weekly HelenC's 2012 52 - Wk 2, Fear added

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First go at the 52 so lets hope I can keep it up. I will give myself a few jokers due to holidays and stuff but will try not to use them.
Being a landscape bod I'm going to try and shoehorn the themes into my favourite subject matter so might be giving myself even more a challenge on that one!

Week 1 : Direction
Week 2 : Fear
Week 3 :
Week 4 :
Week 5 :
Week 6 :
Week 7 :
Week 8 :
Week 9 :
Week 10 :
Week 11 :
Week 12 :
Week 13 :
Week 14 :
Week 15 :
Week 16 :
Week 17 :
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Week 20 :
Week 21 :
Week 22 :
Week 23 :
Week 24 :
Week 25 :
Week 26 :
Week 27 :
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Week 30 :
Week 31 :
Week 32 :
Week 33 :
Week 34 :
Week 35 :
Week 36 :
Week 37 :
Week 38 :
Week 39 :
Week 40 :
Week 41 :
Week 42 :
Week 43 :
Week 44 :
Week 45 :
Week 46 :
Week 47 :
Week 48 :
Week 49 :
Week 50 :
Week 51 :
Week 52 :

Not the best of starts - been ill for most of the week so not much photography time. At least there is definitely room for improvement over the rest of the year :D

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Well done Helen, it's on theme - a better angle may have improved it but hey it's the 1st of 52 ... only another 51 to go (y)
Well done Helen, it's on theme - a better angle may have improved it but hey it's the 1st of 52 ... only another 51 to go (y)

Thanks Gramps
Unfortunately the bright low sunshine to the right limited the possible angles to the only once that didn't include flare :(
Meets the theme lovely Helen, agree with Gramps about the angle. Would of been nice with a early morning/evening moody sky that the path could lead you too.

Look forward to seeing more of your work and get well soon :)
No mistaking which direction you have to go in this one Helen. :D Nice start.
Hi Helen...welcome aboard the 52's :wave:

Good start & bang on theme....as has been said...possibly for a reshoot...a little more angle to get a clear view of the sign & add to that a glorious sunset/sunrise & it'd be a belter (y)

Look forward to seeng the rest of your challenge images :)
nice start definitley on the right track with direction (sorry couldn't resist) might have worked well taken from opposite side of sign and more dof throwing the path out of focus a bit but just my opinion good luck for the next 51 i'll pop back and see how your getting on .
Hi Helen and welcome aboard the 52ers skylark :D
Great start, bang on theme, i know it's been said but the angle actually makes the sign a distraction to me, having said that, still a great start and here's to the next 51:beer:
Best wishes,
I like it, particularly the way the path leads to the winding hedgerow further into the shot. Like the lighting too. I think you can get away with the angle of the sign too :)
I like it Helen, simple yet effective, agree with the comments about the sign however the straight path leading into the shot works for me and changing the angle would change that :shrug:
Late posting due to broadband problems (don't you just love BT ;)).

Discovering the main problem with trying the shoehorn landscapes into the weekly theme... the great British weather.

Thought process: one of the common "fear" discussions in my area is the location of Sizewell nuclear power station just down the coast - especially following the problems after the Japan tsunami. It's January - no problem getting a dark and moody sky to make that white dome look menacing. How wrong can you be :thumbsdown: Two visits with blue sky, fluffy clouds and sunshine. Only option was a b&w conversion which is nowhere close to what I was looking for.


In desperation tried IR. For some reason I don't get good results with the 5D MkII - any advice would be more than welcome.

Hi Helen,

I really like your direction. The post may be a distraction to some but I think it adds a bit more interest. Post or no post? As with everything it is subjective.
I like the fact that the path goes into the dip and then you have to look for it. Nice pic.

I don't know what to say about fear; certainly a scarey looking place. The edge of the roof looks like a prison. Is that a camera on the corner?
A good idea, the portrait one has the more menacing sky for me but maybe needs a little contrast and just a little less grass? We're back to that subjective thing again.
I love the composure of the second shot but the sky doesnt do it for me which is a shame!

But also like the first one a lot :)

I know what you mean about the fear from this place, I'm probably in wipe out distance of this place :(
I seriously like the photos - sharp foreground and good perspective, but I don't see how fear comes into it.
HI Helen....you are brave ( or is that :wacky: ) for trying to use a landscape image for the themes....but having said that the 1st 2 weeks work really well (y)

Fear....yup , on theme for sure....like the mono in #1 ,adds to the fear of nuclear fallout....the grass seems to be hiding the building from scared locals....really nice imge :clap:
Quite like 'Fear' #1, the dome seems to be glowing and the sky accentuates it giving it an even more sinister appearance.
Ok, sorry folks... so far this year I have failed miserably at the 52... overload with work commitments, overseeing building work etc. I will try and pick it up in the next week or so once over the week of sleep deprivation that was a week in Iceland for the Northern Lights.
Wow, well I would say we'll forgive you if you give us some Iceland images over the next few weeks :D
Forgiven - lovely couple of shots but the 1st stunning with the northern lights and the stars.
Good start, Helen.

Direction, I really like the fact that you've placed the sign right against the LH side. I cropped an inch off the right but it didn't feet right. Sky wasn't playing neither...:bonk:

Fear, like it. It has a sinister feel to it, emphasised by the B&W conversion. I prefer #1 of the 2. I'd like to see it without the 2 RH towers, they seem to draw my eye out of the photograph. Might not have been possible but a slightly higher elevation might have helped.

(few dust spot there as well...mine sensor is absolutely covered with them....so i try not to go over f16 :D).

Good start, Helen.

Direction, I really like the fact that you've placed the sign right against the LH side. I cropped an inch off the right but it didn't feet right. Sky wasn't playing neither...:bonk:

Fear, like it. It has a sinister feel to it, emphasised by the B&W conversion. I prefer #1 of the 2. I'd like to see it without the 2 RH towers, they seem to draw my eye out of the photograph. Might not have been possible but a slightly higher elevation might have helped.

(few dust spot there as well...mine sensor is absolutely covered with them....so i try not to go over f16 :D).


Thanks for the feedback Andy... am feeling much more inspired after a full week of nothing but photography so will try and keep up from hereon in :D After changing lenses on a beach a sensor clean is defo in the offing ;)
Hi Helen just catching up. Good take on direction, however others have mentioned the sign needs a bit more prominance.
#1 fear bang on theme despite the weather still shows menacing.
Look forward to future shots, you'll soon catch up.