BBC, My photos, and a bullet hole in my foot.

Where do we get the badges?:D

here you go

Long and short, I have what would appear to be a growing base of extremely angry urban togs after my balls now. Had some very nasty emails, and its a bit too much, so I am now officially 100% regretting every visitng the place.


Dude, We'll fight your corner!!! Are they coming through to your work email???

What kind of emails you getting! Forward them to me and I'll track the mail and send round some nasty dogs ;)

You have your reasons, but...... there's a lot of peeps and peepeses on here that both enjoy and admire your pics.....

How would one go about ensuring that we are included in with the in-crowd?

Man, I'm a slow typist.... Volunteering to assist in the anti-evil email campaign - Aim me at the heads that need knocking together.....
Seriously though, my name is all over the place, can't be hard to find my address etc. I don't need any of this ****, and I have definately been a fool.

An interesting tale and you shouldn't have anything to worry about with regards to trespass etc, there is no way they would instigate proceedings as it would just add to their embarrassment. IMHO of course.


I am going to be keeping a low profile for a few days, this is far bigger than I appreciated, and I am out of here for a while.

Will keep in touch,


No more GarySpam! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
There are bigger ramifications than this for Gary....

Sooner or later hes gonna have to go see his NHS DOC...

He will go in for tonsilitus, come out, without his meat and two veg and a pair of knockers to suit !!!

and without an anaesthetic :exit:
Seriously though, my name is all over the place, can't be hard to find my address etc. I don't need any of this ****, and I have definately been a fool.


But who would want to find your address and why? You''l be fine mate, like most news stories it will be over by tomorrow.
Seriously, don't worry... I love going hunting for this stuff, but I'm not bothered - you have brought up a very valid point which could stop parents from letting their kids explore this place. I think you should chill, continue with your 365 and your life like this hasn't happened.

I understand the Flickr Stuff (Can I add you as a bud instead of just a contact then), it angers me that people are emailing you to express anger - that is just wrong on all levels.

Like I said, you have the following of this forum, you are an extremely respected fella and I have no problems whatsoever jumping to your defence!
Would disagree with the fool thing..... These ******* get paid a lot of (our) money to dig and get what they're after without you knowing anything.

Doubt that there's many on here would have done different, they were cracking pics, worthy of submission. It's unfortunate that they had a story planned and you iced their cake so to speak, but at the end of the day that's it....

With regard to the abuse from urban toggers, are they really that naive to think their forums, meets and pics are under the radar??? Oh no, BB is watching....

Don't take it personally, to echo some stuff previously mentioned, most of this is either jealousy, or a pre-determined witch-hunt.... if it wasn't you it'd be someone else....

One thing to consider - It probably wouldn't have been so widely noticed if thee hadn't been a million tog forum members watching for it... They measure newsworthiness by hit rate (amongst other things) so we are all more culpable than you in a sense....
Seriously, don't worry... I love going hunting for this stuff, but I'm not bothered - you have brought up a very valid point which could stop parents from letting their kids explore this place. I think you should chill, continue with your 365 and your life like this hasn't happened.

I understand the Flickr Stuff (Can I add you as a bud instead of just a contact then), it angers me that people are emailing you to express anger - that is just wrong on all levels.

Like I said, you have the following of this forum, you are an extremely respected fella and I have no problems whatsoever jumping to your defence!

All my contacts are either friends, or not contacts at all on flickr :)
Gary what the hell? Dont you be going anywhere, and dont you regret it either. I for one feel dead proud for knowing you, and for having the balls to do this.

Just ignore those emails, what the hell can they do to you?
Guys it really has gotten out of control. I have had a tonne of nice emails, from as far away as Florida, and other wierd places. My colleague has just pointed the story out to me on American news sites, and the Sun, Daily Record and other media outlets have contacted me. I have told everyone to leave me out of it. Bit late :D

Bask in the glory - we all get 5 mins each (apparently)

More good done than harm. Shoulders back, chest out and enjoy the stress while it lasts (Landslide WILL take precedence by tomorrow your end of the country)
Honestly, it will all blow over in a day or two. Someone will be caught taking photos of a building and everything will kick off again :LOL:
Gary, don't worry about it.
While Urbexers will have their beef. All youve done is compromised ONE site...which is onits way to be demolished soon anyway.

You're not the first urbexer to be in the news, and you certainly won't be the last.

Enjoy the ride mate, take the glory that you can. You uncovered some NHS stupidity (y)
You've nothing to be ashamed of, you didn't do anything wrong, so don't let some tools push you away from a hobby you enjoy.

And certainly don't let em push you away from here.
Gary - I'm late on this - although have been following it for a while. I can appreciate that the emails are unpleasant - its happened to me (although not on such a scale) and it hurts. It will have blown over in a day or so.

You have our support.

At least you had a chance to think it through - the piece on the news is fine in my view - although you may not have wanted to be used by the beeb to further their own sexy news story - it doesn't reflect badly on you. If a few Urbex people have got their knickers in a twist, then I see it as their problem, not yours.

Guys it really has gotten out of control. I have had a tonne of nice emails, from as far away as Florida, and other wierd places. My colleague has just pointed the story out to me on American news sites, and the Sun, Daily Record and other media outlets have contacted me. I have told everyone to leave me out of it. Bit late :D


Gary, maybe this could get your self known as a "Urban Photographer". It can't be bad mate, Are people being horrible about it or just nice emails? Sounds like both

America ahh? maybe they'll want you to come over there and do another TV talk thing :D

Thanks guys, you have no idea how much YOUR support is right now, I have unblocked my flickr account (other than my 365, I do NOT want it getting personal), and I will take it on the chin.

This place is freaking awesome, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Guys it really has gotten out of control. I have had a tonne of nice emails, from as far away as Florida, and other wierd places. My colleague has just pointed the story out to me on American news sites, and the Sun, Daily Record and other media outlets have contacted me. I have told everyone to leave me out of it. Bit late :D


Seriously, lap it up mate, take your moments of glory and enjoy it, as said it will all blow over very shortly, and there is nothing that can be done to you.

You have done nothing worth worrying yourself over.
When the give you ****, Gary, say you saw their medical records, see if they'll be angry then..

Also, from watching the video, did they just leave you there?;)
I don't want ANY money. David, Darren, Craig - go for it, a killing to be made if you ask me. I don't want it.

Think of it like this, An Photographer magazine phoning you up and saying would you like to have a contract or something out with them for them to be able to print your pictures in their magazine :D

Gary, it may all seem rather hectic at the moment but the old saying ‘today’s new is tomorrows chip paper’, this will soon blow over. Next week America will probably invade Iran for testing those rockets.

If the dailies, or any other agencies, are interested in following up the storey then take advantage of it and name your price for your images and first hand experience. If you don't want the money then make sure they know that you are donating to a charity.
I'm with Marcel on this one mate. It's easy for a bunch of 'cool' urbexers to hurl abuse at you. Just stay put, and delete any crap that comes your way. It won't last.
Thanks guys, you have no idea how much YOUR support is right now, I have unblocked my flickr account (other than my 365, I do NOT want it getting personal), and I will take it on the chin.

This place is freaking awesome, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.


we are with you Gary, 110% (y)
Dont let them win Gary you highlighted a serious security issue with records that shouldn't have been left lying about still remaining there. If the urbex crowd are whining about things just ignore them they are acting like idiots, as i would have done the same if i had found the records and reported it to whoever it needed to be reported to.
