Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

"love me"

Hi haven't been on here long and new to photography so hope these shots arnt to bad :)

Only a garden snap but I like this one of our Breagh as it shows off her figure.

She's a Lab X Pointer

This was taken at a barbie last week and for the life of me I can't remember the name...but so cute :love:

heres one of my staffie she's normally a right pain to take a picture of but this morning she sat there super still i then realised it was a squirrel in a tree not me holding her attention

Untitled by duncindevon, on Flickr
Took this the other day, while trying out new camera.
Please excuse the quality as new to DLSRs and got a lot to learn.
managed to grab this this morning. Dexter in the golden hour.


Love this thread (y)
Trying to get a good enough pic for an acrylic/canvas for my wall - shame I cut her paw off in this one

some fantastic shots on this page thanks for sharing
double post sorry guys
This is already my fave thread, despite being here a short time. Dogs are just the best. I've rescued 3 in my time, but the last one hit me hard when she keeled over from a heart attack, and i simply couldnt bring myself to replace her. But guilt set in so i started giving money to the Dogs Trust and have now been a member for 3 years and i'm on my second sponsored dog, since the first got re-homed after 3 years in jail.

So here's a shot of my friends dog, who looks like a Wolf, and looks like she would tear your melon off your shoulders but nothing could be further from the truth.

She's a big soft dollop of a mop

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Here's another of Teddy, it was release time at his training session and he want the ball the Cocker Spaniel had so he took to the air like Superted minus cape:D
Jumping Jack Flash (again)

7D+200F2.8+1.4TC, 1/1000 sec @f4,ISO250 (auto-ISO)
