D_Ninety's 52 - Week 18: Indulgence

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Well, I thought I may as well join others in attempting a "52er" this year :D

I'm on a mission to improve a number of areas of my photography this year and this little project may just help that little bit extra.

I spend a lot of time working (as I'm sure many others on here do also) which leaves me little time to take photos, but I should manage one suitable shot each week, surely :thinking:

Anyway, I'd be grateful if all you seasoned (and not so seasoned) togs could spare 2 minutes to view and comment as you see fit... all comments taken as advice :LOL:

Hopefully I'll get my first photo taken before the weekend is out so keep an eye out.

Cheers all
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Good luck with your 52!
Get some content in here ;) We need pictures!!! :p
Ok, here goes, the first of my 52 images.

I chose this as I like the simple lines and the uniform background. Not a great deal more to add really, other than to say that a few cobwebs have been cloned out and the image has been cropped to suit.

very nice
clean, simple and more important - curved! (y)
Very Nice, as mentioned already, clean and simple (y) - instead of landscape it might work aswell portrait, just an idea.

Well spotted, just shows you don't have to get too complicated.
- must get out and capture the idea that's buzzing in my head before the next theme comes out!
Nice idea, I like this and I think you could make this a stronger image with a tighter crop that removes more of the blue space at the top.
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Great idea, nice and simple. Also agree a slightly different crop could work to avoid too much space top left/right.
Thanks for the positive comments, I was a little concerned that it was a little too simple, but then it's only week 1 afterall ;)

I agree a tighter crop could look better, to be honest, the only reason it's cropped this way is to maintain a 6x4 format.

Looking forward to week 2 :)
Simple but effective. Love the crop!! Great start!
A nice start! I find that often on these simple kind of images a mono conversion works really well, but that's personal preference I guess! Good luck!

Thanks for the further positive comments. I did try a mono conversion, but I thought the blue sky gave it more impact rather than a light grey sky :)

Really looking forward to the next theme now :D
Simple's very good in this case, and *so* glad you went for a non-central shot too, that would have ruined it completely ('cos you'd only have to look at half of it, no, really!). Excellent - clean, sharp and to the point.

Off to a good start there Darren, clean and simple and works very well indeed.
I love the clear skies this time of year and you have captured it very well here and managed to get the curved theme in too. Spot on!
Very nice, clean and simple which delivers the brief exactly.
Okay, here's week two...

I'm not ashamed to say that I've really struggled this week for inspiration... poetry is not my thing, and my taste in music probably isn't easy to capture in a photograph either!

The shot and poem I have chosen reflects something that I rely on... I'm a busy man, and coffee keeps me going! So, here goes... and I'm already dreading the feedback on this one (hopefully I can gat back on track next for week 3!!)

Bean Peace

A mystery wrapped in brown,
A fragile enigma,
Enveloping the senses,
With the earthy steam
Of a bean.

The mind wrapped in warmth,
The essence of dark roast,
Heating from within,
The senses thrill,
With every lingering
Sniff of the aroma
In the mug
Hey D Ninety, first of all i really like the first one, love the curves, good spot! Also the second one with the coffee beans i really like, i like the light 'haloing' the cup and the poem fits really well!! Very good start to the 52's :D
Love this, makes me want to put the coffee maker on now. Can almost smell the aroma from the beans.
Not keen on week one... it's just too boring for me. But week two is nice and I like the mono treatment. :)
OK... I think I've just about made it in time... here's my submission for week 3 - chopped.

Now, looking at other peoples images I took chopped to mean anything that had been chopped, sliced or cut. I went out today, in the rain (thanks for holding the umbrella Dad!) and found an old tree which had fallen during bad weather some years ago. Some sections had been cut... here's what's left...

I hope you like it, but as always, C&C welcomed :)
Hi Darren

Missed your poem one last week, we actually had a similar idea and used the same poem. I like the B&W treatment you applied to your take on it.

Also like the DOF in chopped. (y)
Darren, a good shot for Poem and it fits the poem and theme nicely. Chopped is excellent, lovely textures on the wood (y)
Thanks for the comments. I wanted to capture a shallow depth of field (well, as much as my 18-105 will let me!!) and it's not too bad. I liked the texture too and I think the fact that it was wet has helped bring out the detail in the rings / saw marks.

Right, I'm guilty of not commenting on others submissions, so I'm off to leave my mark!
Your week 3 is much better than my attempt. Looks like you managed what I was trying to achieve but did it well. Great DoF, composition and texture. 10/10 from me!

Week 1 is also a lovely shot. Nice clean simple lines.

I like the coffee shot but in this case I am not so keen on the B/W - coffee beans are such lovely rich colour.

OTOH it works really well with the chopped tree - this is one of the best tree stump shots this week, I think. :clap:
I like the coffee shot but in this case I am not so keen on the B/W - coffee beans are such lovely rich colour.

OTOH it works really well with the chopped tree - this is one of the best tree stump shots this week, I think. :clap:

Nice captures.
especialy like the coffee shoot.

Thanks for the comments... I've never really thought I'd have the time to get any decent shots, but I'm happy with the results so far... only 49 to go :LOL: