Donations required - member needs help

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Just spoken to Stuart @ Digital Depot. He will be posting shortly he will be making a donation of kit too.
OK we've just cleared £800 - I really have to head off and pay attention to my beloved who is looking seriously disgruntled on the sofa by herself...

Especially as she's looking after Arkady Junior who's due next Xmas according to the Doc!

Back in a bit to see what our International members can come up with!!!
Hi Everyone.

Darren (aka Cowasaki) has contacted me about the D5000 and I think its really great what you are doing. We have an amazing deal on the D5000 18-105 kit this weekend at £589. As part of this I would like to contribute a Free Bag & 4GB Card & UV Filter and ill deliver for free as well.

Please let me know if you would like to go ahead. If you want to go for the 18-200 instead then let me know as I will see what I can do for this lens instead.


People like you, who overcome adversity are simply awesome and really are an example that we should all follow in life.

Keep your chin up Julian and enjoy life as best you can, as life is too short not to :)

As I know only too well Mark being widowed at 40.

Give your son a hug from us too Julian. (y)
I'm off to bed now, got to be up at 4am. All the best to Julian, keep this going everyone. I've posted a link to this thread in Out of Focus for people like me that don't come on thia part of the forum too often.
I'll be checking in again tomorrow for an update.
OK we've just cleared £800 - I really have to head off and pay attention to my beloved who is looking seriously disgruntled on the sofa by herself...

Especially as she's looking after Arkady Junior who's due next Xmas according to the Doc!

Back in a bit to see what our International members can come up with!!!

Hey congrats Rob, good timing on Junior's part with you coming out the Army in a bit, might actually see Dad! You take care.
Far from brave Simon, I hid myself away once the motorbike accident put me in the wheelchair, and then the stroke really set me back. I became very emotional, this is the 1st time I have cried with happiness. My kids have even come in as they usually do when I cry for no reason. My son who is 10 has just said (Have I forgot how to be happy again?) as those are the words I use when the tears are with sadness. I have just told him no son these tears are for one of the best moments in my life.

I am honestly so happy to have been a part of tonight, If I could feel this good every day I would be one happy man.
Looking forward to seeing loads of photos very soon, whatever you end up with Julian, enjoy (y)(y)
The fund is FAR more than the cost of the kit setup now, definitely think that the 18-200 would be a top upgrade. At this rate there should be enough it the kitty for the wheel chair adaptions and the camera equipment.


You've surpassed yourself with this (y) Hope you don't mind me mentioning it to Stuart.
I know I have only been around here for a little bit but this is the most decent gesture I have ever seen on a fourm. Good work guy's & gals.

I'm in, just PP a little something...

Stopped crying now so just sent my donation to Rob.

Fantastic gesture everyone and thanks to Rob for organising.

Best wishes to you and yours Julian; enjoy!

The fund is FAR more than the cost of the kit setup now, definitely think that the 18-200 would be a top upgrade. At this rate there should be enough it the kitty for the wheel chair adaptions and the camera equipment...

Sod the wheelchair Darren... At this rate we'll be able to pay for the modifications to his car (or buy him a bloody new one)! :D

Can't believe how proud I am of everyone who's stuck their hands in their pockets this evening! I reckon everyone deserves a rather large pat on the back! :)

Does anyone else worry that Robs bank will think he is a terrorist with all these BTs?

Hmm thats see where he;s been in the world.

Afghan Check
Iraq Check
Balkans Check

Rob ever been to Columbia? If so, expect the door to crash down at 4am!
This is so awesome and well deserved.
I've sent a few quid via pp Rob(y)
I think you need to change your gear info from 'none now' to 'oooh a shiny new dream come true' (y)
I have just ssen this thread, fantastic and very touching so many are willing to help out. If the 'bank' is still open i am happy to chip in.
I think you need to change your gear info from 'none now' to 'oooh a shiny new dream come true' (y)

Or Nikon D3x/s!......

I agree with Si, I think everyone deserves a big pat on the back!! I reckon a couple of members who live near Wheels should get together to deliver his new gear to him! :)
How incredible that a load of disparate people brought together through their shared interest in photography can chip in and help a brother who is down on his luck.
It's made my day, following this thread, it really has :)
Oh bloody hell... you've set me off now !

TP is the best.

:agree: And I thought I was the only one with dust in his eyes.
Its an honour to have been a small part of this. Good luck with the new camera Julian, the video you made is a lesson to us all, thanks for sharing it. Well done Rob for arranging this and to everyone else for chipping in to help a brave fellow member (y)
Sod the wheelchair Darren... At this rate we'll be able to pay for the modifications to his car (or buy him a bloody new one)! :D


Good point Si. :D

Julian, do you have a powered mobility scooter to get out and about on?
I feel I dont deserve this

Yes you do Julian, I could sit here all night explaining why but to some it up.
I'm an ex biker and after watching your video on you tube, you are amazing, a fighter and an inspiration to others.
If there is one thing I have learned about photography it's once that passion has caught us, there is no looking back.
I have never witnessed such generosity on a forum and I doubt I will ever come across anyone more deserving than you.
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