D_Ninety's 52 - Week 18: Indulgence

"Street"... that's the theme for week 4 of this years 52...

Ok, so I had lots of ideas of "street" shots... I live near Chester... there's hundreds of streets there... but I could get the look I wanted... I had an image in my head, but I just couldn't realise it on the ground.

"Street"... hmm... this is what I came up with... I wanted to try and move away from crisp sharp images, so this is soft on purpose... maybe it works, maybe it doesn't (I'm sure I'll find out soon enough). I also wanted a fairly sharp contrast between the sign and the surroundings... perhaps I'm going for an "aged" look here, not sure really. It's a fairly simple image, but there's no doubt it fits the theme... "street"...

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Week 3 - Great stuff. The mono works well and there's some nice texture in that foreground trunk. (y)

Somebody must have some comments on my efforts this week :shrug:

Week 4 - Personally I find it a weak image. Not really doing anything for me, just a street sign plonked in the middle of the frame. Sorry.
i think its ok , i like the white fence behind it, gives it a little bit of a frame, would like to see a bit more texture, so you could really see the rust on the fence and sign

oh and week 3 is top (y)
I like your chopped shot in B+W, most kept theirs colour.. I think it works very well, shows the great detail in the trunk in the foreground.. nice DOF

street.. am in two minds, like the simplicity.. it is what it is.. not sure about the positioning and softness, might have tried a closer shot with more contrast to pick up detail in the edges of the sign?.. but seeing as you wanted a softer feel then you hit the nail on the head! :)
I quite like that... the softness does work and makes it look a bit aged. I think I'd be tempted to crop the bottom off to move the sign off the centre.
Not sure on this. Like the idea and it was there waiting to be found but I think I would have preferred a sharper image. Personal preference only though.
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Hi Darren, a fair start to the 52 project, some good openers for a "busy" man:) 2&3 are super and I love to see mono done well. Textures in the log are really,good. I agree with above I would of prefered sharp, maybe tighter angle with a really shallow DOF. Good stuff though, I expect it to get more difficult each week to come up with something different.:bang:....Mick
Hi Darren, This is my first visit to your thread, so a bit of catching up to do. :)

Week 1 Curved: I love the clean simplicity of this. Being off-centre works for me. :)

Week 2 Poetry: The poem is well-matched to the photo, and that coffee looks very inviting. Mine's balck and strong, please. :)

Week 3 Chopped: Chopped or sawn wood always looks interesting and I think you've caught this just right. (y)

Week 4 Street: I think this was a difficult theme, so well done for finding "The Street". Is it in Chester? Yes, it does look slightly aged, so you achieved your aim. I like John's (jgs001) idea of cropping the bottom off - although it hadn't occurred to me until I read his comment. :D

Hi Darren . . . just when I thought I'd done really well on commenting on these 52s i find two in a row that I haven't spotted for 3 weeks in a row.

Poetry : Nice idea and well executed. It matches the poem well and there's some lovely wood grain in the table. The vignetting and B&W conversion really add some atmosphere (y) Well done - especially for a theme that you struggled with.

Chopped : In a week of log shots, this is one of the one that stands out for me :clap:
Great textures, lovely detail and the DOF is spot on. Highlights are overly bright for me on the RHS, but for a difficult week this is a great shot.

Street : Certainly on theme and you achieved exactly what you set out to do with the processing. (y)
One thing that really irritates me with this type of shot (and I know how picky it is) is when the end of the word is closest to the camera. IMO these type of images look so much better shot from the other end so that the "T" in "the" would be closest to the camera if you know what I mean . . . anyway that's my OCD bit out of the way :LOL: :wacky:

Again I agree with John about a bit of a crop of the bottom to improve the composition, but it really is a nice, simple and effective shot.
Wow, so many comments, thanks all :D

I think it's really interesting to read different peoples opinions of these weekly themes, they work for some and not for others.

I was in two minds about "The Street", but as it's fairly local to me (Mickle Trafford, on the outskirts of Chester) so I just had to use it as I didn't want to post another street shot, especially as I'm not that confident in street photography and time was against me as usual.

If I get a chance, I'll play around with the composition for the last shot, I think I took one from the other end of the sign too :).

Thanks all, time for some speed... I mean, time to think about speed... Oh, you know what I mean :D
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One thing that really irritates me with this type of shot (and I know how picky it is) is when the end of the word is closest to the camera. IMO these type of images look so much better shot from the other end so that the "T" in "the" would be closest to the camera if you know what I mean . . . anyway that's my OCD bit out of the way

I agree with Sarah on this, I think that it could have possibly also worked better if the shot been less 'straight on' so the 'T' in 'The' was the largest letter and the main focus point.
Speed... that's a broad subject and it's been interesting to see different peoples takes on the theme this week.

For me, there have been a few options... down to the local racing circuit, over to the nearest motorway bridge, etc. To be honest, I can't actually make my mind up this week. I have taken two shots which I like for different reasons, but I can't decide which I prefer, so I'm going to post each one, and see what everyone else thinks. I have my thoughts on them both, but I'd be grateful if you could let me know which you prefer and why...

1. This is something that I've only ever tried once before and it didn't work very well. This time however there's more of a focal point and I think it works better... however, as I have now decided, along with most others, that this shot doesn't cut it, I've swapped it for a link instead...

2. So, this is now my submission for week 5 "Speed"... I've always been fond of light trails although I thought that everyone would be doing them this week so I was in two minds whether to include it(although I've not seen that many yet). As it happens, I quite like this shot, especially with the trails heading off into the distance...

Apologies if posting multiple shots isn't allowed... I just got really stuck for choice this week :shrug:

What have I learnt this week... well for shot one I didn't realise this would make my eyes go funny as they move around the image, or is it just me...? For shot two, I learnt to use manual mode a little more... and I actually enjoyed it :D Oh, and I've learnt how good unsharp mask is in PS...!
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I can see why you couldn't choose between these two, Darren. :)

I like both of them too!

#1 I thought of trying this technique (having failed dismally in the past), but I'm so glad I didn't because it would have been nowhere near this standard. The icing on the cake it the 15 speed limit drawing the eye into it. Two aspects of speed - very clever. :clap::clap::clap:

#2 Sometimes light trail photos can seem a bit pointless (I've done plenty in that category) but this one works beautifully. There's a good balance between headlamps and tail lights, the compostion is excellent with the street lamps adding to the curve of the road. The chevrons separating the slip road from the main carriage way add interest - and you've even got cones in the shot. I really, really like this one. :clap::clap::clap:

It'll be interesting to see which shot gains the most votes! :)

Speed... that's a broad subject and it's been interesting to see different peoples takes on the theme this week.

For me, there have been a few options... down to the local racing circuit, over to the nearest motorway bridge, etc. To be honest, I can't actually make my mind up this week. I have taken two shots which I like for different reasons, but I can't decide which I prefer, so I'm going to post each one, and see what everyone else thinks. I have my thoughts on them both, but I'd be grateful if you could let me know which you prefer and why...

1. This is something that I've only ever tried once before and it didn't work very well. This time however there's more of a focal point and I think it works better...

2. I've always been fond of light trails although I thought that everyone would be doing them this week so I was in two minds whether to include it(although I've not seen that many yet). Ass it happens, I quite like this shot, especially with the trails heading off into the distance...

Apologies if posting multiple shots isn't allowed... I just got really stuck for choice this week :shrug:

What have I learnt this week... well for shot one I didn't realise this would make my eyes go funny as they move around the image, or is it just me...? For shot two, I learnt to use manual mode a little more... and I actually enjoyed it :D Oh, and I've learnt how good unsharp mask is in PS...!
Nice one, prefer shot two, Dad
I was trying for something like shot 1 and you have pulled it off better than I did, but I still prefer the light trails one, mainly because of the lovely deep blue in the sky.

Also, I think when there are 2 shots on a theme that you can't decide between then you have to go with the one that is the looks best without the theme, ie which is the best pic, the one you would choose to put on your wall.

Well done.

Can't start the morning without a nice cup of coffee :D, poems aren't my strong point either. Lights a little to strong for me though.

With that tree shot you've captured some great details and it suits the B&W.

Nice simple STREET shot.

The zoom shots give me a headache after a while so I'm going with the light trails as they are nice and clean and you've got a curve in as well.

Hi Darren,

I like the zoom shot and I really want to say that it's my favourite for the week. Just because it's more unusual.

But I actually prefer the light trails. It may not have been the most original interpretation for the week, but it is very well executed. Nice composition with the curve leading into the image, nice bit of scenery either side of the road and lovely crisp light trails (y)
Thanks for all the comments folks, lots of good ones this week to spur me on :D

I'm really pleased with the light trails... I had 45 minutes to get to the location, shoot and get home before Sunday dinner was served (and I had to make the gravy...!)

I started off with maybe 10 second exposures, but the one above is a 20 second exposure at f22. Interestingly, in aperture mode, the D90 wouldn't give me an exposure time for f22... the display just read "Lo"... anyway, shooting in manual cured the problem, I guess it needed more than 30 seconds to get a perfectly exposed shot.
excellent light trails.. like the curve in the road, nice crisp long lines always look better for trails.. great shot for the time frame you had.. takes me an age to get these right :)

i've just discovered unsharp mask too.. its great!
The zoom burst is doing funny things to my eyes... it works though... I like the speed limit at the centre... I prefer the light trails though, that works very nicely...
I really like the light trails - there have been quite a few of these, of course, but yours form a particularly pleasing composition, without the distractions that can be so hard to avoid.

The first one is fun but it does make my eyes go a bit zizzy.
Both good shots Darren, I know light trails are done regularly,I'm still intending to try it,but your version is excellent,good lines,colours and crisp detail,nice one....Mick
Ok, you got me... this was staged, although there was no way that I could shoot at 20:20, edit and upload it within one minute :) I wanted to capture the time as the time of the post, although it's not quite perfect.
it's near enough :D... love it... sharp and clear.
Its well lit, loads of detail and bang on theme, all round well done(y)
:clap: One of the best watch images that I've seen.
Pin sharp and absolutely no unwanted reflections.

Ok, you got me... this was staged, although there was no way that I could shoot at 20:20, edit and upload it within one minute :) I wanted to capture the time as the time of the post, although it's not quite perfect.

It's close enough.
Although TBH if it hadn't been pointed out to me, that would have passed me by. I was too wrapped up in the quality of the shot!
Can't believe the positive comments this week... thanks all :D

:clap: One of the best watch images that I've seen.
Pin sharp and absolutely no unwanted reflections.

I suffered reflections in the first couple of shots, the tripod, camera strap and me! I should have noticed them sooner, but it wasn't until I was reviewing the image that I realised how bad they were. The missus also came and sat nearby which introduced yet another reflection!

A few carefully folded sheets of paper, positioned to create a "wall of white" around the watch seems to have cured the problem though.

My favorite part is the motion blur on the second hand :)
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Week Six... No time like the "present"...


Sorry... did I say that out loud? Why couldn't my brain work out a way to portray 'present' like this. I just couldn't work it out and kept thinking that the whole point would be lost once the moment I took the shot had passed. You've done a great job! Well done!

Would be even more clever if you edited your exif! You're running fast! :D
Great shot, the reflections would have drove me crazy.
Nice and sharp and i like the tiny movement you see on the left.

I heard somewhere that 10:10 is the preferred time for advertising watches?! I can see 20:20 works just as well ;)