DaveKiddle's 52.2011 - Week 9 - Finish (Catching up slowly)

Nice photo :)

Although wouldn't a photo at 4:30am be a sunset in the UK, not a sunrise, so the end of a day, not the start of a new one?

I'm still stumped as to what to do! Still, plenty of days to go! (well, a few :D)
Hiya Dave,

Wow what a cracking sunrise shot, absolutely beautiful.

Great composition, love the colours, the texture in the foreground, the V lead-in line. Agree with what has already been said about the sun looking a tad blown.

A fab shot and great take on the theme. Another idea I was toying with, but thought it would be too obvious for me with my name :LOL:

Look forward to seeing your photo next week.


Dawn :)
Thanks everyone for the + comments :)

One thing that no-one's mentioned is that you have made a bl**dy cold December morning look so warm and inviting.

Was it?
January morning, and no, t'was a bit chilly! But lovely to be out there watching it :)

Nice photo :)

Although wouldn't a photo at 4:30am be a sunset in the UK, not a sunrise, so the end of a day, not the start of a new one?

Definitely a SUNRISE at 4.30am in the morning in the UK, well everywhere actually!
Hiya Dave,

The time did confuse me a tad too.

Ooop Norf, the sun don't come up till much later at this time of year. A 4.30 sunrise is normally at peak summer. So in some respects I'm glad I live much further north, at least we don't have to get up at some ungodly hour for a stunning pic. But then I suppose we don't have the landscape you have :thinking: Catch 22!

As I have already said, a stunning photo.


Dawn :)
Cracking shot. Like the low angle and the great foreground detail. Good sky colour with the gradual change from white/yellow to deep blue.

I might have been tempted to lower the horizon a little to give a tad more sky. A few blown highlight but I don't feel that detracts at all, and overall you've exposed well for difficult lighting conditions.
Style......hair style! :D


I'm not sure about this....not quite the image I had in my head.
I like the textures in the processing, your hairdresser makes a really interesting frame - not sure if I want to Joe in focus or not too?!?!?! :thinking:
No. I like it like this, although it would be interesting to see it the other way round. I suspect you would need to close in a little though as at the moment the reflection is quite small
Looks a bit odd to me too, especially the stray barbers arm, but if the shot is depicting STYLE then you have caught the hair (Being styled) and the stylist, spot on, so it works for me.

Nice shot.
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Hard to know for sure without seeing it the other way round but I think this would be my preference. Tis a great shot.
Hiya Dave,

I really like this shot and the b&w works well. Also like the grainy effect of the reflection.

Well done!


Dawn :)
I really like this Dave, but probably for the wrong reasons. Is it you? Is that your mullet? Do you listen to a lot of the Jam?

Your previous coastal shot is awesome, by the way.
Yeah I like it good shot !! It is a pity about the extra arm coming out from the mirror :| might be difficult to clone out..but I do like the idea round the theme (y)
Can't believe I've only just seen this - absolutely love it!
Like the quirkiness, great B+W conversion (which I always struggle with).
Hiya Dave,

Fantastic take on the theme and well executed. I really like this idea and the photo.

I think the dark surround works really well, and the clear image in the lens is spot on as far as I can see. Also like the bit of bokeh you have caught.

Well done :clap:

Look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next theme.


Dawn :)
love the interpretation :) and what a good find the subject is!!!
the ginger hairs on your wrist are a bit distracting though ;) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Hiya Dave,

Fantastic take on the theme and well executed. I really like this idea and the photo.

I think the dark surround works really well, and the clear image in the lens is spot on as far as I can see. Also like the bit of bokeh you have caught.

Well done :clap:

Look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next theme.


Dawn :)
Thanks very much Dawn :)

love the interpretation :) and what a good find the subject is!!!
the ginger hairs on your wrist are a bit distracting though ;) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Thanks for the kind comments about the photo :)
As for the other comment, you are going to soooo suffer for that!!!! :razz:
Like it, great take on the these and topical!

Nice clarity and lighting on the tea pot.

My only critique is the light above your fingers, the light vertical line running into the lens and the small white dot lower left of the lens.

I really like this - excellent use of DOF

Thanks Sarah :)

Very well executed. Takes your eye directly to the tea pot. Great stuff.

Any one for tea?
Cheers Kev. Mmmmmm.....Tea, my favourite refreshment!

Like it, great take on the these and topical!

Nice clarity and lighting on the tea pot.

My only critique is the light above your fingers, the light vertical line running into the lens and the small white dot lower left of the lens.

Thanks Andy. The vertical line is the cord from the teapot and the light above my fingers is the teapot itself. I couldn't do anything about them as the lens was already at minimum focus distance :bang: *Correction* actually it wasn't, but I've just realised this was one of my 'duffers' as the 'proper' shot was over exposed! Doh!
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Thought I'd have a go at a portrait for this one. Not my normal genre this, but I'm quite pleased with the result. :D

Hard man 'Chalky'
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Hiya Dave,

Very well done! I love this image and think you have captured the theme well, Chalky looks like quite a hard character (no offence), and that look in his eyes speaks a thousand words.

The b&w works well too and a nice DOF.

Now you have week 5 done and dusted you can relax.

I hope to get some of my pics tonight, have so many ideas, but not sure which I will go for, will have to see what results I get from the photo shoot.


Dawn :)
Hi ya

having a quick catch up as seem to have missed so mnay threads !

Your week 2 shot is stunning ,great colors...would look great as a canvas me thinks ,well done(y)

Your Hard shot works really well too .As Dawn said the B&W suits the shot & he does look Hard (y)
Love your hard portrait. I much prefer portraits of real people than painted up models etc. Not sure if the contrast needs a slight boost or not :shrug:
Excellent natural looking portrait. Very nicely composed and good focus on the near eye. Brilliant eye contact. Works well in B+W. He certainly looks on theme.

For me, a little more DOF would be better. I agree with Sarah that a touch more contrast might work.
great take on this weeks theme, not attempted any portrait work yet. Think the eye contact and focus work really well.