weekly Don's 52 for 2022 - Catchup

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This has been much more difficult than I expected! I have almost zero creative abilities, so this challenge will hopefully get me to see what is in front of the lens.
Having spent several fruitless hours since last Thursday, I spotted a (nearly) new Moon on Sunday while I was trying for some Red Kite images. So this is my first entry!
That moon is not that new but it doesn't matter, the image works well.
That moon is not that new but it doesn't matter, the image works well.

I know - I know. I really struggle with anything that involves the smallest amount of creativity.

On Saturday, I actually drove 45 minutes to a farm where they had lots of "new" calves. They looked really cute in real life. Unfortunately, they look big and not very cute in my photos!

I have an awful lot of work to do over the next 52 weeks... but I am really enjoying it.
I like the image Donal, it almost looks like the cloud is reaching up to engulf both the moon and the bird.
Nice shoehorn - I'd crop in a bit.
Nice image
I'm another that struggles to be creative. I'm a more point and shoot person. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's a journey for you, not a competition. Some weeks it'll click, others it'll be more of a challenge - after all, that's what it's supposed to be ;)
I'm not sure exactly why, but it really works for me
I like that. While there isn't much detail in the bird (that I can) having it small and the moon in the background really ups the interest.

I've taken several quite close-up images of kites in the past, and there's lots of detail, but not much interest when they're just against a blue sky.

Good work.
I like the idea but the kite has a rather obvious halo around it.
Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I completely agree that this was a "shoehorn", Hopefully, as the weeks go on. I will find it easier to capture what I have in my mind.
I like the idea but the kite has a rather obvious halo around it.

I hadn't noticed that!
It has appeared during processing in Olympus Workspace. I can process it in Affinity without the halo, but I cannot get the colour balance right.

Nice image
I'm another that struggles to be creative. I'm a more point and shoot person. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's a journey for you, not a competition. Some weeks it'll click, others it'll be more of a challenge - after all, that's what it's supposed to be ;)

The word "journey" is spot on. I started last spring, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Nice shoehorn - I'd crop in a bit.

Thanks, I did play around with the cropping, but I couldn't find anything that I was entirely happy with. In the end I thought that it was better to keep the clouds at the bottom of the frame.
An interesting shot.. and the idea is good. Just enjoy the 52 - some weeks are better than others (as I've found this week!)
Nice. I would have cropped right in.
Nice idea and I quite like the framing. Might have cropped a tiny bit more but not much.
I would try playing around with different crops on that Image.
As you allow edits to your photos, here is just a very quick crop.

Week2 - Old.

I have some old pennies around somewhere, but I haven't been able to find them in time.. Doh!

These will do. They are just a few of the many different currencies that I have lying around. Most of them are no longer legal tender. Just shows how much the world has changed.

Ah, a numismatist perhaps?
Nice image Donal. Is that a Canadian coin in the lower right?
Nice collection and well lit
Fits the bill nicely. I like the way the light catches and highlights them.
An interesting selection.
Are any still legal tender?

Ah, a numismatist perhaps?
No, not really. I didn't even know thatthe word "numismatist:" existed. I've just kept a few coins over the years - mainly as holiday souvenirs.

Nice image Donal. Is that a Canadian coin in the lower right?

That is also a shilling, 1948.

Fits the bill nicely. I like the way the light catches and highlights them.

Thank you! I'm just learning about lighting, and I am really shocked at how much effort is required. I used an A3 lightboard for most of the illumination.

An interesting selection.
Are any still legal tender?

Sadly not! The top left coin is an Irish 2 shilling piece which was replaced by the top right 10p in 1971(??). The 10p coin was later replaced by a smaller 10p coin which also ceased to be legal tender when Ireland adopted the Euro.
Brandy Receptacle.

This was taken as a practice shot. The reason that I signed up for this 52 week challenge was to try to force some creativity out of myself, so I am very happy that I am trying things that I would never have dreamt of just a few months ago.


Last week I got a photo of an "Old" form of transport. The image quality wasn't great but by co-incidence, if featured a hot air receptacle above a three person receptacle.

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Great ideas and well-executed. The Brandy shot is a good choice.
Both interesting shots Donal.

I like the chosen one for the floral design in the glass playing off the floral design of the background.

I like the second for the three receptacles. The hot air receptacle holding the three person receptacle being passed by the motorized two person receptacle...
I love the tones in the glass shot, and the way the background plays in the glass. Nicely composed!
Both interesting photos :)
Like them both but the glass one sneaks it - great colours, and the colours and the cut of the glass work well
I agree, the bandy glass has my vote, love the colours.
The use of colour in your chosen shot really works. It enhances the texture of the glass.
The old coins was a nice idea well executed, and kept simple to make the topic obvious. The brandy glass one is a whole level up though, great colours and juxtaposition setting with the flower. Really nice
Thank you all for the nice comments. This 52 week challenge is already getting me to "think out of the box", so I am very pleased.
Brandy glass for me too. Really like the colours.

Old - a good reminder of how things used to be before the Euro. I had a tin of old pennies that I collected with my Grandad, some dating back to the 1800s and possibly earlier but I believe it was stolen by our removals men as it strangely disappeared. So I am always reminded when I see old coins :(
I've been trying motion blur every week without getting any result that I was happy with. However, I am very happy that I tried, because I have learned bucket loads.
This image was taken in a dark room with the bottle and apple about 10" apart. The camera was pointed at the bottle and a flashlight briefly switched on and off. The camera was panned to point at the apple, and the flashlight was briefly powered on again.
This was done in "live composite" mode, where you push the shutter release once to start the exposure, and again to stop the exposure.

I was hoping to line the apple up perfectly with the bottle, but after many attempts I settled on this:-
