Duckydoodle's 52 + wealth shot

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A bit predictable maybe boring :shrug:

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Very nice Maureen (y)
Not predictable, not boring and well executed :)

Good start Maureen, :) 51 to go :)!!
Thank you all very much for the positive and encouraging comments. I feel bouyed for next weeks project now :)

Not sure what my take on history will be though :shrug:
well done ducky, like the start, lets hope you keep it up(y)
That's a lovely shot. Not predictable or boring at all. (y)

Look forward to your next one.

Chris :)
Excellent beginning to your 52. When you get boring, I'll let you know. Your 52 will be one I follow with the utmost interest.
Good start - I like what you did there
Thank you all very much. The positive feedback has been very encouraging and I've got my thinking cap firmly on for this weeks image :)
If you think that's predictable and boring, then I can't wait for your exciting shots.

The texture and reflection are first class.

Thread now subscribed to.(y)
I had great difficulty lighting and exposing trying get the reflection just the way I wanted it and made things difficult for my self using the plate which restricted me. On the other hand it also also made me work for the shot and I like a challenge. I plan to get some reflective sheets from ebay which make reflective shots a lot easier to capture.
Exposing the rose particularly a red one was a nightmare. In the end I had to underexpose a couple of stops to get what I needed but still ended up with a slightly orange rose. I don't think the spotlight I used helped and I intend to get some daylight bulbs to see if this helps. I was also given some instructions on how to correct the colour on the RAW file. So yes I learned quite a lot and yes this will help for future photographs and processing.
Thanks very mcuh King of Groove :)

Have already started the ball rolling for my next one - History :)
Thanks Gary. I'm really excited about starting work on this weeks. Just have a few preparatory things to do :)
Well here goes week 2. Wanted to do something arty and different. Not sure it worked but here it is.

Excellent image Maureen. I do remember seeing (and it's impossible to forget) the gentleman in the background at the Liverpool Odeon. The finest live performance I have ever seen by a singer. Vinyl 45s and LPs - those were the days: very evocative.
:clap: very good Maureen (y) wonderful image.
I love it :D, very evocative of a time gone by. My nana is 92 now and still loves Jim Reeves and it made me smile when I saw his name on the record. :D