DC2Z's 52 2010 - Week 25+26 Beginning (PG8)

Hope this doesn't downheart you too much. You have some grand shots in this thread, and I'd really like to see a reshoot.

Keep it up!



Thanks for your comments. Of course it doesn't downheart me. I really want to learn and develop at taking photos. If the weathers nice I plan on getting out and reshooting this.

Thanks again for your comments

Slight edit which also includes a border.
the thing that struck me about the image(s) is the amount of colour. More often than not images of cemetries are in black and white. Somehow it feels a very busy peaceful place .. mmm that sounds daft but hope you know what I mean. Oh by the way I do like it in colour.
I agree with both the above. It is nearly there - a reflector, a bit more contrast and a border is all it needs.

Sorry Darren, I totally missed your stare. Seems like I missed quite a few last week. :(
But Tracer has already said what I wanted to . . . very close, but needs a bit more oomph.
For a selfie it's very sharp though - and you've got some lovely catchlights in there.

BUT we keep going and I'm really enjoying challenging myself and trying things I wouldn't normally do​

And that's what the 52 is all about.
None of us are going to get a perfect shot every week (in fact I'd settle for a perfect shot just one week :LOL:)

It's incredibly frustrating when you see an idea in your mind and can't quite get what you want in the camera.
What was it that you'd planned with this one?

For me (and this has already been mentioned by others) the shot is a bit too busy to convey the feel of the place.
I'd really like to have seen a narrower DoF or different composition to make a single gravestone the main focal point.

The crop and border are a big improvement though.
I also like the fact that you've chosen to leave it in colour and the beams of sunlight coming through the trees have come out very well - so definitely not one to beat yourself up over.​
Catch up time for me, Darren. :)

Stare: I think any self-portrait is difficult. Yes, a bit more oomph would be good, but it's a perfectly fine image as it is, and as Sarah said, good catchlights, which make it for me! (y)

Peace: I like photos that buck the trend. :) In this case, we usually end up making grave yards dull, gloomy, b&w and gothic. This is bright, sunny and cheerful and I could imagine sitting on a bench in the sunshine feeling totally at peace with the world. :clap::clap::clap:

What is difficult in this type of shot is creating a 'pattern' or route through the image that the eye can follow naturally. If you do a reshoot at any time (on a sunny day!) I'd try to find a pov where you can create that journey around the image. (I hope that makes sense.) The other problem with this type of shot (and I also find it with groups of things like flowers) is where to crop? I think in this case, I'd crop it to portrait and see if that gives a stronger composition. I hope this doesn't sound critical, because I do like the shot. :)

I like it Darren, lovely colours and it looks peaceful. I think Jean's insight is just what's needed (for me too... thanks Jean)...

My brain hasn't really been working to its full this week as I've been ill, but I still quite like this shot
Heh. I really like this. Can't stand Ferrero Whatsits, so this looks like some sort of strange chocolate asteroid. Looks very precariously perched.

Nice & sharp, and I like the square crop.


Nice and sharp Darren but the image is lacking something for me.

I think I would a crop not so tight with the choc to the left of the image, maybe some off camera flash from the left throwing a shadow to the right.

Good subject though and hope you're feeling better.
Nice sharp image Darren. I agree with Dan though, just a wee bit more space around the chocolate would help. I hope your on the mend. Iain
Looks like a good standard product shot to me, with the nice white background in the distance and the interesting surface with the slight reflection around the base. I like the way it seems to be teetering and on the 'spikes' and looks like it could fall oveer at anytime.

Nice crisp shot for shoot with some rare blue sky.

Lovely shot of a rose with soft pastel colour and just a tade of green. The backround colour works with it as well.

Agree with your self crit about the light for the stare shot, look forward to seeing a reshoot. Also try to get some good catchlights in the eyes from a window.

More of that sweet sweet chocolatey goodness :D

My brain hasn't really been working to its full this week as I've been ill, but I still quite like this shot

Yep. I like this too (y)
Good detail, nice and sharp . . . I'd never realised just how much texture is in the surface of these.
The background sets it off perfectly and I actually really like the super close crop.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
"Ah Mr Ambassador" :D...

:agree: with Sarah... excellent shot and nicely taken, surprising the amount of texture on the surface. It fits the theme.


These are my attempt at People, I think their better than my original attempt but still not right.
I quite like these model figure still life shots.

However, I think these would be better if all of the people were in focus. I don't mind OOF backgrounds or some of the details but feel the people all needed to be sharp.

I saw your indulgence shot of the chocolate and instantly had to go for a rustle round the kitchen to look for some chocolates - didn't find any :(
However, my point being that the image looks good enough to eat! Do agree with others however that it needed a bit more space around the chocolate.

People re-shoot: Your latest attempt is much better than the previous in terms of lighting and contrast, but I do wish that all the people were in focus. I'm also not sure that the bin needs to be there as it's weirdly large in proportion to the people.......
as your latest attempt at people is an improvement it is a good re-shoot ! Not sure I like the backgound in the second one but like more of the people being in focus

I couldn't really get inspired for this weeks theme. I've gone for this shot as this is apart of my day I really enjoy, home from work and all my jobs are done and I get to STOP and relax for half an hour with my headphones on.
I like the idea for this shot but the result is a little dull - perhaps increasing the exposure or converting to B&W would lift it.

I was going to say that it does look a bit dark on my screen. However i terms of "themeness", I think this week just gone made me think "stop" every time I sat down to unwind. I think you've projected the sentiment well. I just think it's a bit dark and dull as others have said.

People reshoot... I think the background of the first is much better, but the people all in focus is better... but... they fit the theme.

Stop... fits the theme really well... I could do with getting in some of that.
Like the idea behind your spot shot but the image is a little flat, maybe a B&W conversion with a punchy contrast might help it.

Good effort
Fits the theme and I like the composition - like the others I feel a reflector to lighten the shadow side a tad would have helped.

Fingers crossed this is a better attempt than last weeks.
Perhapes not the greatest but this is my wife with the scan from this Monday of our 2nd child which is due 1st week of October
(y) People reshoot is a BIG improvement on the original.
Of the two the first definitely works better for me, the second looks a little overexposed on my monitor. Love the b/g on the first and I don't mind at all that the background people are out of focus.

Stop : It was a horrible theme, so well done on getting something that works. You definitely look very relaxed.
As has been said it's lacking a bit of oomph, but it's by no means a bad shot and I know that SPs are never easy.

Isolation : A very sensitive and emotional shot.
Definitely one to keep for the album and I like the way that you've positioned it so that you're looking over her shoulder at the scan pic.
Given that the scan is in B&W, I wonder if a contrasty B&W conversion might work well on the whole shot. It might help to make the scan a stronger focal point, rather than being drawn to the red in your wife's top.

p.s. Congratulations to both of you!
That's a lovely shot, and I think Sarah might be right with going for a mono look
Love it! I am biased though as Ali is 6 months pregnant with our first too. :)
:agree:... much better in Mono... lovely Damien... one to be printed I reckon.