BBC, My photos, and a bullet hole in my foot.

Reading the story off the web, it looks like you came across as the man who exposed some very shoddy behaviour by the NHS. Which is not all that surprising I guess. After all, which is more of a ratings grabber, "we've found a bloke being a bit naughty", or "look how poorly the NHS treat our confidential data".

Nice work indeed sir. :clap:

There is plenty enough use of cameras by the powers that be to keep an eye on the little folks. It's good to see it can still work just as well the other way around. (y)
just read it, thats awesome:D
Hmmm, not sure about this. On the one hand its great that Gary has pointed out the security and data issues of the abandoned hospital etc and good on him for that but on the other hand sometimes photographers get a hard enough time from the "establishment" i.e. out on the street doing some urban togging or the likes and surely this is only going to make that worse. Can just imagine the head NHS guys bending the ear of some councillor or other.

Dont think I would have wanted to be seen on the telly either!!
sometimes photographers get a hard enough time from the "establishment" i.e. out on the street doing some urban togging or the likes and surely this is only going to make that worse.

How? The most I can see is them sorting out that place and maybe a few others like it.....can't see how it would relate to photography in a public place.

oh and btw it has been spotted over at 28DL already -
I wouldn't be getting too worked up about it, it is their (NHS) fault for leaving confidential information left scattered about for anyone to look at. The fact that you could walk in through the side, with no warnings to keep out etc and wonder about for an hour and nobody notice you, proves their negligence.

It it weren't for the confidentail files being left about, it wouldn't really be a big deal.

Nice knowing ya :LOL:
they may now have a contract out on your head now though..

Sh*ts about to hit the fan now , heres the story at BBC ---> Clicky here

Cya in 5 yrs Gary, maybe less with good behaviour :D

Check out this link

Has it been on telly yet?

Edit - Beat me to it!!

It's on the BBC Website (News, Scotland), haven't had a chance to watch it yet (at work) but thought I'd let you all know !!


Dunno if this is been posted already. Apologies if it has.

But here's the interview in all it's glory:



Nope, you were first :p
I don't think you need to worry about it Gary, just another story about the government messing up.

I do however feel for the nurses made to look for those xrays after they moved initially.
I don't think that you will have anything to worry about - surely the fact that all the confidential papers are left lying around are more important than someone trespassing?

The **** will hit the fan for the NHS not for the brave tog who found the security breaches!

Nice that you gave your mate Darren a name check in the video though, so at least if anything does happen, you'll have someone to share your cell with :)
If that were me I would have been embarrassed on 2 counts
1) wearing a Nikon strap on TV
2) giving away one of your favourite 'togging locations

I don't see that you have done anything wrong ( apart from the above :D)

On a serious note
I think that there is a lesson to be learned for all of us, what started as a
" harmless" bit of fun has now been turned into a witch hunt by the media.
These stories are "leaked" all the time you may as well have your 5 minuted of fame out of it (y)
If that were me I would have been embarrassed on 2 counts
1) wearing a Nikon strap on TV
2) giving away one of your favourite 'togging locations

I don't see that you have done anything wrong ( apart from the above :D)

On a serious note
I think that there is a lesson to be learned for all of us, what started as a
" harmless" bit of fun has now been turned into a witch hunt by the media.
These stories are "leaked" all the time you may as well have your 5 minuted of fame out of it (y)

Looks like its getting flattened for flats, so perhaps the impact isn't as great as I had originally thought...
Just watching that video now (y)

That's abit easy to get in, they surely can't blame you?

Gary your famous :D
Looks like its getting flattened for flats, so perhaps the impact isn't as great as I had originally thought...

In that case had it not been you that "broke the story" it would have been a builder / surveyor type, sometime in the near future.
Just enjoy your 5 minutes of fame (y)
hey gary
did she leave you in there?
was that a :puke: nikon strap around your neck....

I am going to be keeping a low profile for a few days, this is far bigger than I appreciated, and I am out of here for a while.

Will keep in touch,

Gary, you've done nowt wrong so you have nothing to worry about. Except for your choice of footwear for which you will probably be hung ;)
We truly are not worthy !!!!! - Seen your pics improve dramatically since you joined (I'm the quiet one, rarely posts). Who would have thought you'd end up being a real life celeb off the back of your excellent set.....

On the plus side, you're only mentioned as the catalyst for the witch-hunt... ******* reporters are all the same.......

I am going to be keeping a low profile for a few days, this is far bigger than I appreciated, and I am out of here for a while.

Will keep in touch,



Long and short, I have what would appear to be a growing base of extremely angry urban togs after my balls now. Had some very nasty emails, and its a bit too much, so I am now officially 100% regretting every visitng the place.

And guys, only those on my flickr contact list will be able to view my photos from this day forward, apologies!

But Gary, i'm sure that there will people who will be benefitting from this, parents can sleep easier knowing there children aren't getting into these places and messing around with all that s**t