D_Ninety's 52 - Week 18: Indulgence

Fantastic timing on this one.
TBH I don't think I'd like to see the flame frozen any more than it is - I love that little bit of blur around the edges.
The match itself is lovely and sharp.

It looks deceptively simple, but I can just imagine how much effort went into this.
Nice shot Darren. I did something similar when I first got a macro lens.
Thanks again to all the positive comments for week 10... here's week 11 - Candid

Fairly simple shot this week, and it's not with the Tamron, although it would have probably looked better. Not overly happy with the old couple in the background, tried adding a bit of blur and burn to emphasise the main character

Darren, it works very well. I just wonder what they are having a laugh about. Good take on the theme. I'm not sure the couple in the background are that bad.. the processing has worked well on them.
Excellent candid Darren. Really sharp on the main subject.

My eye is drawn to the couple in the background but more because of the PP you have done. It seems to be overdone and distracting, especially on the lady. I can see why you wanted to reduce the impact of them but don't think it has quite worked in this case, sorry.

Definitely candid - I'm guessing they're from a military band. Agree with the slightly distracting 'odd couple', maybe try desaturating the background a little to 'lose' them.
Right, falling behind a little these last few weeks, but here's a belated Week 12 - Produce.

Things I have learnt this week... well, it's almost impossible to get rid of reflections from the neck of the bottle, I really do love my Tamron 90mm macro :love: :LOL: and, judging by the fact that the bottle is now empty, I have a thing for Spanish wine ;)

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Darren, it's a very interesting shot for Produce. It seems a little odd that the wine in the glass is red, but that in the bottle is white (but that's being picky ;)).
I can assure you that's a bottle of red, the problem is that I'd already drank some so the level is below the top of the label. Thinking about it, I should had used another unopened bottle.

Thanks for the comment.
Nice one Darren - we had similar ideas here. Reflections are a nightmare aren't they? Only niggle is the thumb print on the bottle top right of the shot.
Wow, where have I been...? I've fallen behind by seven weeks!! Well, almost. For most themes I managed to capture an image, but I've been really busy at work getting ready to start a new job next week, so I've not had much of a chance to apply some PP.

So here goes... time to catch up...

Week 13 - Re-shoot: Curved

I opted to re-shoot the first theme rather than post a new image. I didn't see it as a way of dodging a theme, but an opportunity to have another attempt at my first shot for this 52.

What I have I learnt...? That you don't need to travel far to find the image you want! I also wanted to vary the composition a little and, as you may have guessed, I wanted to try this theme with my macro lens to through the background out of focus. Oh, and it's a disused fire hydrant where my folks live...

Right starting to make some progress... Week 14 - Shoot.

I went through the usual "how can I capture the bullet from a gun" ideas, and settled with the the feeling of Spring in the air and the new shoots on the trees. What did I learn... that things move even when there's no obvious wind...!

Week 15 - Single...

Hmm, single malt sprang to mind, but then I thought that would be too similar to Produce, so I had a chat if my Father who dug out not just any single, but the single that started it all...

What did I learn... well, I didn't realise this was the Beatles first single, and that it didn't reach number 1 in the charts!!
Ok, and so I move on to week 16 and Stare. I thought of getting my son to give a really stern look, but I also thought of playing a joker for this theme...

In the end I've gone with a self portrait, which is unusual for me as I tend to stay behind the camera where possible.

I'm a complete novice when it comes to studio lighting, other than a couple of hours in my local studio getting some lessons and then messing with my own studio lights. I've yet to master lighting and this shot isn't really what I was trying to achieve (it was supposed to be more high key). But, it works for this theme...

Wow, on a roll here...

Week 17 - Peace: Ok, so maybe not the best image I've taken so far, but it fits the theme and it's where most of us will end up... resting in peace...

Right, almost up to date... Week 18 - Indulgence...

Thought of strawberrys and cream, or a glass of champagne for this weeks theme, but then it hit me, the most luxurious indulgence on the planet (other chocolate bars are available from all good newsagents)...

Hopefully this makes up for week 17... and I've already got my idea for week 19 :D. Looking forward to some comments so feel free... :wave:
Wow. That's one helluva catchup Darren!

Rather than give you one word for each, I'll try and pick a couple out.

Firstly, Your closeups are very very good. Some cracking DoF on there and I especially like "Single". Am a big Beatles fan and that "Lennon - McCartney" stamp inspires some fond memories (not least of which is using Dad's 7" singles as frisbees when I was a tot).

The self-portrait is a very good effort, and only really lacks some lighting (a reflector perhaps) to the darker side of your face. I'd also have lost the specs as they detract from the eyes, but that's just my opinion. The stripey top is also a little distracting. Maybe a plain black T-Shirt would have worked better. Although I'm pretty sure that's just my opinion and others will chime in saying it's OK.

At least you can resume normal pace now that you've caught up.

Nice one!

Indulgence: I really like this shot, Darren. The lighting's quite subdued and controlled, just how it would be sitting down in the evening, listening to music and indulging in smooth, creamy, yummy chocolate. :)

The dof and composition are spot on as far as I'm concerned - it all works weel together and certainly fits the theme. :clap:

Thanks for the comments :)

I accept that some of these shots aren't anything special, but I must admit I'm please with the Galaxy shot... would you believe there's still some left...!!

Keep the comments coming :D
Well done on the heroic efforts to catch up, I know only too well how hard it is and applaud your progress.

For me the reshoot of curves is the strongest image, although the self portrait is also very good and you have done a good job with the llghiting there. I knew at the back of my mind that there was another meaning to 'shoot' so that had me slapping my forehead when I saw it. Nice and sharp against the blur.

The single is another good interpretation of the theme that I have not seen anyone else do, and what a record to use.

Indulgence looks a tad dark on my screen.

Well done and keep on catching up.
Wow !!!!

Massive catch up Darren and good to see you back.

My pick of the bunch is indulgence, for all the reasons that Jean has already mentioned (and a shot of chocolate has to be a good thing)

I also really like the curved reshoot.
You've achieved exactly what you wanted with the background, the B&W treatment suits it and there are some lovely textures in it.

Shoot is amazingly sharp - despite you saying that it was moving and it's a strong SP too. I'm glad that you didn't get the real high key look you were aiming for - I hate that in portraits and I think what you ended up with works much better.
Well done Darren, an amazing catchup and some cracking shots in there. They all work very well and fit the theme spot on, but I have to agree on indulgence, that is my fave of them. :clap: actually, I have a bar that may just get consumed very soon ;)
Hell of a catch up there Darren. Well done.

My favourite is the Galaxy. Lighting, compostion and focus is spot on. I don't eat a great deal of chocolate but I do have a weakness for Galaxy :LOL:

Thanks for the kind comments folks, I must admit, out of all my catch-up shots, the re-shoot of curved and indulgence are my favourites :D