me to back track. I have made my bed, and I must lie in it. Please believe me when I say, I am genuinly a cool guy with a love for photography, I had no idea this Story was going to be this big, and I really do mean that.

I have had a hell of a lot of personal threats and abuse in email, and I literally scared to venture out my door. I am feeling sick to the stomach with nerves, and if I could turn the clock back, I would.

I would appreciate a bit of slack, I have made a mistake and I will trully have to live with it until this media uproar blows over.

Hope this reaches you,

I think you're very brave, but I personally wouldn't have even bothered. Those abusive emails wouldn't be fit to wipe my **** with.
Hey guys, I have been browsing this thread and it hit me, Law Hospital is where I did my public order training for the G8 summit. That was back in 2004 and we trashed that site for a few days. I clearly recall various paparazzi style photographers lying on top of this small man made hill overlooking the hospital and they were taking photos of us doing the training. To the best of my knowledge none of them were ever charged with trespass (which is such a grey area in Scotland) and they were arguably doing more harm than you as the pictures (which were published in national papers) could have been used by various protest groups to suss out our tactics.

I wouldn't worry about this man, the storm will blow over and somebody else will be the next five minute wonder. As a cop I am not ashamed to admit that the trespass laws confuse the hell out of me. I am pretty sure you would not be charged with trespass, the only charge the cops could throw at you is a contravention of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act, 1982. I think it is section 57 and the offence is being within the curtilage of premises with the intention to commit theft. Thats the one to watch out for. But, as I said, that is a pretty doubtful proposition, when a cop charges somebody the Procurator Fiscal will only proceed with the case if it is in the public interest or regarding national security. I think you will be alright, good luck.
No contact from authorities yet, I may walk in after work and see if they have anything to say to me.
Well, I am big enough to admit a mistake.

I have sent this to a few of the guys who have been having a go.


This is from the bottom of my heart, I am absolutely and whole heartedly sorry for any negative press I have brought to your hobby. Urban Exploration is a new one on me, it's not something I know much about, and its not something I have seen a lot of. It is something I would like to engage in going forward, and I have plans to visit more sites, with a brand new outlook.

With regards to the story and how it broke. I submitted my images for inclusion in the "Scotland in Pictures" section on the BBC news site, as I thouht they were genuinly different enough to get one of them included.

I received a call, and was interviewed on the phone, offered some kind of photo gallery, and naturally I was ecstatic! At this point, I had no idea the angle in which the story would be covered.

When it became clear what was being done, it was really too late for me to back track. I have made my bed, and I must lie in it. Please believe me when I say, I am genuinly a cool guy with a love for photography, I had no idea this Story was going to be this big, and I really do mean that.

I have had a hell of a lot of personal threats and abuse in email, and I literally scared to venture out my door. I am feeling sick to the stomach with nerves, and if I could turn the clock back, I would.

I would appreciate a bit of slack, I have made a mistake and I will trully have to live with it until this media uproar blows over.

Hope this reaches you,


Well if that don't work **** 'em, they're not worth it!

Naw, forget it man. Keep your head down, if the cops want to see you they will come to you, don't go offering them yourself on a plate. This will breeze by in a couple of days.
Hope things settle down for you gary. I'd advise not replying anymore to the idiots that give you grief and just let the dust settle.
They're not worth talking to anyway.
Sounds like a storm in a teacup to me! It would seem to be another example of Government bashing, the presses favourite hobby after celebs spotting ;)

I work in the NHS as a nurse and this strikes me as just another area that the NHS is trying to save money (security of disused sites) There is a local hospital to me that is used regularly by squatters and people with addiction problems - you should see the damage they cause and I know of very few instances of attempts at prosecution.

The CPS have limited resources and if they won't prosecute people who physically assault nursing staff, then I doubt very much they will do anything to you. :(

The pics are excellent and I for one thank you for raising the issue of site security and the lack of systems to ensure that confidential information is properly stored when a Hospital is closed down :clap:

The people who are making threats are very narrow minded and selfish - I can't stand bullies :boxer:
How the hell does "explorer" know you post on TP....AND....may I add....Can admin get him blocked He's only come here to cause trouble...and tbh Gary hasnt done anthing wrong!

Already RTM'd
WOW respect to you Gary! I have worked for the NHS on the front line as a clinical member of staff for ten years and it's about time the idiots come to call for their actions - the things I see in practice regarding confidentiality would shock you to the core.

Don't worry dude - you haven't done anything wrong. I'm actually quite proud to 'know' you :LOL: (y)
Must remember the internet has spawned the age of the Keyboard Warrior.

**** the internet keyboard hard men. Don't let the ****s get to you. If "explorer" was half a man he'd leave some contact details, the cowardly ****.

Ewan (who seems to have developed Tourette's today...)
Gary, having been the victim of keyboard warrior that also had my personal details and threatened to take it into 'the real world' for merely daring to be a moderator on another forum, dont let them get to you. Very very few of these morons ever do, they just do it to get a reaction and create fear, please don't give them the satisfaction. You should NOT have to be in any kind of worry by posting here or where you live.

Stand firm, you have done a real service exposing this crass negligence in the NHS and the dangers to kids of the place. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! And yes, I know its easy for us to say, sitting here at our keyboards, not the ones receiving the emails of seeing posts by people like 'explorer' directed at us, but I have been there, as hard as it may be, ignore it! :hug:
Gary, having been the victim of keyboard warrior that also had my personal details and threatened to take it into 'the real world' for merely daring to be a moderator on another forum, dont let them get to you. Very very few of these morons ever do, they just do it to get a reaction and create fear, please don't give them the satisfaction. You should NOT have to be in any kind of worry by posting here or where you live.

Stand firm, you have done a real service exposing this crass negligence in the NHS and the dangers to kids of the place. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! And yes, I know its easy for us to say, sitting here at our keyboards, not the ones receiving the emails of seeing posts by people like 'explorer' directed at us, but I have been there, as hard as it may be, ignore it! :hug:

Eccellent post completely agree.
I'm not trying to take the p*** here but maybe consideration should be given to closing this thread. Gary has the support of the regulars on this forum and if we keep this thread going it just gives the keyboard warriors a space to slag him off or make threats. I think that is the last thing he needs right now and this sort of vibe is totally detrimental to the site.

Gary mate, everyone who regularly uses this forum is behind you, lets put this to bed so we can keep the negativity out of it.
I just don't understand why 'people' are trying to get you and why they're publishing your address on tinternet?? Have I missed something?
I dont think it's time to close it, there's messages of support coming in thick and fast for Gary, and we'd like a place to keep them in :)

Don't worry, that user was using an anonymous proxy and anonymous email address, clearly trying to hide their *own* identity (No, the irony is not lost on me ;)). That, along with publishing members private details, was enough for me to wave the ban stick.

Don't worry, all the staff are keeping a close eye on the thread and new members ;) (Except df, cos he's a lazy sod :p)
Hang in there Gary, it will all blow over soon. You have plenty of support on here, take care mate.
Just had a look at that k******d's blog and found myself strangely irate....

I've left a reasoned and well considered comment on it which is waiting moderation. Strange that someone happy to berate a fellow tog for moderating comments is requred to moderate comments on his own blog.....

Ranting like a goodun now.... I'm off to try and reap what has been sown....