weekly HelenC's 52 for 22 - Week 52: Showcase. Critique welcome

Sports - looks like fun for sure!
Parallel - what a wonderfully composed and exposed image, love it
Metal - another great image

Loving all three...
Great images as always Helen, despite your protestations!!
The pier shot is fab, but 10/10 for the parallels in the sunset shot, it's a beautiful image.
Still playing catch up with both life and TP. I will get around to commenting, hopefully tomorrow.
In the meantime I passed this today - a garage which hasn't been "open" for as long as I can remember and is kept in lovely condition and treasured by it's owners and the locals. Also... let's face it... a reminder of the 'liquid gold' status of fuel at the moment!
As the light wasn't great I have sepia-toned it so technique covered as well.

PW6A0395 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Nice catch up Helen.

I love the two seascapes. Bang on theme and a very clever interpretation of Parallel.

Treasure: I like everything about this pic. It’s well composed and processed and just my type of subject.
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NIce! There's bags of character in that scene, the processing suits it well.
As usual very well composed Helen.
The processing suits the subject well.
A good shot of a treasured spot. There are probably lots of stories that connect to the building.
Wow not at all bad for a catch up - goodness me! I love the parallel shot. The starburst and composition is just lovely.

I also really like the metal shot. Some great photos for a non photography holiday!! I think I'd be tempted to crop the foreground and a little off the top of this, and maybe raise the exposure a little, although I don't know if that might make it lose its moody feel... and I do like the moody feel.

The sports shot looks like fun. I remember my husband having a go on one of those and having to walk home with two muddy butt cheeks :ROFLMAO:

Treasured - love the sepia treatment - really suits the subject. Sadly not many of these around anymore.
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Think I have used that station …… brilliant pic and a great commentary on where we are right now. Unusually for me I would love to see this in colour to show of the patina
I like that Helen. Well taken and processed :D
Nice catch up Helen.

I love the two seascapes. Bang on theme and a very clever interpretation of Parallel.

Treasure: I like everything about this pic. It’s well composed and processed and just my type of subject.
NIce! There's bags of character in that scene, the processing suits it well.
As usual very well composed Helen.
The processing suits the subject well.
A good shot of a treasured spot. There are probably lots of stories that connect to the building.
Wow not at all bad for a catch up - goodness me! I love the parallel shot. The starburst and composition is just lovely.

I also really like the metal shot. Some great photos for a non photography holiday!! I think I'd be tempted to crop the foreground and a little off the top of this, and maybe raise the exposure a little, although I don't know if that might make it lose its moody feel... and I do like the moody feel.

The sports shot looks like fun. I remember my husband having a go on one of those and having to walk home with two muddy butt cheeks :ROFLMAO:

Treasured - love the sepia treatment - really suits the subject. Sadly not many of these around anymore.
Think I have used that station …… brilliant pic and a great commentary on where we are right now. Unusually for me I would love to see this in colour to show of the patina
@inView the colour version is quite uninspiring - mono worked much better.
Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment.
Bit of a shoehorn and a phone shot this week but I wanted to share a sight that I've never seen before. Who needs a solid fence when a cattle grid will do... In all the years I've lived here I've never seen one in "action" as it were... not sure what the ladies were waiting for??

IMG_20220609_133011 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Good country shot Helen. It usually takes one brave soul to go first and then the others follow.
Cattle packed together solidly...I think that it works for me. Brings back memories of my childhood on the farm...
Good country shot Helen. It usually takes one brave soul to go first and then the others follow.
Nice shoehorn Helen. Not sure I would have got that close to the cows!
Cattle packed together solidly...I think that it works for me. Brings back memories of my childhood on the farm...
Cool picture I’ve not seen cattle at a cattle grid before. Nicely composed picture there.

Thanks for dropping by. They're generally just a curious bunch...
Earlyish bird for a change from my recent performance. Mainly due to a photo walk on The Broomway (Britain's most deadliest footpath... according to The Times).
Despite the lack of sunset and light in general it was really interesting but not something I would recommend without a guide.

So I have a post of a post...

PW6A0469 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr

We also discovered a monster.. (the Foulness Monster??)

PW6A0488 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
B/W suits this Helen. Well composed as ever.
So you have a post of a perpendicular post.
Broomway walk sounds a bit like the guided walk across Morecambe Bay.
A cracking B&W image for your chosen post.

It prompted me to have a little read about The Broomway - interesting! Thank you.
Like the feel of both of the images.

Not sure I would want to walk out there without a very long rope!
Nice shot - I've read about the Broomway - it's fascinating. Also follow a chap on Twitter (I know, I know) called Quintin Lake who is an architectural photographer, but his hobby is walking - he walked the entire coast of Britain, photographing it as he went in a project called "The Perimeter", and he walked this as part of that challenge
Nice post of a post!
Lovely minimalistic image Helen and it suits the monochromatic treatment. Why is it deadliest? Quicksand? I’m going to have to Google :)
I have to say that I like both your Post and your Pieces of something. Both great shots.
Lovely black and white Helen. I like the composition with that raised mound of sand in the foreground.
B/W suits this Helen. Well composed as ever.
So you have a post of a perpendicular post.
Broomway walk sounds a bit like the guided walk across Morecambe Bay.
A cracking B&W image for your chosen post.

It prompted me to have a little read about The Broomway - interesting! Thank you.
Like the feel of both of the images.

Not sure I would want to walk out there without a very long rope!
Nice shot - I've read about the Broomway - it's fascinating. Also follow a chap on Twitter (I know, I know) called Quintin Lake who is an architectural photographer, but his hobby is walking - he walked the entire coast of Britain, photographing it as he went in a project called "The Perimeter", and he walked this as part of that challenge
Nice post of a post!
Lovely minimalistic image Helen and it suits the monochromatic treatment. Why is it deadliest? Quicksand? I’m going to have to Google :)
@Bebop it used to be the only way to get to Foulness island so some people got either disoriented or stuck in the muddy shoreline but only about 100 over a span of hundreds of years. I think there is some dramatic licence being used re the most dangerous!
Great use of monochrome.
I have to say that I like both your Post and your Pieces of something. Both great shots.
Those are two very nice picture. I like them both.
Those are two very nice picture. I like them both.
Lovely black and white Helen. I like the composition with that raised mound of sand in the foreground.
Less is more sometimes.

Lovely moody shots. Great in monochrome.
Thanks for the lovely comments folks. I do intend to try again for better conditions. With the few inches of water and huge skies the potential in good light is probably amazing.
I was struggling to motivate myself this week and then realised it was almost up so I popped out in the sunshine with my infrared conversion. Of course, the clouds started to gather as soon as I left home. A quintessential Suffolk countryside shot in infrared.

DSCF1727 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
I’ve never done any IR photography, but that looks like the perfect scene for it with those fluffy clouds And dappled light. Love it.

Re the previous pic. That is interesting. It does sound slightly scary so I wouldn’t want to test out whether it’s being exaggerated a little!
Lovely image. I suspect that the clouds help to make it.
Lovely landscape. I thought you’d maybe shot it in bright moonlight but infra red makes more sense. It’s a great Suffolk sky. Tonight’s is quite good too I might zip out and try and emulate it.
A quick "documentary" phone post just to keep up with the TP. After helping set up and steward the local country fair I woke on Monday with covid, having managed to get this far without the dreaded lurgy! Have to say I'm not feeling great - today being the first day I've not been exhausted. Hence photography has been extremely low on the agenda - sleeping seems to have been the highest :).
To occupy myself yesterday I started one of these which is one half done...

IMG_20220707_112842 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Perfect for the theme. Jigsaws are great for those moments when you haven't got a lot of concentration. I wish I'd thought of doing one recently!

I hope you feel better soon.