Conservation and Shooting.

Except the KF landing in front of my hide when I was on the other bank.It dived, caught a fish and landed on that stone.If only..............I was in the hide.

But I guess that is how it goes at times.

Duck with young.


I love the reflections of those ducks. I have just read through this thread. very interesting. Great job you are doing too, looking after the wildlife.I hope it gives you lots of pleasure.
It does Sue, but it also causes a lot of anomisity as well.But there you go, I`ll stand my ground........(y)
Got a few black headed gulls about at the moment, the river is very low, so pickings are easy for them.

jumping,plunging and catching fish.




And boy, did they give this poor fella some grief, he didn`t hang around long,they even chased the herons off.

Great shots there! What I wouldn't give to have a place like that (or the time!) to just photograph and enjoy. And perhaps bag a few pigeons etc with my Merkel!
Somebody on here had a great day today, so without wanting to spoil his thunder,i`ll hide this in here...:)

Cheers for today Ade, was a really good day especially with the Peres performing like that, fliipin showoffs :LOL: :D
Cheers for today Ade, was a really good day especially with the Peres performing like that, fliipin showoffs :LOL: :D

Yeah, that was not the norm and we got real lucky today, you are my good luck charm...........:LOL:
Somebody on here had a great day today, so without wanting to spoil his thunder,i`ll hide this in here...:)

That is rather special.
Thanks mate.

Got an important guest for the next two days,so i`m off to put the new table and chairs in the hide......;)......Some fat geezer broke one yesterday.....:D

For anybody interested, I am 90% there on getting the go ahead for guests to come along.It has to be booked through me and I have to be with you at all times, the landowners stipulations.
Thanks mate.

Got an important guest for the next two days,so i`m off to put the new table and chairs in the hide......;)......Some fat geezer broke one yesterday.....:D

For anybody interested, I am 90% there on getting the go ahead for guests to come along.It has to be booked through me and I have to be with you at all times, the landowners stipulations.

And Ade is a top banana, and you'll have a great time etc etc :D

can't think who the fat geezer was :cautious:
Spotted this guy today.

Catch up time Ade
Cracking Deer shot (y)
and as as for the Buzzard red kite black kite
That there BOP :D
(what ever it is someone will argue :D)
Cracking shot (y)
Just out of curiosity, was it really taken at 420mm?
Keep the post coming im enjoying this thread Im looking forward to seeing some badger shots. Hope you and ian get lucky today


That is superb Ade!

You are one lucky wotsit getting opportunities like these day in day out!

Nice on matey!
Buck close up is a stunning shot.
Can even see the bugs around his head.

What a thread this is - education and entertainment in abundance!!
Had a day off the usual stuff today and had a full day with Ian off here and met Andy at Leighton.Ian and I went to see the falcons, but the light was awful resulting in no shutter speed, so I got diddly squat, I think Ian did better, but I he is a better tog than I and I learnt some good stuff off him.In fact I shaped numb all day, nothing worked and everything went wrong,I got one decent shot all day, does this happen to others as well.........:cautious:

I count myself lucky if I get 1 good shot and you certainly have there. Bad days do occur in whatever you do though, whether it be photography, sport or at work. It sometimes would just be better if you didn't get out of bed. At least that is how I feel!

And I can't help but be jealous- you spent all day outdoors and I was locked in my office reviewing crappy documents!
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Seeing this fella made up for the crap day yesterday.

Keep 'em coming, Ade. I am loving this stuff.
Work got cancelled today, so I went to check on these beauties, very few people know where they are and I don`t take anyone with me.For some of you who come along sometimes,i`m sure you understand.

Light was bloody awful, grey and white skies as seen in piccie one.


But they came for a closer look.




On a different note, thanks Andy and Ian, my "stump licker"...:D... arrived today, I bought some salt licks and some sheep cake as well, your generous donations to the "Care for the deer" fund was a very kind gesture.
Love these shots Ade :D the close up shots are corkers, and im a big fan of environmental shots so the first gets my vote too
That is exactly what I wanted to achieve Paul, I liked it myself, but thanks for the feedback,appreciated.

But, I shall have another go and try to get better ones at a later date.I tend to leave these well alone, usually just check up on them regularly from a distance.

For the leg rings.......;)

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Just catching up Ade
You are really getting into the swing of these Peregrine shots (y)

And not a bad Tawney either (y)
Cheers Chris, got some work up there tonight so i`ll have a quick walk around. Working all Sunday and Monday, so i`ll try and get something to post later in the week. Apparently it rained heavily during the week, so the river may be up a bit, it was very low before our week in Scotland.


Beautiful! :D :love:

That's a compo winner right there!

I like dis one, simply cos there is two of them.........:D


After the battering they took last year, i`m well chuffed.
Smug looking blighter.

Grabbed this yesterday as well, I only see them in open fields and they are quite difficult for me to get near where they are.

And an oystercatcher sat on a fence post, they have a nest nearby, but i`m not bothered for photographing that.

Glad the "stump licker" has been purchased ;) hopefully the project will take off mate :) totally understand why nobody knows about that set of peregrines too ! too many people knowing word will soon get around ie " i saw several people with big cameras over there, wonder what they were looking at" etc !
Loving the Sika shots Ade, the meadow really makes the shot for me, love the colours and composition
Cheers Ian............(y)

Andy, i`ll let you know later in the week mate.