D_Ninety's 52 - Week 18: Indulgence

I heard somewhere that 10:10 is the preferred time for advertising watches?! I can see 20:20 works just as well ;)

10:10 is oftern used, yes... take a look at any high street catalogue and you'll see that time on most of the watches... problem is, I was busy at 10:10 :LOL:
Lovely sharp shot Darren,I might be wrong but didn't you purchase some ext tubes recently(y) A good interpretation of present. I copped out with brain frazzle, couldn't think of anything as good as this....Mick
Thanks for the extra comments :)

Mick, indeed I did get some extension tubes... and to be honest, I can't remember if I used them for this shot :thinking:

I've also got my idea sorted for this weeks theme ;)
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Week 7 - People...

Wanted a different take on this, a portrait of some sort...

So, I went for a large group of people, 30 in fact although this was as many as my studio could hold... and boy are they difficult to work with...

So, without further ado... week 7...

Ok, so not strictly a portrait, but the are people... Lego people :D and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm 34 and they're all mine from when I was a lad. Of course, they've been passed on to my 5 year old son along with the rest of my Lego city.

As I said... these people are not the easiest to work with... just try and get 30 people to look at you all at once...


Hope you like them :)
ha ha....great take on the people theme, especially your 2nd shot. The 1st image seems a bit sharper than the 2nd one though.
Clever idea to time your post with the watch. :clap:

Am I the only person that doesn't own any Lego characters :LOL:

Brilliant idea, how much did you have to bribe him to `borrow` the lego men?:LOL:
:) Great idea and it really made me smile.
Lovely composition, fun bright colours and a nice clean background. It must have taken some time to get them all lined up like that.

:( I'm feeling quite sad that I don't have any Lego men after this week.

The 1st image seems a bit sharper than the 2nd one though.

That would be motion blur from all the fidgeting they're doing in the second shot ;)
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Nice work. It's funny because when I looked at the first shot I noticed that a couple don't appear to be looking straight at the camera (top row, third from left, front row, far right, for example) and I thought "you just can't take a group shot with everyone looking straight even lego men" and then I scrolled down and that was your second shot. :LOL:
Very clever and well taken ;)
Week 8 - Mechanical.

My wife bought a traditional clockwork alarm clock from Ikea a few years ago... used it for a while, but got fed up winding it up all the time.

Tonight I set to dismantling it (and in true Ikea fashion it came apart quite easily) to get to the internals.

You may have noticed that I've bought a macro lens, the wonderful Tamron 90mm Di and tonight it's made another appearance.

Took a number of images using the SB600 off camera and at difference positions to try and get the lighting right and not too harsh. I think it's worked okay... let me know what you think...

The bar at the top is annoying and needs a crop but otherwise your new toy seems to be paying dividends. Some bits of dust that could do with cloning out too, that's the problem with macro :)
I think you've done a really good job with the lighting. One thing I 'd do would be to try a tighter crop to a) get rid of the hotizontal line on the top of the frame and b) get rid of some of the empty space on the bottom left of the frame (maybe try a 16:9 crop?)
Great overall shot though - no doubt I'll come across lot's more clock shots for this week's theme, but yours has definitely set a benchmark for me.
Its worked well... a nice take on the theme. Looks like that's a nice lens too. I agree about the bar at the top...
Wow, that's a closeup! I'm not overly keen on the natural framing at the top and would prefer that bit cropped off.
I'm with Lee on that bit at the top. other than that, I think it's a nice photo that fits the theme spot on!

That's a very sharp and impressive macro shot - and the lighting is perfect (y)

Agree with the earlier comments about framing.
Also finding the bright orangey colour a bit too much - I know that it probably is that colour in reality, but maybe a touch of desaturation would help :shrug:
Agree with the comment above Darren - the bar at the top does spoil it a little. Having said that the colours are good, which begs the question - what does it look like in B&W? :LOL:
Thanks for all your comments... most of you have probably realised that i'm getting hooked on Marco... typical though, as I had thought of cropping the bar off the top but for some reason I left it on. Tempted to re-crop, but not sure if that's allowed :shrug:

I did try a B&W conversion, but I felt that there wasn't enough contrast between the different cogs... hence it's in colour :)

Thanks again
That's a great detail shot ... nice to see a proper clockwork movement too! :)
Week 9 - Play

Interesting theme this week, had a couple of ideas, but I've had a busy week and didn't get round to achieving the shot I wanted. Week 9 saw me dusting off the PS3 controller, cause I don't get much time for that these days either!

And, I'm ashamed to say, the Tamron has made an appearance again this week :naughty:

I'm not sure I've captured the image I had in mind, a dark image with just a few key elements visible with a narrow depth of field. Am I happy with it...? Not really, but I set myself a deadline to get a shot uploaded by Sunday night (and I still haven't cropped week 8 yet!!)

I like the idea - I think it wanted a touch of rim-lighting to give an outline to the controller.

Agree with Phil. A little too dark for everything that's in the picture and needs a little definition around the edges. If you want a dark and minimalist image I would have concentrated on the shape buttons only to give it a little abstractness.
An interesting one... I tried to give the buttons a colour boost and hold the rest back to bw and there's a bit of an improvement but it's a toughie to actually get the image much better than you already have and still keep the subdued mood. So, I have to say, that's a nice piccie!

... typical though, as I had thought of cropping the bar off the top but for some reason I left it on. Tempted to re-crop, but not sure if that's allowed :shrug:

It's your 52, so you can do whatever you want ;)
I for one would love to see it. I just reread my comment from last week - and I thought it sounded a lot more negative than I meant it to come across at the time. Probably because I liked the shot so much and would really like to see those couple of niggles ironed out :LOL:

Good to see Macro making an appearance again this week.
I keep saying it, but a dedicated macro lens is still on my wish list.
I have a real soft spot for dark moody images, so I love what you've set out to do here - and I have to say that the execution is pretty good to my eye too.
Even though there's not that much definition around the edges of the controller it's instantly recognisable and the coloured symbols stand out really well.
I'm in two minds about this... it's clear what it is, and the shot works... it's full of play too... so I like it for that, and what you set out to do... I'm just not sure on how dark it has come out...
Week 10 - Chemistry

Thought of trying to capture chemistry between people, perhaps some street photography... I even had an image in mind, but as usual, time was against me. I then thought of chemicals and industry... living a few miles from one of the UK's largest oil refineries... but then it came to me... chemical "reaction"...

What did I learn from this picture... well, matches ignite quickly... very quickly! The average box of matches contains just 40 matches! Focussed manually (yes, it's the Tamron again) and metered off a burning match and then switched to manual with high speed continuous shooting.

I think it's worked... I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to freeze the flame, but looking at this image I'm not sure I'd want to.

Let me know what you think :D
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Very nice. The angle of the match is good and you've focused well to keep the detail in the match. You can just hear the whooshing of the flame catching.
Darren, that works very well... Nicely shot. It fits the theme very nicely.
Really like the simplicity of the chemistry shot Darren, in fact all your recent shots have been great and I'm getting jealous of that macro lens on your D90........................I WANT ONE! The little flares off the match look great.

Cheers, Rob