Duckydoodle's 52 + wealth shot

I think it was worth venturing out in the rain for that shot. Nice and crisp. well done. :clap:
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Yet another great shot Maureen :clap:, great composition and I love the pattern the ice makes in the top right corner. (y)

Thanks very much Bruja. Like the challenge of this 52 glad I took it up :)

Well spotted - reminds me of the stella artois advert with the monks :)

:LOL: Had me thnking for a few seconds there before I remembered the one you mean. Thanks Chillimonster!

Indeed well spotted. Shame it didn't still have the cap on, you could have fished it out afterwards. :D

I like a cold beer but cap or not there would have been no fishing it out :LOL:
Thanks Fabs :)

I think it was worth veturing out in the rain for that shot. Nice a crisp. well done. :clap:

Thanks adrury. Thankfully it wasn't raining just bitter cold :)
Oh I like surprise - great spot! (y)

Composition works well and the subject sent my imagination running - I'm seeing someone falling into the water, trying to save his beer by holding it above the water and getting frozen there... somewhat morbid, but I can't control the ideas that pop into my head! :nuts:
Oh I like surprise - great spot! (y)

Composition works well and the subject sent my imagination running - I'm seeing someone falling into the water, trying to save his beer by holding it above the water and getting frozen there... somewhat morbid, but I can't control the ideas that pop into my head! :nuts:

Thanks very much Daysleeper. You're imagination is way too active... :)
Wow - a genuine surprise in a brilliant shot. I hope your thoroughly chuffed with yourself for getting this.:clap::clap:

I'm not at all, not in the tiniest bit, not even the slightest bit jealous. :nono:


Awwwww what lovely feedback Jean. Thanks very much :)
Surprise - Nice shot, it's always difficult to get shot when you are cold I always find that I loose the ability to half push the shutter release and find I end up taking a shot when all I want to do is get the exposure. You've done a stirling job with this though. I'm prepared to bet the last thing you thought of doing was to get a little closer to the ground and changing the angle (I don't suppose you have a shot like that do you ?)
Surprise, nice image, but I think you should have got closer and taken a macro shot, if the ice gave way, then that would have really been a surprise. Only kidding!
Surprise - Nice shot, it's always difficult to get shot when you are cold I always find that I loose the ability to half push the shutter release and find I end up taking a shot when all I want to do is get the exposure. You've done a stirling job with this though. I'm prepared to bet the last thing you thought of doing was to get a little closer to the ground and changing the angle (I don't suppose you have a shot like that do you ?)

Thanks Simon. I did think about getting closer and lower but I'm afraid it didn't progress passed that. The bottle was too far out in the canal and it was FREEZING. It would have made a better shot I know :(

Surprise, nice image, but I think you should have got closer and taken a macro shot, if the ice gave way, then that would have really been a surprise. Only kidding!

:LOL: Thanks Ed. If the ice had been thicker and more stable I may have ventured further out onto it but didn't want to chance falling into a freezing canal :p
Things have been a bit strained and stressful over the past week or so so I haven't really picked up my camera at all. Yesterday decided it was time to up date my 52 so here are my catch up shots.

1. Opposites


My grandaughter and daughters hands.

2. Special


The youngest member of my family, my beautiful grandaughter.
Both stunning shots Maureen but that portrait of your grandaughter is absolutely lovely

The eye contact, the light and look of total contentment and 'relaxedness' (is that a word) is priceless!


Ps I hope your week improves and you can get some 'relaxedness' too :)
Very nice shots, and as DS says the image of your grandaughter is stunning. It is a lovely age anyway, but you have IMHO captured it perfectly.

great :clap::clap:
Opposites - what a lovely take on the theme. The image is crisp and clean and I love the reflection. The skin tones look really natural too. A winner for me Maureen (y)

Special - what a fabulous portrait of your grandaughter. As DS says, the eye contact and the absolute trust you have captured make this really special.

Well done (again :LOL:)

I hope you have a more settled time in the weeks to come. Have one of these :hug:

Oh, what the heck, have two :hug:
Excellent images Maureen, glad to read that you have camera in hand. Very beautiful young lady and well caught. The hands are great too.
Both stunning shots Maureen but that portrait of your grandaughter is absolutely lovely

The eye contact, the light and look of total contentment and 'relaxedness' (is that a word) is priceless!


Ps I hope your week improves and you can get some 'relaxedness' too :)

cant argue with that, great stuff (y)
John, Angela, Bruja, fabs, Russell and Ruth thank you all so very much. I'm feeling much more positive and relaxed this side of the week. I feel very encouraged by your comments. Portraits are not my strong point but like landscapes it's an area I'd like to improve upon and feel inspired to do some more. My grandaughter loves to pose for the camera so I think I may use her for some more practise :) :) :) :) :) :)
Welcome back Maureen:wave:

Been looking out for your photo's for a couple of weeks...:thinking:

Well you have come back with a couple excellent shots as usual...:clap:

The portrait of your grandaughter is brilliant and full of character...(y)
I've got a bit behind on the 52s - so I'm sorry I'm only just catching up!

Your Opposites shot is lovely. I think hands are very expressive and this a lovely shot.

But your Special shot is an absolute corker. Everything - the lighting, her pose, her expression - are spot on. Having such an amazing model does help - but you have caught something extra special here, Maureen. :clap::clap::clap:
Both stunning shots Maureen but that portrait of your grandaughter is absolutely lovely

The eye contact, the light and look of total contentment and 'relaxedness' (is that a word) is priceless!


Ps I hope your week improves and you can get some 'relaxedness' too :)

Nicking John's trick :D, That summs it all up brilliantly
I've got a bit behind on the 52s - so I'm sorry I'm only just catching up!

Your Opposites shot is lovely. I think hands are very expressive and this a lovely shot.

But your Special shot is an absolute corker. Everything - the lighting, her pose, her expression - are spot on. Having such an amazing model does help - but you have caught something extra special here, Maureen. :clap::clap::clap:

Thanks very much for such lovely feedback :)

Nicking John's trick :D, That summs it all up brilliantly

Thanks very much John :)
Really enjoyed popping into your thread Maureen.
Sad to hear youre unhappy at work, but you know, I always find Im at my most creative in areas I enjoy when Im unfulfilled or feel out of control in other areas of my life.
Dont know if thats the same for you but your creativity is certainly shining through here!

So far I think all your images are fabulous, with the exception of 'Special' which is really .... well soo special!
Tis a shame, (imho) about the white fabric peeping into shot amongst the beautiful tones of her skin ... then again maybe the shot would have been 'too perfect' without.
Either way, you have a beautiful grandaughter, and thats a beautiful shot! I hope its going to be printed large!

Look forward to popping in here again, good luck with the thread ... and with work. (y)
Really enjoyed popping into your thread Maureen.
Sad to hear youre unhappy at work, but you know, I always find Im at my most creative in areas I enjoy when Im unfulfilled or feel out of control in other areas of my life.
Dont know if thats the same for you but your creativity is certainly shining through here!

So far I think all your images are fabulous, with the exception of 'Special' which is really .... well soo special!
Tis a shame, (imho) about the white fabric peeping into shot amongst the beautiful tones of her skin ... then again maybe the shot would have been 'too perfect' without.
Either way, you have a beautiful grandaughter, and thats a beautiful shot! I hope its going to be printed large!

Look forward to popping in here again, good luck with the thread ... and with work. (y)

Thanks very much for the words of encouragement Glo much appreciated. Photography does allow me to be creative and takes my mind off the fact that I'm so unhappy in my job you're right. I really would like to leave but in this economic climate it's not that easy besides the fact that I'm not sure what I want to move into :)

Thanks for the lovely feedback on the image of my grandaughter and the rest of the pictures in my 52 it's very encouraging. I am in the process of trying to find someone to produce a nice canvas. I was really pleased with the results of the shoot with my special little model. She's a very big poser and loves being in front of the camera :)
Opposite - I really like this image, especially the DoF, the composition, the lighting are all great. If I had to pick something that is at first invisible but when you notice it is very noticable - the tip of the little finger of your daughter's hand is just a little bit bright.

Special - Great image, with stunning lighting. I like the way the light falls off round the top of the face. Defainly a shot for the wall (y)

P.S. Check out My Canvas Prints - I was very impressed with the quality they provided me recently.
Thanks very much for the lovely feedback Simon :)
Had a quick look at the link and the prices look really good. With your recommendation might give them a try. A birthday present for my daughter :)
Tis a shame, (imho) about the white fabric peeping into shot amongst the beautiful tones of her skin ... then again maybe the shot would have been 'too perfect' without.
Either way, you have a beautiful grandaughter, and thats a beautiful shot! I hope its going to be printed large!

I pondered on this same point and came to exactly the same conclusion! It must be something in the air. :D

I was so taken with the picture, I forgot to say I hope work improves in some way very soon - sometimes just a small change to a disappointing job can help to cheer you up. :)

Wow, nice shots these. The hands are a nice idea and the second is just ace.

What a beautiful wee girl she is.
I pondered on this same point and came to exactly the same conclusion! It must be something in the air. :D

I was so taken with the picture, I forgot to say I hope work improves in some way very soon - sometimes just a small change to a disappointing job can help to cheer you up. :)


Thanks for your supportive words Jean :)
I've been doing my present job for 7 years now and it's most definitely time for a change. Unfortunately at the moment I'm unable to do what I'd like and change careers completely. In the current economic climate I suppose I'm lucky to have a job so will have to grit my teeth and bite the bullet for just a little longer.

Wow, nice shots these. The hands are a nice idea and the second is just ace.

What a beautiful wee girl she is.

Thanks very much Hyster :)
well what can i say! all fantastic shots. especially the last one. the lighting is fantastic.
all your shots so far really fit the theme perfectly.
Two very good shots lovely lighting and composition. The special one should be blown up, framed and hung somewhere prominent.:clap::clap::clap: