Dave450's 2010 52... UPDATED!! Week 8 - Mechanical!!!

Nice shapes and colours (y). I wish the centre choc was sharper, though.

Yes me too, but it was at work and only took the compact in, and this was on the macro function. Please with the results for a compact, but the slr would have been more suited :)

Thanks for popping in (y)
I'm glad I just ate mine now. Plenty of colour here, shame about the focus just missing the front and the light reflection through quality. Not bad for a P&S. Did you put them all back in the box and onto the shelf again?
I'm glad I just ate mine now. Plenty of colour here, shame about the focus just missing the front and the light reflection through quality. Not bad for a P&S. Did you put them all back in the box and onto the shelf again?

Of course, none missing and no damage either. Im a good boy (sometimes :) )
Like the concept here and a good result from a compact, just not sure about the composition as the centre sweet is a little oof and doesn't have enough colour IMHO to stand out from the background and I keep noticing the little tear on the top of the foil.

I know this sounds negative but it's not meant to be :)
Jill please feel free to comment and crit, your opinions are valid and its what makes me improve!

The little compact did me proud but I am realizing the limits of it very quickly, might re-try with the 7D.

Oh and I had never noticed the tear on the sweet :( just my luck :LOL: lol

thanks for popping by (y)
The little compact did me proud but I am realizing the limits of it very quickly, might re-try with the 7D.

Oh and I had never noticed the tear on the sweet :(

Now that sounds like a very good reason to get another box of chocolates out :D

I like this take on the theme. I did wonder if anyone would pick this.
I'd really like to see it redone with your SLR to get that focus a bit crisper but for a compact it's worked very well.
I wonder whether some tweaks in PP and a bit of cloning on that tear would give it a boost.
Now that sounds like a very good reason to get another box of chocolates out :D

I like this take on the theme. I did wonder if anyone would pick this.
I'd really like to see it redone with your SLR to get that focus a bit crisper but for a compact it's worked very well.
I wonder whether some tweaks in PP and a bit of cloning on that tear would give it a boost.

Completely agree with the tweaking and cloning comments. Time has got the better of me this past week, so the finishing touches had to be missed.

Thanksd for popping by!
very clever...and a very colourful shot

thanks for the comments. I wanted to avoid the obvious shots, and this popped into my head at work!! :) And the colours cheered me up too :)

Thanks for popping in (y)
I like the idea. I think having the main subject sharper and stronger coloured would work well... centre would be ok, if it was well balanced around by other sweets, but that might look rather too contrived.
Thanks for popping in :) Agree with comments, was a bit rushed and limiting on the compact :(
Ok people, so this week is kind of a cop out week. Not much time spare and bunged up with flu so I took inspiration from the High Speed POTY round. I was adamant that I wasn't going to re-use my entry, so I came up with this:


Its serious speed in my eyes :)

Just seen the actual post, is it more or is the focus on the ISO setting rather than the Shutter setting? :( :( :(
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Fast shutter and fast ISO I like :D

(You could have set it too machine gun mode as well rather than one shot)
Yep, that's damn speedy Dave (y) I like it.
Now that is very quick. Hope you are feeling better.

Thanks for coming in to comment (y) yes its quick, not had to use that speed yet, maybe at some grand prixs :) lol

and no im still bunged up, being a typical man about it too :)

Thanks (y)
Well it's been 2 days since your last post Dave, so I hope the man-flu's on its way out by now.

And you just reminded me that I'd totally forgotten about doing anything for POTY last month :bonk:

(y) Definitely on theme and a really unique take on it too.
I'm guessing that since your camera's featuring in the shot this one was taken on the compact too?
Although not a lot that you can do about that if you want to shoot your camera - a shot of the compact taken with the SLR wouldn't have quite the same impact to it :LOL:

I think you're right that the focus isn't quite on the shutter speed - but that really doesn't detract from it at all. The only niggle I have is that bright patch in the top right. Maybe a bit of vignetting to tone that down would help.
Sarah welcome back, man flu is making its exit slowly, least I can walk the street without a waterfall out my nose!! (too much detail?? :shrug: lol)

The bright patch hadnt even caught me eye till you mentioned it :bang: vignetting would be the solution!! :)

Just seen you have a 450D :( mine is now on ebay :( :( be sad to see it go was a great little worker!
yeah man flu has buggered off :) although Im struggling with PRESENT currently, im sure something will find its way into my brain :) lol
This was my week where I decided to play with photoshop!!

Photo is of my watch. This was a PRESENT to me, and when I took the photo that was the PRESENT time - two birds with one stone :)

So here it is, square cropped, about 4 different effects on it (grain added, noise added etc etc) not sure why I like the finished result, but I do!!


Happy Valentines Day people!! :love:
Not sure about this Dave... It has a look of a classic advert type thingy... excepting the removed winder thingy... but... the noise stops it from being that. Personally I think it's just too noisy.
Not sure about this Dave... It has a look of a classic advert type thingy... excepting the removed winder thingy... but... the noise stops it from being that. Personally I think it's just too noisy.

thanks for popping in! oh dear i forgot about the winder :bang: one way to destroy the photo, bugger!! I added the noise and thought it was a good idea, looking back, i agree its too much. But hey, thats what the 52 is for, learning!!

Thank you for your comments! (y)
I find it a little noisey too but if you learnt something by doing it that all that matters. Is the back ground two different colours or is it a shadow .. very white to the left.
I find it a little noisey too but if you learnt something by doing it that all that matters. Is the back ground two different colours or is it a shadow .. very white to the left.

yeah i dont know too much in PS so I was playing around with it :) learning is good :)

lol background :), dont ask, but the watch is on the fridge, and the left hand side is an overspill of light :)

my worst week photographically, but my best week photoshopially (spelling :shrug: lol)
Playing with PS is the only way to learn and it seems you've found a few effects. The trick is to use them sparingly and I'm afraid in this instance the grain/noise is overdone. The light spill is something you should have spotted and moved it either all into the light or shade. And then there's the winder :) I'm sure there's a good image there waiting for you to find it in a reshoot.
Playing with PS is the only way to learn and it seems you've found a few effects. The trick is to use them sparingly and I'm afraid in this instance the grain/noise is overdone. The light spill is something you should have spotted and moved it either all into the light or shade. And then there's the winder :) I'm sure there's a good image there waiting for you to find it in a reshoot.

Completely agree (y)
I added the noise and thought it was a good idea, looking back, i agree its too much. But hey, thats what the 52 is for, learning!!

You should see some of my shots from last year when I was just getting to grips with PS - I went a bit filter crazy too!

In this case I don't think the filters have added to the shot, but you've learnt something new and that's what's important.
I actually think there's a very good shot there hiding under all the PP (y)
A bit of a hit and miss photo, but this certainly includes people :)
Taken down the Ramblas in Barcelona, they sure are passionate about their football!!

This week I was playing around with different crops, no silly grain filters this week :)

So here it is, people:

Certainly lots of people but the problem is that there is no obvious place for the eye to settle on. Perhaps a zoom in to the person turning round to give a focal point, but enough people included as well to give the feel of the crowd?

Certainly lots of people but the problem is that there is no obvious place for the eye to settle on. Perhaps a zoom in to the person turning round to give a focal point, but enough people included as well to give the feel of the crowd?


Phil cheers for popping in! Had even crossed my mind that there was no central focus point to the photo, so thats some great c&c for me to move forward with!

Many thanks! (y)
Woah, now that's a lot of persons !!
I like it, It makes me feel claustrophic (sp?)

The thing with picking out a focal point, ie a single person in the crowd, would that put the emphasis on them rather than everyone else? I struggled with this and in the end my tiny mind decided not to pick a single focal point as then the photo is 'about' a person rather than people.

Either way it's a good shot.
Woah, now that's a lot of persons !!
I like it, It makes me feel claustrophic (sp?)

The thing with picking out a focal point, ie a single person in the crowd, would that put the emphasis on them rather than everyone else? I struggled with this and in the end my tiny mind decided not to pick a single focal point as then the photo is 'about' a person rather than people.

Either way it's a good shot.

Have to agree with you on this one. When the topic was pulled, I wanted to get a shot with alot of people in it. Having a focal point is a must, but I still wanted a lot of people in it :) I have a similar shot of these mad spanish dancing\climbing up a lamppost, this might have been better as the is a central focus point, and still lots of people!

Anyway thanks for popping in! (y)
I have a similar shot of these mad spanish dancing\climbing up a lamppost, this might have been better as the is a central focus point, and still lots of people!

Now that sounds like an interesting shot. I'd definitely like to see it.

I do really like the one that you've gone for though. Good lighting, good colours and LOTS of people. They obviously like their football :LOL:

I think Phil's comment about that one guy turned round to face the camera is spot on.
There's your focal point right there, and since you've been playing with crops it wouldn't be much more of a stretch to focus in on him a bit more. A bit chopped off the bottom to lose the motion blur on that one head and the hands holding the phone camera . . . then a bit off the LHS to place him on a third.
The flag around the shoulders of the guy behind him already draws your eye there, but placing him on a third will emphasise him even more. And I don't think that would lose much of the crowd feel either.

It is a very interesting shot though, lots to look at and a great vantage point. Were you stood on something?